CoverM the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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CoverM, 24 y.o.


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28 thoughts on “CoverM the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Well number one she doesn't have any real job experience skills. Realistically I can only see her finding a job at like a grocery store or a warehouse what is she going to put on her resume as past experience? I think you really kind of need to take into account her career and how that's going to affect her for getting a real job right now. Why don't you just talk to her and ask her what her goals are and see how you guys can help her get there together? I do think Vegas is a good idea though because that's where a lot of the sex industry makes good money I would think so maybe she can do that for a little while and save up a lot and then look for a real job if you want I can do her resume I'm dope as shit as that

  2. He was stressed too , lost his grandpa, sister in the hospital, he was also up all night, you seem to make it about you, cut him some slack, empathy? If you like him!

  3. Hey im 23(f) and I understand where you're coming from. You are taking the right steps and they are scary as hell. I just recently have been in the process of filing a protective order about my ex after he verbally and harassed me. Honestly its been easy going so far as we dont live together and don't have pets but the final court comes this week. Once is enough. Im glas she believed you.

    I understand being scared for your life and wanting to move despite the protective order. I feel that everyday. Knowing they can't doesn't mean they won't. I reccomend cameras. I got set up with a really incredible non profit domestic violence center near me that has offered me an attorney, counseling, and even shelter, along with the cameras to feel safe.

    Please don't be scared to reach out to the resources near you. They were the only ones there for me and being semi anonymous made me feel safe.

  4. Kinda sounds like you need to work on yourself. You should have realized that the partner YOU chose was waving a Red flag when he dodged your questions about finances, and you were ok with it. Sorry, but the common denominator here is you and going along and accepting the bs you were being strung along with. You should be very very happy you are able to dodge this bullet without being marked or permanently attached to this person, by having their kid.

  5. I just don't understand why he would say something so cruel and awful … he says he loves me a lot but this doesn't look like love at all

  6. He cut her off before she accidentally outed their affair and your boyfriend is like this with you because he's cheating.

    Or there is an insane other reason that no one could possibly foresee. I think it's the first one though.

  7. Yeah, I'm wondering that too. 9 miles doesn't equal an hour commute. They should just stay where they are and go from there.

  8. It doesn't sound like you've actually even met this guy yet nor that he's pressing for any kind of a romance. So maybe just try to be his penpal or digital “friend” for a while and see where it goes. If most of your time is spent talking about education and career he may see himself as a mentor type figure and know not to cross any lines with you.

  9. What's kept the relationship going? “He's a good listener” no. “He does that one thing with his” no. What's the appeal besides cuddling?

  10. He can date anyone he wants. He can, at the very least, dump you and pursue them. But he doesn’t do that. He likes you better.

  11. Oof I’ve dated someone exactly like this. This inconsistent behavior will not, and I repeat WILL NOT, get better. If anything it will get worse. I think the only thing that matters here is he’s leaving you feeling anxious and not wanted. Three months and no physical contact is bananas. There’s taking it slow and then there’s whatever this is. He’s either the most frightened person in the world or the most flighty. We’ve all had crappy relationships. Not doing things that you commit out loud to do is a personality trait, not a symptom of past heartbreaks or a precursor for taking it slow. I’d politely bounce for the sheer fact he’s making you feel insecure and deprioritized. There aren’t many worse feelings than that for my money.

  12. Good point, probably things that sound like unfair generalizations also trigger something negative. Just changed it to “have always” so it allows that it could change in the future with other women

  13. single and straight confirmed! I like this answer the most honestly. But i think that because he’s older and he’s said that because of that he wants doesn’t sleep with people just for the sake of having sex, he wouldn’t want to just have a FWB that isn’t leading anywhere. I think he wants stability and something in the long term to not waste his time. How can i casually make a move without suffering a very obvious and embarrassing rejection if he isn’t interested?

  14. My mom did something similar like this, sold off a bunch of stocks without consulting my dad first and he found out by looking at the portfolio, to buy Christmas presents (grew up very financially sound, stocks were there for investment not fun money purposes growing up). Don’t know the dollar amount but it was enough for my dad to file for divorce on the spot. There were some subtle red flags, she had expensive taste, would always recommend shopping sprees, but nothing to this extreme. Christmas was awkward that year. She then kept on going after him for more money (I had turned 18 while the divorce was still going on and she tried to back claim child support from me from him). I would take her mindset on she will gladly bankrupt both of you without consulting you first and her current financial outlook (sounds like she just spends frivolously or doesn’t have a long term cash mindset for 27) and reevaluate the relationship. She hypothetically would do it once, what else does she have in mind or capable of in real life?

  15. Ok, last time I thought that was told I was wrong. I dont ever suggest getting involved with co workers. What specialty?

  16. I’m sorry but I refuse to believe this is the case. I trust her, I just wish we could talk about it.

  17. “If you’d like me to spend time with you, you can just say that directly and we can find something we are both into doing. If you ask me to watch a show, I’m going to answer based on my desire to watch that show at this moment. It’s important to me to have some time on my own each day if possible, I like to decompress. I don’t find the idea of browsing my phone while you’re watching TV to be particularly appealing. I find you appealing, but my phone screen less so.”

  18. Too bad my dad didn't get that memo. Selfish people are some of the hardest to change, reality is OP better be ready and okay with doing 95% of the work. Another example of when people show you who they are believe them.

  19. That has nothing to do with this conversation don’t use scare tactics she is going through enough already

  20. Its ok. Im kinda stretched thin on my end as well so not as diplomatic as I usually am. I apologize as well. I certainly could have handled it better myself.

    Ok- well if you don’t think he would harm you then start planning in advance. Start secretly paying down as much debt as possible. Start with the smallest one and with each debt you resolve the more confidence it will give you to tackle the next one. Heck, when you are home it sounds like you are doing all the work and not having fun. So take a second job. That will for e him to get ofc his ass and make his own dinner and add to your plan to get rid of as much debt as you can as quickly as possible.

    This way you will have time to lower your debt, spend less time arguing with him and heck maybe the market will get better in the interim. You never know! You are 24. You are still very young. Dont give up on finding your happiness.

    Im sorry you dont have any close family. My daughter is also 24 and I swear I would shove a nude dog up her bf’s ass if he made her mad! ??Time to take my tired self to bed. I truly hope things get better for you. Its harder when you dont have a family member you can seek comfort from and to lean on a bit. Venting on here is actually a good way to get that off of your chest. Best of luck


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