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MahMutlar_2022live sex stripping with hd cam

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Room for on-line sex video chat MahMutlar_2022

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57 thoughts on “MahMutlar_2022live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. She’s stringing you along. Posting concerts? She’s probably trying to make another guy jealous lol. It’s fucked up.. but hanging with random guys.. trying to keep them in her back pocket.. trying to look busy and like she’s having fun live. Someone else is probably in the picture. If she liked you so much doesn’t take 2 days to respond.

  2. Your BF is a jerk for saying this. Sure, he can have his preferences, but he also has to treat you with respect and deal with you as you are. If a certain type of stomach on a woman is that important to him, then he should go search for his dream girl. It's not okay to try to remake you into his dream image.

  3. My boyfriend does like photos of other women on-line. So do I, because bodies are beautiful. As are scenic landscape shots and people's jewelry and newborn babies and a million other things.

    The female form does not exist solely for the male gaze. Your girlfriend's form does not exist solely for your enjoyment. I assume you don't police her wardrobe and she wears what she wants, and people (men and women) look at her out in public. She can wear a bikini on the beach and you're not offended. This really isn't different.

    You sound thoughtful and concerned about her feelings, so I suggest being a little self-reflective about why you feel hurt by her doing something that you'd have no issue with in a slightly different context. She's probably got a beautiful body and she (and you) shouldn't feel ashamed for showing it off a little.

  4. This whole thing is confusing and just strange.

    Also…I doubt it’s your husbands? That’s a major jump for you to be talked into by a bunch of internet strangers after just 1 quick post.

    Is her husband abusive? With all due respect, is he perhaps a bit stupid?

    I will bet money in the end that a DNA test reveals it is her husbands child and honestly if that happens, you should tell her about the bullshit of her husband having your husband monitor her movements on security camera. That’s twisted.

  5. It also sounds like she is on the back end of university (based on age) and is about to go into the professional world. With that many followers, it’s safe to assume her profile is public. Recruiters WILL look at that stuff.

  6. Talk it out sometime. There are insecurities that are reasonable and those that aren’t, so have him explain exactly why he feels this way. What’s at the root of his hurt feelings by you touching your own body.

    If he wants to be the only source of your erotic feelings, that’s unreasonable. It’s reasonable to negotiate monogamy, if that’s your bag, but it’s not reasonable to expect another human being to not have outside erotic thoughts. Not to notice another beautiful person. Not to touch yourself in desire. Not to experience self-pleasure, a unique and distinct form of pleasure one can only give to oneself.

    We all get to have sexy thoughts and private fantasies, we all get to touch ourselves. That’s just a feature of being human for many, many, people.

  7. Because it’s quite addicting and just generally not something I want to be associated with. It would also bother me if he smoked weed a lot but he only does occasionally at parties so I’m fine with it. Also, not to be rude but I didn’t come here to ask for a morality check. I just wanted advice on how to have that conversation without seeming like I want to police what he does/doesn’t do

  8. I agree with most people, keep the cats, get rid of the bf. If he was allergic or something and you hadn't moved away because he was flirting with another girl,then maybe? But he wants his own cat (which you can't guarantee will like the one you keep). Cats aren't just animals, they bond and are part of a family. Doubly so because they've been together whole lives.

    But on different topic, are you sure the cat is pooping next to the litter box and not just missing while in it? That could mean the box is too small or something in the smell/texture bothers him. My cat sometimes misses and it looks like she went next to it, but I've seen it happen and am working to get her a larger box.

  9. He's sizing you up. If you cowered to that, then for him happy days, he has a new stool pigeon.

    I'm married with a lovely wife and an even more lovely 20 month old daughter. I say that because, I'd never treated my wife in such a callous way, be and I'll do all I can to protect my daughter from such gutter wanna be men of little integrity, decency and understandimg of what it is to be genuine to oneself and others. In short, he's a toy, put him in your review mirror. #hes-trash

  10. It is admirable to wait until marriage. If you see yourself getting to that point with her because you love who she is and she brings out good in you then it is completely doable. It seems like you are very traditional in your thinking, if this is so then work hard so that you can get to the alter quicker. Let that be your motivation and think about being able to freely give yourself to someone and them to you, and being open to the miracle of life.

    Do keep in mind though that if you two are not compatible sexually then more problems can arise later on so keep that in mind. Personally I have a higher sex drive than my s/o but through communication we are able to keep each other satisfied and comfortable. You mentioned having talked about it with her, but it is better to talk about things 100 times and being sure what you are getting into than realizing down the line that you are not okay with sex once a month. Not being fulfilled sucks!

    I wish you the best!

  11. u/Significant-Chip-464, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  12. She's likely already cheating on you and trying to validate the relationship. Either that or she's got someone in mind

  13. I got pregnant with my then husband’s baby, after he had a vasectomy ( He just had to try out his equipment to see if it still worked So anything is pissible

  14. I mean. He'll probably co-parent just fine!…If by co-parent you mean handing the kid over to his mom and sitting back while she takes care of both of them.

  15. SO she's gaslighting you because YOUR anxiety is still in a raw state, and she turned it around on you…

    Yeah, she ain't sorry she said it, and doesn't take you seriously.

  16. SO she's gaslighting you because YOUR anxiety is still in a raw state, and she turned it around on you…

    Yeah, she ain't sorry she said it, and doesn't take you seriously.

  17. SO she's gaslighting you because YOUR anxiety is still in a raw state, and she turned it around on you…

    Yeah, she ain't sorry she said it, and doesn't take you seriously.

  18. Personally, I couldn't care less what my partner views. Or even if they buy it.

    But this is a breach of consent for other people. For me it's not about wanting to see nudes, that's fine. But lying to people and explicitly breaking consent? Nah I'm out, and I'd be seeing what I can do to get them banned from places.

  19. You need to talk to your fiancée and be honest with her on all you have written here. Break up if she will not change.

    Co worker appear nice and sweet as you hv not lived with her. You're at this phase where you'll only get to see the nice side if her.

    Not a good idea to date her while you are working together and you are her manager. Unless you feel career be damned, you're willing to restart from the bottom rung for her.


  20. I guess you got a point, I just didn’t really make that much sense to me because at first because she ran me down so much after we split that I figured that she actually had some hatred towards me or something, I just found it weird that she the one random time I ran into her she decided to keep her eyes locked onto me while feeling up on her current bf like I’m supposed to care or something, I’m honestly glad she found someone I just wish she would forget me

  21. OP is here asking for advice on how to change her mother, the first step to fix a problem is to understand that there is a problem to fix.

    But, based on OPs narrative, it seems even OP is not seeing an issue with the way mom is acting. So, OP should face the fact that mom has issues and work on distancing herself so they can set healthy boundaries

  22. What were these “silly” plans? Seems like you were trying to seduce her cousin. You fucked around and found out. The only thing you can do is cry and grovel or write break up poetry.

  23. If you need to kill the heat of the moment, imagine her coming up to you telling you she’s pregnant and you’re the father.

  24. Are YOU a very young person, or have you not yet evolved above critical thinking skills.

    I jaywalked today, should no one be associated with me because all criminals, no matter the crime, are bad?

  25. Honestly, the amount of effort it took to text her and then wait and complain about the smell you could have just restarted the washer and then dried the blankets, this would also allow you to do laundry.

    The best thing to do, would be rewash and dry the blankets, then send a text to your roommate saying ” Hey I noticed you might've forgot the blankets that were washed last week. I started them back up and they're at your door.”

    That will get the point across, they'll probably apologize, and it will be less likely to happen in the future and everyone will be happy.

    If it keeps happening that is when you start a confrontation. Your text comes off really poorly.

  26. I wouldn’t call your pink door and wall and whatever “decor”. It sounds tacky and immature.

    If it’s his house, even if you live there, then I think he gets the final say in the common areas of the house at least.

    If you two end up building something else then talk about having a room to yourself that you can decorate however you want.

    With the age gap and the fact that it’s his house, I’m not shocked that he’s telling you no and won’t compromise—he doesn’t see you as an equal.

    I’d dive into that a bit more. If you’re paying 50% or more of the house costs then you should definitely get a say. If you’re basically just living at his house as a long term guest without contributing then I don’t think you get much say.

    Either way, I think the pink thing would be a hot sell to just about any adult.

  27. I'm sorry you're going through this. It does sound like it might help you to cut ties with your family. I'm sending yoy a virtual drink if it helps: ?

    It sounds a bit to me like the younger sister was always trying to impress OP but maybe OP wasn't all that interested, and so the rejection mixed with wanting approval, being the youngest and trying to be just like OP landed her there. Kinda sad and goes to show how the whole child favoritism thing where a kid can't do wrong really messes up kids.

  28. Remember, true change would have come from the many discussions you had leading up to this time. Or just from seeing how unhappy all his nonsense made you, and wanting to make his spouse happy. He did absolutely nothing.

    He only changed when you brought up divorce. What does that mean? That he doesn’t care about YOU at all. Any misery you ever go through, well, that’s just the way it is, it’s gods will or whatever. He tried to change only when things might affect HIM.

    You should divorce for you. You deserve a better life than to be some kind of half slave to an uncaring man. And if not for you, think of your kids. Don’t you want them raised in a place of love and compassion? Not a place of toil and discrimination, raised by a mom who always seems sad, and shows her kids women are second class citizens by accepting whatever role and rules her husband has for her?

    You deserve a better life. Your kids deserve a better life. Heck, if you do have some care left for your husband, let him find a conservative anti-female woman to match with, since unfortunately they do exist.

  29. You are right and that’s also why I’m happy he had the courage to end it rn because we would’ve probably ended up hating each other which isn’t the case now. I don’t want to hold onto that hope but I really do believe that this guy is the love of my life just not for right now

  30. Yo it's been three months… your currently infatuated with him and the new relationship feeling. Bounce, it'll be okay.

  31. Look, either he’s cheating and projecting or he’s a paranoid psycho. Either way he’s dangerous and disrespectful. You’re not going to convince him.

    He’s already punishing you by verbally abusing you, and you’re letting him. That shows him he can escalate further. You need to leave before he gets violent.

  32. Personally I believe that the custom of the wife changing her name upon marriage is outdated and rooted in misogynistic ideas. But well, everyone has their opinion. The worse part is that after so many years you’re still not over it. And even worse is that you obviously must have agreed to this at some point without actually being okay with it. You say you have more traditional ideas of marriage, why did you then agree to this? Why didn’t you properly discuss those things with your wife/then gf? Are there any other areas in which your ideas are more traditional than your wife’s?

  33. Maybe I’m just being paranoid but does a selfie really that hard and uncomfortable to produce if you truly love someone? I know I’m being needy and I’m behaving like a child right now, but honestly it’s a hot pill swallow.

  34. they say I’m being unreasonable and try to blame my partner for wanting a space in their lives when they don’t want it

    But, your partner does have a space in their lives. You love her, and you live with her. Therefore, she is part of your space in their lives.

    The problem is that you are allowing them to control this scenario. In your shoes, I would just tell them that either they accept you as you are (with your partner) or not accept who you are, and you can go no contact. I feel very badly for your partner. This must be extremely hurtful for her.

    They are being foolish, but it's not uncommon for the very religious to be homophobic. I'm sorry.

  35. OP,

    Her going out on twitter to air the dirty laundry shows that she is not mentally mature enough for you. Just end it and move on. Find someone that is more suited to you.

  36. Honey, it's called weaponized incompetence! He “hurts” himself so he can be BABIED or get out of doing something to make YOU happy like going out on a date night.

    You are really too young to have to “mother” a grown adult or to have to be like an elderly shut-in. The BIGGEST clue to this LIE is that he doesn't pull these “sob stories” with his family or friends. It's NOT normal!

    Please get out before he drains you dry with his “emotional vampire” act! Best wishes and many Blessings!

  37. My biggest concern is that you aren’t fully decided. Have you talked about where you both see this relationship headed? That’s important. Would it help if your boyfriend spoke with your mom? Tell her his intentions are honorable? Best case would be living with boyfriend and mom being accepting of that. Is there any way you can see that happening without an official engagement?


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