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Tatiana, 19 y.o.


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46 thoughts on “Tatiana the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. You have grabbed your flag, climbed your hill, and said, “I'm willing to die on this hill” to your partner. You have stated this with your question: “How do I get my partner to be accepting of a an important friendship with my ex?”

    Your current gf doesn't approve of the friendship. You state a reason why: because we were physical in high school (almost 15 years ago).

    Except, that isn't the entire truth.

    “Since then, we have gotten very close and became each other’s support system over the last 10 years.”

    This, I'm going to guess, involved lots of phone calls, texting, seeing each other when it was possible… right?

    “These days, we don’t talk every day and on-line in different regions of the country.”

    You no longer “talk every day”.

    So, there is more to your partner's concern than just you slept with a friend 15 yrs ago. It's that this friend is so close to you, became such a part of your life, and, not only still is a huge part of your life, but, is such a huge part that you are willing to kill your relationship with your partner for this “friend”.

    You've given your partner that ultimatum. You accept my friend and our relationship or you don't and can break up with me. You've told your partner where your priority lies; your friend. Your “partner”, ie, gf, is second to you. And, you think your partner, any partner you have, should just accept that they are second priority in your life to whoever you place before them regardless of who it is?

    You're gf sounds like she's grabbed her flag and climbed her hill on this, and, I don't blame her. Her feelings are just as valid as yours when it comes to relationships.

    Maybe you both just need to find a more compatible partner. She needs one that prioritises her first. You can put your friend first and find a partner that's ok with that.

  2. I believe being honest with him about your past trauma would help him understand why the aggression he showed you made you scared of him. It’s understandable, too. It’s a recent pain that you likely still have to heal from.

    A mature partner will understand and be patient while you heal.

  3. I want a baby is not a good enough reason to have one. Please for the love of god just do what's best for your two older children.

  4. This is a major compatibility issue.

    Your early 20s are a pivotal time for self development and growth. These are the years where young couples commonly drift apart as they figure themselves out. That’s why so many people who marry young end up getting divorced.

    You and your fiancé no longer have shared values, and a marriage can’t survive that.

  5. It might have nothing to do with what is happening in the bedroom. It might be hormonal, linked to birth control, linked to some other form of illness or linked to how he treats you outside the bedroom. I’d investigate each of these as possibilities.

  6. He deserves to know. Yes, it will mess up his life, but it will only become worse the longer you wait. Also your child deserves his father, as much as he is able to be involved.

  7. so I guess everyone cheats in locker rooms? Undressed at the doctors office? getting massages? I mean his logic is so flawed if he considers THAT cheating. You didn’t cheat LOL.

  8. Your feelings are valid, but I feel like this emotional response you're having is more about you than her… Trying some therapy might help you to decouple the idea of even being near “sexually open” women with your partner cheating on you. It's fine to have friends that are strippers!

  9. that she loves me enough to never hurt me

    So, she is ok hurting other people who she doesnt love as much? Or am i misinterpreting something?

  10. You say you wouldn’t separate your wife for the sake of the children. But you make your step daughter witness a situation like this?! I hope your wife comes to her senses and divorces you!

  11. Same! My wife and I both have black hair and my son has bright red hair. He's 2 now and I tell him it's special, but I do worry that he'll end up self-conscious about it, especially since his sister also ended up with black hair.

  12. Congrations on your bubba.

    That's incredibly gross and tasteless of your husband. Not the 'funny joke' he thought it was. He needs to pull his head out if his arse. I'd be pushing the 'clearance ' out even longer if it were me, he is seriously lacking respect for you. I hope he's at least pulling his weight with your baby.

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  14. I never said to “stalk” her. You came up with that on your own. Obviously it would need to be done in the correct way.

  15. I think OP just likes feeling special. Like any intelligent adult could understand there are billions of people on this earth and the idea that your platonic soul mate is a married male celebrity 15yrs older than you that you connected with on-line is . . . dumb.

  16. They are seeing a different guy to what you are seeing, because you have those rose coloured spectacles on, that blind you to all the red flags he’s waving! ( I’m guessing his cheapness is not his only flaw?)

  17. Reluctantly sent the images…

    That seems to be what she's feeling upset about? You seemed to sense it wasn't something she was very enthusiastic about, so she's rethinking your level of sensitivity and adjusting her perception, fairly or unfairly.

    Idk, honest conversation and being open to her pov and sharing yours with sensitivity is probably yr best bet if you want this to continue. And offer to delete if that would help.

  18. As a practical matter, it takes time to assess whether a relationship has a chance. It can be difficult to know when it has taken too much time. People usually know pretty quickly whether there is physical attraction. Character can take a long time to assess. It can also take time to assess whether there is a viable business plan for the relationship.

  19. TBH by giving him a free pass his whole life, they're guilty of shaping him into becoming the POS that he is. Do the other relatives actually know he was beating his BM?

  20. He told me he only asked because he saw a Facebook post saying that if you ask for a DNA test the child's mother shouldn't be offended unless she was doing something wrong.

    Does he believe every Facebook post he reads?

    Being offended in this scenario is equally as valid as not being offended, if not more. Him asking you to do a dna test means he doesn't fully trust you and to a lot of people that would be at least a bit offensive. I know my wife would have been gravely offended if I brought up something like that.

    Even more than that, you could also make an argument that someone who isn't at all offended by this suggestion actually has something to hide. It's psychologically researched that people who actually did the bad thing they are being accussed off, get way less angry at the accussation (because deep down they know it's true).

    So yeah, the facebook post was dumb, if it even existed, and your boyfriend is dumb as well.

  21. I would just tell her that if she felt it was important to 'talk' then kicking you out of the house was a strange way to go about it, and you don't want a repeat of the last time you 'talked', so if she has something to say she can phone you.

  22. You only work 40 hours a week. It sounds like your kids alone that you went in on and agreed to take a minimum of 60 hours a week. Divide the chores by how much you hate them and split evenly.

    We gave each chore a “shittiness” score. 1 is not very shitty, 4 is shitty. We took our scores and divided the total in half and then added up the chores to that. It was much easier that way since I 4 hate dishes and he 1 hates dishes, I 1 hate toilet cleaning and he 4 hates toilet cleaning. It came out nice.

    But to be clear it sounds like you have nearly identical amounts of free time – she may even have some less than you.

  23. I could kind of see where he’s coming from and normally I don’t go to parties without my husband and vice versa but there are always exceptions. If one of us wants to go but the other doesn’t, one is sick, schedule conflicts, etc. IMO Once you get to a certain age, partying and getting wasted all the time just looks kind of tacky. But if it’s just a coworkers event where you have a few drinks and be social….I don’t really see his issue?

    It seems like he doesn’t trust you and raises some red flags as to why. What other reason would he have to control if his partner goes to a party? Is it possible that he cheated at one and is projecting? Have you had issues with getting overly drunk and acting recklessly? Has he brought up any other behavior that he is bothered by surrounding parties (flirting with other guys, being handsy, etc)? Is he using something that brings you joy to push you away he doesn’t seem like the bad guy if he breaks up with you?

    This doesn’t seem like a healthy rule for him to have and barring circumstances like I mentioned above, it is controlling. If he’s willing to dump you over going to a coworkers party, that’s ridiculous. I’d press him really hard to figure out what’s going on and don’t compromise things that make you happy just for him.

  24. My definition of cheating is simple:

    It's anything that you won't let your spouse know about, either by seeing with their own eyes or answering honestly if they ask. Simple

  25. She’s not willing to try a new shampoo for your health? That’s not partner material. When you share your life (think 20 years ahead) there are always compromises and sacrifices to be made and this girl can’t do the most simple thing for your well-being. Do not let that shampoo at your place anymore, and if it’s attached to the girl, then the girl doesn’t belong there either.

  26. Yeah you should definitely tell her she needs to shower. It’s gross that she isn’t more hygienic and self-aware. I would always worry that I am clean and I always ask my partner if I ever smell bad. Next time she says “she’s okay” tell her, “no you really aren’t…”

  27. Never heard someone need chocolate milk middle night before. Thats horrendously unhealthy. Yes those types of texts are by far the most annoying and fustrating to get. Even if you are in the wrong. I get you were very tired and stressed etc but you wouldve been better saying “I really didnt appreciate getting woken up to you doing that early clanging the spoon in the middle of the night with my sleeping issues on an exam night. Next time can you please just have water or use the pre mixed stuff”

  28. After you've met in person so she can feel you out for being who you claim to be. Apps like Hinge offer some sense of security to people (mostly women) given that all too often someone (often a guy) will flip out if the flirtation doesn't result in sex. Once you have her number she's kind of at your mercy and no one wants to have to change their phone number to get away from a weirdo. She doesn't yet know if you're potentially dangerous in that way. The freaks out there are far more common than you might wish to imagine. So let her get to know you (IRL) a bit more and then ask for her number).

  29. You didn’t notice this before marriage? “Work life isn’t for me” is very alarming. Nobody wants to work, but we kind of have to. Her crying when you try to talk about this is extremely manipulative. You don’t have a wife, you have a leech.

  30. Thank you for the response. I definitely do agree that I’m probably not in the correct mind space to properly receive intimacy from the right woman if they presented themselves. It’s not what I’m looking for at all. I’m only interested in a casual relationship as of now because I’ve only ever once felt like a woman put in genuine effort to try and get to know me personally and not just try and find reasoning for why it is I don’t want to take a casual relationship to the ‘next level’. The pursuit of a relationship is meant to be 50/50 but far too often I feel like the only effort a woman has shown is sex and questions that ultimately only serve the purpose of validating their feelings. Honestly I think it’s why most guys aren’t into a hurry to get into an exclusive relationship though I do not know that for sure.

  31. I get my teeth cleaned at the dentist twice a year. I have a lot of plaque build up. Brushing twice a day is not enough for me. Flossing doesnt work either.

    Dentist thinks it likely genetic. Either way, visiting the dentist twice a years for 20-30 min keeps my teeth looking great. Its perfectly doable and something really worth considering at such a young age for a lifetime of good teeth.

    Its either that or gingivitis, there really are only those two choices. Maybe not today, but one day he will regret no staying on top of this.


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