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23 thoughts on “Yoooups the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I would be upset as well. You are incredibly young and have your whole life in front of you. You can spend it with someone who has no regard for your feelings or you can free yourself of the burden. Either way, you will not see her in the same way again.

  2. That’s the conclusion I thought I had come to a couple of years ago. As much as it definitely comes across like a codependent relationship. I wasn’t sure, because I do want him to be independent. I don’t enjoy him relying on me sooo much. It would actually be nice if somebody would look out for me once in a while. I am a naturally empathetic person and a lot of my life is helping those around me. But I might have another look into it, thank you for the reply.

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  5. He ain't your mum.

    Well they sure both sound like a couple of kiddies. smh.. OP, this “I’m soRRy it won’t haPPeN aGaiN, wiLL you forGiVe mE?” bollocks, you’re encouraging & enabling toxic behaviour, just stop it, don’t suck into this.

  6. He is all about the quick orgasm without the hindrance and inconvenience of having to put any work into a happy and intimate relationship with you. I suspect he has little interest in changing and he's happy to risk you and his job for a quick w***! Who in their right mind does that at work? Get out or kick him out, you sound like a nice person faced with a juvenile man who sees nothing but his own pleasure regardless of the cost in his life. He isn't going to change.

  7. Tell him 'I can always lose the weight. You'll never have a bigger penis” and then dump him.

  8. Basically you've chosen a man over your own child. You new he didnt want to online with children and you carried on with the relationship and married him anyway. Now your pissed because your ex told your daughter the truth. The truth being you want to please your husband and get rid of your daughter. It doesnt matter that your sending her to her dads because at the end of the day you dont want her living with you and this pleases your now husband. Your pathetic.

  9. He didn’t say he doesn’t find you attractive, he said he’s more attracted to your personality! That’s a big difference

  10. I think the thing about humans is that we adapt to some pretty incredible shit. I think that you've tried to build a life, compromising with your parents. Where you tried to meet them halfway, and that wasn't good enough. At this point I think you really have to decide whether you're going to online your life the way you think you should or the way your parents think you should. It seems like you have decided the first but you're waiting for their blessing/acceptance/permission. You're not going to get it. So, then the question to you is, what's more important – your happiness or their approval? Because they're making it impossible for you to have both.

    Only you can decide what's more important to you, but you probably need to come to terms with the fact that they're never going to approve. So it's acceptance and control, or it's rejection and following what you want/need.

    It's a shitty place your parents have put you in. But despite what they tell you, you are not responsible for their feelings, and they can just be disappointed in you if they want.

  11. Or “that never happened”

    “oh you don't remember my trauma? maybe cause for me it was a huge traumatic experience and for you it was a fucking wednesday!”


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