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34 thoughts on “Lily Marie the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Oh.

    I thought y'all broke up broke up. It sounded like a “break” initiated by her.

    Of course, you'd want to gift her the gift because..y'know, you still want her back in your life. I “got it.” My ex and I were in the same position. But the only difference was we actually broke up for real. He was trying to 'string me along' (Tbf, it can be scary to have no backuplan) but I was not into being the backup plan while he wanted to 'find himself' (presumably with other women LOL). I told him it was a complete break up and I was not interested in a 'break.'

    So he actually pulled the same move of gifting me a Xmas gift since we broke up 2 weeks before Xmas then. I did thank him, but it didn't give him any point, you see, it didn't sway me to want to get back together with him although yes, at that time, I did miss him and still cared for him (it was a fresh break up).

    So only gift her the gift if you don't have ulterior motive or expectation since you may be disappointed with her reaction. I know for sure my ex was disappointed that I was not 'touched' or even considered getting back together with him. In fact, his jealousy was getting too much as a 'mere friend' that in the end I had to go NC with him…

    Good luck.

  2. Okay this has been very helpful. Thank you. Being in a relationship with someone who gaslights and lies really makes you start to question your own sanity and “am I the crazy one here?!” I feel like a teenager. This relationship needs to end for good. Thanks again.

  3. I’m studying in university right now, and my previous job lost funding. I still have some money left from that job, though.

  4. Thanks but I've figure that out, I know it's not going to be perfect but if there's things that could be cleaned up like a normal person, like throwing dirty tissues or even used whatever wrappers in the trash bin, then I've been thinking that's a them problem. I've communicated that it's literally disgusting and my SO hasn't figured it out and says I'm the problem. We've gone through a session of counseling and the counselor told her she may be the problem just for her to block it out saying she doesn't have a problem.

  5. Find a girl who is satisfied

    My vagina, like the layout, 5 inches is perfect It hits all the right spots

    Maybe her spots are deeper in.

    It's neither of your faults you just need to find a matching girl

  6. Everything I’m telling you is based on what we’ve talked about. I may have been giving the wrong impression, she wants to be a stay at home mom while our kids are still very young but after she wants to go back to working. I’d never tell her not to work or reach her goals

  7. If I were you I would jusy cut out her and the whole friend group, and there are a number of reasons for that.

    For starters they, especially she, has shown you where their priorities lie, which is in self preservation and lying instead of being honest with you and prioritizing the friendship with you. These people cannot be trusted, and I cant keep watching my own back. Making new friends is far easier than reconciling old one.

    Also, if this ex guy is integrated in your friend group, its not fair to your bf to ask him to be around ex, so you'd have to cut thr group off anyways. Again, they didn't think about you and your new bf and didn't even ask you when integrating your ex into the group.

  8. This. And what I also think is weird would be wearing an AP’s shirt to bed with hubs. How daring would you have to be – maybe hoping to get caught – if you’re going that far into disrespect?

  9. Boohoo, if you feel compelled call for a welfare check but that's it. If you stay in contact his stunt worked because you're still the. good luck dear.

  10. That's up to her to decide and not for the partner who wants to have sex with her to bring up. It will just come off as trying to pressure her into sex under the guise of, “looking out for her sexual health.”

  11. Why isn’t she going to therapy if she has depression?

    What’s her plan to overcome it?

    You aren’t just giving up. Don’t choose someone not willing to do the same emotional work as you.

  12. Might want to give a heads up to the other woman when you pull the trigger on your next move. Hubby sounds like he could go unhinged and lash out. If you are not accessible she might be. This isn’t her fault. A heads up would be in good order so that she can protect herself if necessary.

    Also maybe your depression was caused by him all along? Decades of halting might do that to you.

  13. Is what I'm asking unfair? How can we both compromise?

    Are you not fluent in English? You said that your boyfriend told you up front that

    he never wanted to get married, never wanted children, and that he didn't want pets.

    It's not clear if you convinced your boyfriend to let you move in with him anyway with your senior dog, or if you still online apart? But he told you from the start he doesn't want to live with a pet, and he doesn't want another. If you want to get another dog, you can't on-line with your boyfriend, and you would have to move out. There is nothing ambiguous about this situation. If it hurts your feelings, it's only because you haven't been listening to anything he has been saying for the last 8 years.

  14. Move on and grow up. Everybody has a past and everybody has regrets, it is not your place to judge her because of that (despite what you said, you ARE judging her). If this is such a big deal for you, she would be better off with someone who can actually accept her.

  15. She’s a liar and a cheat and has shown she doesn’t actually love you and has no respect you for you. Grow some self respect. Divorce her.

  16. You should try posting this on r/nonmonogamy for helping advice. This question is above this sub’s pay grade.

    Maybe start with having the friend watch you two fool around and see how that feels and go from there.

    Good luck and happy birthday!

  17. It's okay to not like change, it's okay to be indecisive, and it's okay to be concerned about the future. You have your whole life ahead of you. You are not a failure and you shouldn't listen to anyone who says you are, and I'm not just saying that. Sometimes the people we love and the people who love us say things that make us feel like shit, and frankly sometimes life just sucks. For most people our age, or even much older, all over the world, the day to day tends to range from shitty to mundane. I'm sorry if this is a tangent, but you're not naïve and you're not a faker pretending to online a perfect idyllic life- you're a real person facing real problems. For what it's worth as an internet stranger, I respect the hell out of you, and you should also respect yourself. Your mom doesn't know what she's talking about. You're going through the grind. You can do whatever you want, and it's all okay- any path you want to take, whether it's sticking with this job, or going back to your old job, or trying to find something new, or even reverting back to something old. You're okay and everything is going to be okay. You're way too hot on yourself. This is the real world and we have to take it one day at a time and really hang onto and cherish whatever happy moments we can.

  18. Why is he seeking something outside? Are their problems you both are not acknowledging? That’s part of the bigger issue.

    Time to sit down and talk about the issues.

  19. You miss having a maid, not a girlfriend.

    My suggestion? Take a deep clear look in the mirror and ask yourself: what do you do for this woman?

    Because you don't help her when she's obviously I'll. Or even have a shred of compassion for her situation. You demean her efforts at her job, which, guess what? Is more physically straining than yours, specially now that she's sick. You waste her money. You do nothing but complain at her.

    If your finances are really fifty fifty, so should the house responsabilities.

    Grow the hell up and man up.

  20. We actually pay for in home services. It isn’t unusual for our nanny to travel with us. We would have similar arrangements for a live-in tutor.

  21. It's his money ain't it?

    Did you have plan for that money, like go halves in a deposit for a house or did you just ask him to save?

  22. If it’s awkward and unnatural then maybe it isn’t something that he is comfortable with doing and you shouldn’t force it. It seems like its just part of his personality and that’s okay.

  23. It wasn't premeditated bro. DANIEL asked me to go to lunch to him so he probably had it planned out to eventually ask me out, I went for the kiss because it was an immediate reaction and I couldn't help myself which is why I Consider it an accident

  24. That’s a really good message to send, actually. I might send something like that tomorrow and see how it goes.

  25. What I read from this is that you seem very dependent on him in many ways. I have no doubts that he is a good person, but also the asexual part should hwve been something to be discussed before the relationship, more than a year in.

    The question is simple really. Do you want to be in an asexual relationship? If yes, that is fine. If no, you need to consider moving on. You can't change him and that is fine, but you can also not change your own desires. Maybe continuing as friends is on the table?

  26. I see that you learned the worst possible lesson from Voltaire

    Never shutting up no matter how unconstructive your thoughts are


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