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54 thoughts on “TOEY the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Thats the worst case scenario, though. We don't know how she will take it, but it's always better to try than to do nothing and wonder.

  2. Girl, it is WAY too soon to be engaged. You’re still getting to know this man, especially if you’re long distance. I know people in the military tend to move fast but marrying him before the relationship is secure and road-tested would be a mistake. It sounds like part of the issue is that there’s not enough trust established between you yet.

    I’m guessing you’re both young as well?

  3. Nope, it's cheating. I experienced something similar, and we nearly broke up because of it.

    He's emotionally invested in another woman, and he's probably getting pictures in return. And I bet he didn't tell you, so yeah emotional cheating is a thing, and it's a valid reason to be passed.

  4. The short answer is “you don't”

    The issue is your sisters' and there is nothing you can do other than

    support her efforts to deal with her situation. Sorry.

  5. Stop cleaning and tell him you’ll do it together once he’s done watching football. If you hate being in a messy house, take yourself out for a birthday treat.

  6. Put your foot down. You’re allowed to have boundaries. Also, if you’re still just boyfriend and girlfriend after four years, ask yourself why you haven’t committed yet.

  7. You’re right, I’ve been beating around the bush for a bit with this and should just be more vocal about it. I think I was worried I was overreacting, but these comments are helping me see it better, thank you.

    If he doesn’t agree that just shows he’s not ready for this.

  8. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.

    It reminds me of when I was at the beach last year and saw a guy wearing shorts so tiny his dick peeked out. I told him to put his dick away there were kids around but he didn't do shit until I threatened to call the cops.

    Exhibitionism is one thing, but forcing kink on people… nope.

  9. Yes you should speak to Nora, privately. His informal “therapy” of talking to her at length for many hours is not therapy at all, it's just prolonging his situation without any good resolution. Plus it's harming Nora. Tell her point blank that you think this is happening and that both she and Paul would be better off getting real therapy.

  10. Pls respect her wishes and don't speak to them. She went no contact for a reason. What's wrong with people who think they know better than those who lived the experience? Mind your business!!! Move on and block her like your husband said. You may very well open a pandora's box you can't undo. What's your therapist going to say? Did she know Rose's life? Again, respect her wishes. Too many horror stories on Reddit with folks with good intentions, who believed the opposite of the offended and regretted not following the no contact order.

  11. So she tried to destroy your husbands life and I’m sure all your other kids are terrified of her. And you thought it would be good to bring her back? You were selfish and instead of being a partner and parent you decided to put your desire over what is best for your family.

  12. If I’m reading this correctly, you were both living in two alternate realities. From your perspective, it was a budding relationship. From his perspective, you were one of many female friends and nothing more.

    Does that sound about right?

    I was waiting to see if he showed determination in committing to a relationship

    Are you saying you were waiting for him to ask you out? I don’t think he was ever interested or had plans to ask you out, just from your post…

    It feels like this entire drama took place in your head and he’s probably totally oblivious to it.

    For this kind of guy, it’s totally appropriate to just ask him out directly. You probably shouldn’t wait for him to come to you.

  13. Yes, I figured if she doesn't care to do that, then she must not care that much about saving it, so maybe I shouldn't

  14. Hello /u/anxietybunnyhotdog,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  15. I mean you gotta figure out the specifics of his beliefs and then determine whether or not they are deal breakers. I tend to stay away from anyone who votes republican, as republicans have historically been the anti gay, pro racism party. But that’s my belief. You gotta figure it out for yourself.

  16. This may be less about fear of change and more about fear of commitment. This may be as enmeshed as he sees this relationship getting.

  17. This may be less about fear of change and more about fear of commitment. This may be as enmeshed as he sees this relationship getting.

  18. This may be less about fear of change and more about fear of commitment. This may be as enmeshed as he sees this relationship getting.

  19. Same. I would have felt awful and apologized, but catch me with that sht on my morning commute and I mean, yeah, that’s my surprised reaction

  20. I already know he's using the site. He was active on it today. You're right about it being doomed though

  21. Some people just like the thrill of the chase, then lose interest when they achieve the goal. Not certain, but could be what has happened here.

  22. Look, the great thing about virginity is that it doesn't really exist. It's just a concept. You have not actually “lost” or “given” anything to this prick

    So… first, you need to admit to yourself that this guy was never serious about you. A guy who dates you for several months and insists that you aren't his girlfriend because he “doesn't like labels” is a dick who is either dating or attempting to date other people. I'm sure you knew this, but you tried to pretend otherwise. Everybody learns this lesson at some point. So learn it well. Don't let the pain go to waste. Let it help you make better decisions in the future.

    Second, stop dating this guy. If you're so hung up on him you can't admit that he's just not that into you, then you can give him an ultimatum: he can be your monogamous boyfriend, labels and all, or you can go your separate ways. But frankly, are there any number of “in a relationship” labels and couples photos that are ever going to help you really trust him again? No! Because this guy isn't trustworthy.

    He's a cheating dick, and you can do better. So get out there, and do better.

  23. He told you he had a FWB without the “benefit”?! LOL! He’s 24 and has never had sex and feels the need to lie about it but doesn’t actually understand how to lie about it?! Does this person have a job? Does he live independently? Is he OK?

  24. Yep exactly this. They aren't even married ??‍♀️ Bro only marry her if you’re wanting this non-stop forever ??‍♀️

  25. I don’t know what I hate about him more. That he lied to you? Or that he manipulated you into being exclusive on your end only, cause that’s how he phrased it, oh so carefully that he doesn’t want YOU to talk or see anyone? Or that he called you a sweet girl? Gah! So fking condescending and indicative of how dumb he thinks you are. Girl, run. You’re worth more than this.

  26. Yes, her I.age as someone else girlfriend or a woman who is single and on the market.

    Come on man, does this seem normal to you? What do YOU think you should do?

  27. Just know that you know the dynamics of your relationship more than strangers on the internet. We often get just a few sentences and then voice our opinion. Most of the time it's just “DUMP HER!”, which might be right in some cases, but we always get just one side of the story which will, be default, be heavily biased.

    In this case you should bring it back to the basics. You are uncomfortable with this and that has to be communicated. She has to accept that and have a proper talk. Whatever her reason might be, she needs to understand how you feel. If this is not something you can do with each other, than you need to either try to fix it, or move on. Issues like this are gonna keep being swepped under the rug unless it his handled asap. The longer you wait the harder it will be.

  28. This is a red flag. She seems like she is going to control every aspect of your relationship.

    Before you get in too deep, break it off. Otherwise a year or two down the road youll be asking for advice on how to get your abusive and manipulating gf out of your house.

  29. That's true, nine times out of ten they aren't local and even if they were the cops are even more useless than usual with internet crimes. But like I said if the scammer is an amateur on their own and not part of a group they may panic at the threat.

  30. Okay yeah. Couples should just hide everything from each other instead of working it out together. That's super healthy.

    So many saved relationships that owe it all to your deception tactics.

  31. You can’t know after just 3 months and 1 date that someone is “everything you want in a woman”.

    You may be “tall, dark, handsome and rich” but you’re an unsuccessful communicator an unable to close a deal.

    Pick a day, a time and an activity. Tell her you’re doing such-and-such at that time and date and your inviting her to join. Period. She answers yes or no. If she says no, don’t go back and forth just say, OK. And leave it. And go do what you planned anyway or invite someone else. That way you stop all the back and forth talk that goes no where and you’ve put the ball on her court. Don’t mention it again. If she’s interested, it will drive her crazy and she’ll make the effort to initiate a plan. If she doesn’t, move on.

    You’re too old to be playing games like a teenager.

  32. I’ve gone thru his phone through and through. Not a chance he is, and if he somehow is, he’s concealing it crazy well

  33. Weirdness because it doesn’t fit into your world view, and idea of normality? Very narrow minded of you to assume that anyone and everyone should fit in your little box, or otherwise be labeled as the ”others”

  34. Bye, she knew the condom broke, could have easily gotten the morning after pill, she knows damn well what she's doing. She wants him back, sorry if I got pregnant by an ex in no way in hell I'd want to keep it lmao. I'm not bringing a child in that type of mess

  35. If you gain anything from this thread please let it be that YOU did/would do NOTHING to ruin the marriage. Your husband did by wanting to fuck another woman and arranging to get his cake and eat it too with no regard to you, his wife. He already ruined this. That now gives you absolute guilt-free freedom to decide how you want your future to be. That is an incredibly empowering position to be in, despite the hurt he has caused you.

    I hope you make the choice that will bring you happiness and wellbeing.

  36. I had a gf in highschool just like this. She always “missed” her period and would get worked up because blah blah blah.

    Scared, fight make up over and over and over.

    No thanks.

  37. Please take this advice from your older Reddit sister who dated a man just like yours:

    He will not get his shit together.

    You cannot fix him.

    You cannot “love him enough to fix the damage”

    He has serious issues that’s going to require years of therapy and commitment.

    The manipulation and gaslighting will only get worse.

    What if he does move in with you, and rehomes your dog when you’re not home, out of spite?

    Please walk away. Focus on yourself and your sweet puppy. I promise you can do better than this. A real partner would never ask you to give up anyone or anything that brings you comfort and joy. Ever. Love is selfLESS not selfish.

    Don’t make the mistake that I (and many other of your Reddit older sisters) made. Get out now and live! your 20s having fun and exploring with your dog who loves you selflessly.

  38. Ok. So you sh!t talk his family but he can't do the same to yours? Then you both attacked each other? Whilst holding your child?

    You two need space and therapy. Seriously.

  39. Girl I read the first sentence and thought to myself: Why wouldn‘t you leave?

    You‘re not obligated to stay with him. Let him cry and whine. His actions should have consequences, and he doesn‘t respect you at all.


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