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MilaFleurlive sex stripping with Live HD

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Room for live! sex video chat MilaFleur

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48 thoughts on “MilaFleurlive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. Why do I get this feeling he fucked somebody else or did SOMETHING with someone else, regretted it and is now running back to you

  2. It's the reason he wants to stop. If he just tells her I don't want sex with you because I don't think you like it,she will end up with some pretty severe self image issues,and with a young woman this can be devastating.

  3. My wife is 9 years older than me. It's no big deal. Even if she is 18 and you are 22 (worst case) it's not all too uncommon.

  4. Just rip the band aid off. If she’s the right one she’ll be like “that’s groovy baby!” And if she’s not she’ll see herself out. It’s really not that big of a deal, friends can and do have sex with each other from time to time.

  5. they were only seeing eachother twice a month until last year. now only 2x a week. his reasoning for not moving in is as valid as her reasoning to move in.

  6. Hello /u/Due-Piglet5163,

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  8. So she was with her ex fwb or her boss ? If he was both then you’re fked from the beginning, luckily you got out before things escalate further ( which can involve with children if you know what I mean )

  9. So you have made concessions etc to your happiness so he can get his rocks off with some things that even he admits is degrading to women……

    You need to read your post back, but pretend that you are a third party reading it, and then go with the advice you would tell the person making the post.

    And don’t be surprised when the advice you tell yourself is that you need to leave, as he’s never going to change, and those kinks are always going to damage your relationship with him.

  10. Not quite. An arrest only has to be made if there is probable cause of assault (marks, bruises,etc). A domestic dispute call where there’s no naked evidence of violence wouldn’t necessarily result in someone being arrested.

  11. Yes, I think she's going to do that. In my eyes it's just a waste of time but he is still important to her. She has always been a very loyal person. That's one of the reasons I value her as a friend.

  12. He was probably putting on a show until you got married or he thinks the roles are different now. Doubt that will change for the better. Really bad sign that this started so soon after you married. Definitely points to the fact that he was like this before just hiding it. He clearly doesn't see you as an equal and doubt he would change for someone he sees as lesser than himself. In his mind you are his now. And you should serve and be his loyal subordinate. this is only made worse by the red pill shit friends and content his absorbing

  13. Have you said a single thing to her? Legit just let her know nicely that you aren’t interested and are just there to work. You don’t have to go to HR or anything, going to HR would actually make you an insensitive asshole. Just talk to her. If she escalates then go to HR, but for now just talk to her like an adult

  14. And ask your ex and currbt GF to get tested… My ex gave me chlamydia. He only had sex once with another girl before me. Turned out she infected him. Best to get everyone involved informed and tested.

  15. I have a similar story as many women here. Ex was dishonorably discharged from the military for both fighting with a woman, fracturing her face and elbow, then assaulting a Sr officer. He claimed this woman hit him first and he was just defending himself. She was trying to marriage trap him, etc.

    In our relationship, he choked me, slapped, restrained me, did things with me when I wasn’t capable of consent and ruined my credit when I finally decided to leave him. A man who uses violence like that with a weaker opponent is not someone you want to be involved with.

  16. You shouldn’t be in a relationship with ultimatums like this and a past you don’t know about and cant ask questions.

  17. What’s with all the hints? If you want to have intimacy, tell him. If you were disappointed by his lack of actions for V Day or for always being the one to initiate, tell him.

    Seriously you can not rely on him just knowing things, you are setting yourself up for disappointment if you do. If you want something, ask for it.

  18. I had what turned out to be a flea incursion with bad bites that we originally thought was bed bugs before we were able to finally figure out the source and handle it (some kind of animal den in house's crawlspace), and it was a living he and messed with my head far more than I'd ever have expected.

    And based on everything I read when I thought it was bed bugs still, that was NOTHING compared to a real bed bug infestation. I'm so sorry and I definitely get it.

  19. dude, she's forsure a loon and probably thinks men can't be raped by how she's presenting herself in replies, fuckin wild.

  20. We're figuring that out quickly. We are trying to resist, but it's tempting to talk about it more and about having kids in general. Especially cause we wanted some soon. Like next year. But this was too soon, mostly because of her health. Yes we have other financial and career issues but we honestly could of made that work. But the health problems are inevitable.

  21. And what was he doing before he met this wonderful lady? Going homeless? If he is literally taking money from her(an alleged single mother of 2) to feed his immediate family, why is she taking money away from her children and giving it to this dude?

    She is either exaggerating what is going on, or she is enabling this whole situation.

  22. Thanks. I asked because I wanted to confirm your statement about his awareness of the overall situation. So now that I know that, I’m fully on your side here. You told him the deal. He’s still here. You’re not holding a gun to his head or being dishonest about what he’s in for should he stick around.

    As such, I would sit him down and have a long conversation laying this all out and telling him your expectations. You can even acknowledge your “limitations” (if you will. I hate that I even just said that and I’m sorry, but I’m just trying to get to the point).

    “Hey, I’m really happy with you and want this to continue and progress, but I really can’t do this much longer if the situation stays as is. To be fair to you, I know that my living situation is less than ideal, but like I told you, given my mental health, I will need to online with family or a partner. I’m not suggesting that we move in together right now, but we can’t continue in a situation where coming to my house isn’t an option and where your “home” is a bed on the floor of your office where staying over for days means I’ll feel disgusting because I can’t bathe. It’s been six months. Can you please start making an effort to find a real place to on-line?”

  23. Many people will not give could be cheaters even the chance to prove it different, so no she cant just “show proof”.

    Also they have been together 5 years! Everyone they know know that they are in a relationship for some time, once they are not there will be questions. Many would like to know why it ended.

    I dont think i am dramatizing anything. You just pick the wrong passive path …. for what? Are you always like that? Not interested in not letting problems come into existince in the first place?

  24. I was not able to take paternity leave with either of my kids. I would have in a heartbeat.

    Pardon my language but your husband is being a whiny little bitch.

    You guys should see a counselor so this becomes less arguing and more communicating. If not resentment will build on both sides and he will still think he is completely in the right.

    I say all this as I lay next to my youngest as he was having trouble getting to sleep and my wife covered literally everything with him while I worked 60 hours in the last week. Im still exhausted, but he is my kid and she deserves some time to decompress. It has to be a team.

    Tell your husband to an internet dad who works over full time hours and stays involved with his family on the daily thinks he needs to grow the fuck up.

  25. Since you two met, you grew up, while she is dependent and passive about adulting. Since you’ve “helped” her (or enabled her) so much, she hasn’t really had to take an active role in growing up or taking care of herself. It’s no surprise that she’s also not taking the initiative in the bedroom.

    Have a serious talk with her. If she’s been “pretending,” reframe it as “playing the role.” Don’t feel bad about her role playing for your benefit. Really. It’s not a bad thing that she loves you enough to give you what you want when you ask for it.

    If you want a naturally dominant woman, this woman is not it. It’s not pathetic to wonder if the lack of compatibility is a dealbreaker. Keep in mind, there are a lot more submissive women than dominant women out there. Would you find a domme if you left your girlfriend? Maybe, maybe not. If you stay, what’s your best case scenario? Two submissive partners who are willing to take turns can make bedroom stuff work. But even if you can get there with your girlfriend, you’ll still have a passive girlfriend who expects constant parenting and occasionally indulges your kinks.

  26. “I had a bad childhood” is not an excuse to randomly treat people like shit. It certainly isn’t a “part of him” that you need to accept, and it IS perfectly appropriate for you to call him out on his bad behavior. If he cannot handle acting like an adult, maybe it’s time for you to really think about whether he’s worth your effort, when he’s refusing to put in any.

  27. If I do leave, i think i will always stuggle with the fact that he doesn’t understand why. He will never understand the affect hes had on me. He will never understand why i “gave up on him”. It makes me sad

  28. I think he’s uneducated and come from a very rich shelter upbringing, but it literally made me paranoid seeing his reaction saying it’s my fault

  29. I think that each of your anniversaries going haywire was the universe telling you it’s not going to work. If she puts her friend’s needs above yours every single time after you’ve been together for 5 years, she’s actively showing you where you stand in priorities and importance. You are clearly much better than that. Find someone who will treat you with the same respect you treat them with.

  30. Dont automaticly assume its your mistake. she might have unrealistic expectations.

    So that being said you need to look honestly to your actions and ask yourself did you fuck up. and would you do the same thing in the same situation.

    if you would do the same thing in the same situation. then there is no reason to get together with her unless SHE changes. if you would chnge a thing in the same situation there is hope

  31. Well is she wearing the same shoes everyday? Have you purchased her a foot massaging bath, some fungal cream? Brand new cotton socks? Another pair of the same shoes? Offered her a foot bath and massage when she gets home? Start there.

  32. Everybody has insecurities but it’s our job to recognize that our insecurities are our own to come to terms with.

  33. He has the emotional resilience of a rotten potato. Who has their whole day ruined because they dropped something.

  34. You described a real relationship bro. Putting your partner first and making sacrificing, doing things together and for each other. If you want to do more things without your partner, why have a partner? Is this person just there for your convenience? You should be flattered that someone wants to spend time with you


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