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31 thoughts on “Salt & Pepper the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. No, we are not trying to destigmatize exploiting young women and call it a job, because patriarchy is so fun.

  2. I think this way of thinking is wrongly normalised. I am so unattracted to men who can't make the bed, do the washing up, do the laundry etc. It's embarrassing.

  3. I think this is awesome advice. Ironically, the life i currently on-line was part of a 'drastic' move i made after the Covid quarantine. I cut my hair, moved to a new town, and got a new job? But that is also what contributed to the huge disconnect from my previous friends. I'm gonna give it some thought as to what 'new' moves i want to make. Thank you 🙂

  4. i wanna forget it even happened. im not sure if im trying to not embarrass her more or just being a coward. what would u do?

  5. Woman, but I just want to tell you that men who want you to be weak and dependent are not worth your time. My independence and strength are qualities my partner really likes about me. He wants a partner in life, not someone to lord it over and control. He's got a secure sense of self and doesn't need to boss me around to feel like a man.

    I think you're probably just dating the wrong type of guy. Expand your dating horizons a bit. Make sure you're leaving room for the people you care for you, but you don't have to be weak and dependent to find love.

  6. Thanks for advice, but im in highschool, i cant have a job, im learning a valuable skill thats gonna get me a great job in few years, but i cant do nothing now, i dont think im gonna have that sort of problems in future, but present situation bothers me

  7. She's gonna be a single mother no matter what, I doubt the guy is gonna leave his wife and his unborn child to get back with a fwb

  8. Sarcasm or not, his comment worried you, you have perceived it in some way as a threat (let's face it you wouldn't be here asking if not), just tell him how the comment made you feel, if he has anything about him he should at least apologise.

  9. Thank you. I agree, I was a medic and like to fix. I’ll keep my ears open and think before I speak. All of this is great advice.

  10. Yikes. I was on your side before this. Now I think I understand why you don’t have a good relationship with your daughter.

    Hint: it’s not entirely her fault.

  11. Advice? What do you need advice about?

    Get rest of you things and block him after that.

    If you are really considering going back to him dunno what to tell you other than it's going to be the stupidest thing you've done.

  12. Leave. You are not responsible for her happiness, and this is not a relationship. In the long run I believe you both will be way happier

  13. You sound young and naive. It's perfectly okay to keep an open mind but a majority of the people want a partner who shares their values on certain things.

    This is one of them. Once you find out your partner is not on the same page, it's prudent to leave and not waste any more time.

  14. Him acknowledging it’s selfish is not the same as him trying not to be selfish. I can acknowledging I’m punching someone in the face, it doesn’t mean I’ve stopped doing it and my acknowledgement hasn’t made it any more ok than if I weren’t mentioning it. He’s welcome to feel as selfish as he wants to feel, it doesn’t mean it’s right.

    I’d argue it’s actually very, very wrong because of what r/maybe_growing_wiser said. You’re the one risking your body, your health, your comfort, and even your life over 9 months and if he left you you’d be the one stuck with the bill all for what? For a man who said “yeah I know this isn’t what you wanted but it’s what I want and even though I’m not taking on a majority of the risk I still want to get what I want at the price of your comfort. I’m not a jerk though, I’m acknowledging it’s selfish!” Like you’d risk your life for a man who is fine risking you for something only he wants?

    Look up what can happen in a pregnancy. Women can get intense morning sickness for all 9 months, lose all their teeth, loose all their hair, and that’s not even the life threatening stuff. You want to do that for a man who is trying to strong arm you?

  15. There’s no sneaky shit. He’s just riffing on how great your bf is. He’s not trying to turn your bf.

  16. Holy shit. I'm so sorry OP.

    There's no right answer here, so do what you want at this point. Personally, I'd be divorcing his ass.

  17. You’re welcome. His mom may tell him he needs to forgive himself. Sometimes it is as simple as someone else giving you permission to forgive yourself and maybe no one ever did. It could be your missing piece to help him heal and then you and him have a better chance at getting help for your relationship.

    I am glad you have a good relationship with his mom and feel comfortable to ask for help that is a big step sometimes to reach out. Don’t forget that to remember that you are strong and that you trying to help both yourself and him. I wish you well and send you my support.

  18. I dated a man exactly like this years ago. Serious conversations of any nature were always extremely one-sided. He'd beg time to think about things I'd said, and then just… never do it. I'd check in days or weeks later, and he always avoided the topics at hand. He hated conflict, so he just neglected to care about them.

    Trust me, it doesn't get better. He might love you and might care about what you have to say, but he can't meet the need you have for productive conversations.

    Leave now. It's kinder to yourself to rip off the band-aid if this is how you feel now, because you'll feel neglected eventually.

  19. No she said it was too early for doctors appointments. The miscarriage happened when she was visiting her friend and when I got there she was already back home at her friends house from the hospital.

  20. No she said it was too early for doctors appointments. The miscarriage happened when she was visiting her friend and when I got there she was already back home at her friends house from the hospital.

  21. I don't think your fiance knows what “boundaries” means.

    Go work at your exes. It's not like you'll be over there reminiscing about your past with her.

  22. I think you might find your mental health improves considerably once you are out of that house and away from your abusers.

  23. It’s definitely cheating and you should tell the fiancé. However, you are his friend which makes you feel like you shouldn’t but its the right thing to do. If you dont want to take the direct path of outright telling her, you should joke with him while shes present, about his “porn” habit since thats what he calls it. It will definitely be inappropriate but at least she’d know.

  24. Gotta love how you're supposed to talk to her first in this hypothetical, but she wouldn't be required to talk to YOU first before spending literally all of your collective money down to 0 dollars.

  25. her mortgage increased by a few hundred dollars and now she's been stressing about finding a new place to live!

    Yeah this parts confusing. If you have a mortgage, you own a house, you don't just go looking for somewhere else to live!.

  26. They're not gonna let you keep the cat after you're caught stealing it ffs lmao. Do you understand anything about how the law works? You think they'll toss you in jail for stealing and then say you can keep the property you stole?


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