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  1. You keep saying you tell him to end it. Here’s the thing. Your an adult, you don’t like what’s happening in a relationship then you end it.

    Having said that let me give you a piece of advice from someone older. If you have a first date with someone and sleep with someone else that same night don’t go on a second date with them. They will eventually find out what you did after that first date and will never be comfortable with you. Their mind will forever be telling them “Yeah they liked me so much they had to screw someone else.”

    Sorry but it’s a relationship killer before you even get started.

  2. Yes I cant see it just yet.. Right now im questioning everything, the last 7 months with him, i dont even what is real anymore.. How can someone do all of that, introduced me to all his friends interstate as his girlfriend, took me everywhere he wanted to go to just to cut me off like im a trash.. it doesnt make sense.. You are right I honestly think he made up his mind long time ago which i hoped he had been honest with me, but he kept it to himself and continued to treat me really well throughout.. did he even really loved me? Idk..

    One day I will take myself out to a nice dinner, I will smile again but for now, I will nurse my brokenheart.. I still hope he will unblock me and explain to me what happened but when that time comes. I wanted to be over him so I cant care anymore..

  3. Even if it was a few hours, that’s fine. I would way rather date someone who’s been promiscuous than someone that thinks they have the moral high ground over other people because they think their values regarding sex should be the golden standard for everyone else. I honestly can’t imagine having so little going on in my life that I would feel this strongly about consenting adults having sex. Might be time for you to find a hobby.

  4. Damn you have a point… it's just me being the coward cause I'm shy and this is a first honestly. But I may have to be honest…

    thank you for pointing that out!

  5. Why would you want to do something that makes you fall to her level? Be the better person and realize the best revenge is you living a happy and healthy life without her.

  6. My MIL invited herself to stay for a month and it turned into 3. To make it worse, my husband was working away during the week so it was just her, me and my baby. Never again!!

  7. She's going to find a guy regardless. If it's not me, it'll just be someone else. My only real concern here is the prospect of paying child support, but I'm not going to give her much more info about myself to allow her to track me down. I pray that is enough

  8. Stop making excuses for him. He is hurting you and he’s disrespecting your boundaries. He is not confused. You’ve told him you don’t like it. He has chosen to ignore that.

  9. Who is in this relationship? You, him and his parents? …. or you two?

    What's your boyfriends opinion? Does he stick up for you?

  10. Let it go. It’s over. You both just aren’t right for each other. He hasn’t talked in a month and a half, block and move on.

  11. Sounds like your dad is on a power trip. I'm assuming that this isn't the only thing he's ever done that was abusive.

  12. Anytime I hear the old “wife has low libido thing” it automatically tells me that the wife isn’t attracted to YOU. What an insane contradiction it is for you libido to be so low that you won’t fuck your husband but you want to fuck other men ?

  13. u/Lalaland_92, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  14. Depends on you. You already know he's over you and he threw a bunch of lame excuses to justify himself. So you should not give a fuck about him anymore. Focus on yourself and what you'll do after the breakup. I don't think it's gonna take too long to forget about him seeing what he did to you

  15. u/Sunnysideup525, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  16. Sounds like performance anxiety, which is vicious because every time it happens you’re MORE anxious about the next time, which makes it more likely to happen the next time, which makes you more anxious, etc etc etc. The first time was probably just first time nervousness, but every time after that you’ve been worried about it which keeps causing it to reoccur.

    Best advice I can give is to try and take some of the pressure off yourself. Maybe next time just say right off the bat “let’s just focus on you having fun tonight, no expectations of anything happening on my end.” Since your girlfriend has been easygoing and understanding so far then she’s likely to be fine with that and she deserves a night being the center of attention for being cool anyway. You might find that without you putting an expectation on yourself that you HAVE to get hard you’ll end up not worrying about it and then be surprised to find out you’re suddenly good to go.

  17. You are so wrong. Cheaters cheat because they are self-absorbed. They don't care about anyone but themselves and their needs. My dad was a serial cheater and my mom was a damn good woman. My mom gave him sex whenever he wanted and he still cheated.

    You must be OP's husband trying to get people to change their votes.

    You are probably a cheater too

  18. u/ImprovementAsleep503, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  19. He has a new girl and doesn't have time for you…right now. He wants you close by so when he has time he can come over for a quick roll in the hay, is how I'm reading it, Op.

  20. I'm really proud of you OP

    Most of these post the guy fights everyone in the comments and deletes the post in a few hours. I'm really glad and hopeful you were able to present a problem take in advice and perspective and change and repent based on that. Not a lot of people can do that. ?

  21. I think she should be capable to make her own decisions. So why did she even go to her sister? Doesn't she know she has a cat? She could try to get on the next flight back or could have just stayed home from the beginning. Yes, it probably sucks for her to be alone on christmas, but this could be the last one for your mother, so she could suck it up.

  22. u/Skillickles, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  23. Ya, that ex coworker definitely did some lying to break you guys up. Don't be surprised when that coworker puts the moves on you soon. He sounds unhinged, I hope he doesn't know where you live!

  24. Just because he wants to explore having other people in the bedroom doesn't mean he doesn't love or respect his girlfriend. Some people make it work just fine.

    I don't think it's a good idea, still, it's not my choice.

  25. OP is being downvoted, but has the respect to read the comments and acknowledge it even if it’s the same verbiage. The Internet is a scary place, but with every person behind the screen is an individual with different views and opinions. The post may seem silly to others, but for OP it may not be.

    Just wanted to share my thoughts lol when you mentioned OP thanking everyone for their feedback xD

  26. She's likely projecting her own insecurities about her body and aging on you. You upping your workouts is not going to fix that. So other than her new app, what does she do to maintain the kind of body she's saying she expects you to have?

  27. Hello /u/Dangerous-Ask8232,

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  28. disagree about the impossible to be friends part. I would even say the opposite if you're not toxic.

    after a while, once dust has settled, I would even dare say these are some of the “best” man / woman friendship. the other is obviously someone you care / cared about deeply and you can totally still be friends. since you were together once and it didn't work, it removes the “pressure” to get with them. only left is the bond you had and I find it cool. some of my best girl friends are my exes. people I really REALLy care about and I am so happy to see them happy. These are people you wish well upon and are happy to see thrive in life. even the one who betrayed me, I forgave and I wish her only the best.

    now, if one or both are toxic people, these don't apply. But your “never ever possible” is a gross exageration. and it is sad for you if you never met good people you can care about even after a romantic relationship.

  29. I don't see his communication as the only issue. Her communication is an issue too.

    I'd want my partner to at least have a discussion with me before making a decision like this. Its underwear modeling.

    I'd be fine with my SO doing it, but without a discussion I would feel disrespected.

    The way her husband went about it in his reaction is wrong in about 1000 different ways though.

  30. Hello /u/dopeaminenotanime,

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  31. You want to tell the wife so she leaves him and you can have him. Please. You don’t care about that woman’s feelings. You willingly had an affair with a married man and NOW you don’t want to hurt her? Shameful. Leave her the hell alone

  32. It is really harsh that she has been thinking on these matters for a year and only decided to talk to you, when there is pretty much nothing left to do. It sounds like communication broke down a year ago and now you’re picking up the pieces.

    I feel you need to really prioritise yourself right now. What do you want to do? You say you are excited about your new job, but have zero friends – do you still want to go ahead with it? Do you like living in the UK? Where else could you live!? Where do you have friends and/or family? Where would be the best job opportunities? You need to make some tough choices and possibly calling friends and family for input, might be a good plan. Also doing some serious research. It’s worth figuring out a time line with your ex, as starting a new lease, when you end up leaving, is a big waste of money.

  33. Is he manipulating actual people? That would be straight to divorce for me. Looking at porn is fine, but getting in contact with people to get nudes is not. Ans lying is worse.

  34. Is he manipulating actual people? That would be straight to divorce for me. Looking at porn is fine, but getting in contact with people to get nudes is not. Ans lying is worse.

  35. “I don't smoke. I tried it one time, but it was not for me. So, I am not a smoker.”

    Same logic applies.

    “I don't have sex with my sugar clients. I tried it one time, but it was not for me. So, I do not sleep with any of my clients.”

    It's really not that hard.

  36. Need more specifics. What did he do?

    If HE broke trust, then HE needs to have a certain level of decorum in accepting that HE needs to re-earn trust.

  37. It's not normal to be constantly thinking about sleeping with others when you're in a relationship. You want to be with other people. So, why are you gonna marry him?

    You're always gonna wonder which isn't good for a relationship let alone a marriage. He deserves to be with someone who actually wants to marry him and wants to be with only him. Let him go.

    My husband and I have been married for 25 years. Not once have either of us thought about sleeping with others.

  38. Two options here:

    She wants you to make a move.

    Or, she wants the validation of knowing you want her, and possibly some compliments for her nudes.

    Only way to know is to ask. If it is the second option, I would step back from the friendship for a while. It's not cool for her to yank you around like that.

  39. You can take what I’m about to say with a grain of salt or not-

    He sounds like he is basically telling you that he can’t meet you at the meeting point you have required from him. He is not able to give you what you emotionally need if this is what you require. Even if he starts to be more affectionate from that talk, there’s a good chance he will slip back into his natural behavior.

    That doesn’t mean you require too much. It doesn’t mean he isn’t giving you any effort either. It sounds like you guys are not compatible potentially when it comes to affection needs, and that’s a hard one to compromise.

    You’ve been dating since summer, and serious since fall- is he as serious as you are? Have you talked about how he views your relationship and defining what serious means to each of you?

  40. I will try it thank you. I am desperate for anything to feel better and I can't bear to think of a life without her in it. I appreciate you greatly

  41. Sounds like she's going to mess the kid up regardless. Birth control! Don't make more kids..the world is already over populated. We don't need more messed up kids.

  42. Yes, you should tell him.

    A smell would indicate a serous infection that needs proper treatment. You really don't want to leave ear infection untreated

  43. I don’t think I can. It was a bad day for me on my part. The only proof I have is full transparency on my phone and the fact that i tried to do it only once and got scammed. If I was really trying to cheat i might’ve tried again
instead I focused on my wife and family and started implementing things to make our relationship better
.that doesn’t change the fact that i still tried to cheat
.the intent was to cheat
it just didn’t actually happen.

  44. To be clear, I want no relationship apart from friendship with my ex, so there is no possibility for hookups or anything in our future. That ship sailed and I'm no cheater.

    I'm not saying you're a cheater or anything but I can't tell how many times I've seen posts in the sub where people have said this about their SOs in the exact same situation only to update the post with “He cheated during the trip” or “She cheated during the trip”. It's honestly tiresome and overall just a recipe for disaster

  45. Have you ever met in person? How many times? For how long each time?

    Please don't say you haven't met yet.

    And even if you have met once or twice, this isn't nearly enough to get to know a person and make decisions like being in a relationship and moving together. People can behave completely differently on screen than in person, we tend to only show what we want the other person to see. It's a facade and it's normal. What isn't normal and healthy, is to base one's judgment about the person on this very limited part of them we have gotten to know. You don't know how he acts in day to day life and handles different situations. How does he handle real conflict? Difference of opinion? Daily life struggles? Does he even want to be a father figure all over again?

    It's already a red flag in his character that he engaged with a married woman with young children. Who says he won't start an live! affair with the next woman once life with you begins to feel mundane? I mean he had no problem doing it with you, so who says he won't do it TO you?

    When we aren't actively addressing our issues – such as abandonment and codependency issues like you mentioned -, we tend to feel drawn to equally unhealthy individuals. It sounds like you are still neck deep in your codependency and acting from that space.

  46. I hope you screenshot all those and sent a copy to yourself. Go immediately to a lawyer once you have them. I’d actually think you need to post this into a legal subreddit account of this for better advice too.

    I also recommend that you do this sooner than later. Also unfortunately, be aware that there are some creepy people on TikTok that skim Reddit to make “content” out of these stories without your consent.

    Which is why I’m saying square away getting copies of this information sooner than later and seeking a professional out
. Because who knows if this’ll end up on another app and your girlfriend finds out about what you posted.

  47. So you mutually agreed that you wouldn't be getting married, then told her “yeah that was all fake, I knew I'd marry you when I met you. Just needed to keep you interested long enough with the lie about not getting married. Why are you upset? Isn't lying to your face for months romantic? I'm bothered by your response! this is definitely not my fault for being manipulative!”

  48. You sound like you're 18 when you're 35……………


    He asked to be FWB. You said no and tried to remain friends. He didn't move on from it and asked again. This means he will NOT stop seeing you as a hopeful FWBs. You 2 are NOT friends despite that's what YOU want. He is only around in hopes that one day you 2 will hookup.


    It's simple, if you don't want that, then you break things off with him completely. He won't stop thinking of you that way and simply be ok with only being friends. Move on.

  49. It takes internet strangers telling him what an ass he is to apologize. LOL. He couldn’t even grasp on his own that he should have left you alone and hmm maybe take care of you?? Couldnt even put on his big boy pants and make dinner himself?? Goooooodness. Let me guess he’s a real toddler when he’s sick and you have the common decency to take care of him. I’m sorry, but I just know it sounds like two maracas when he shakes his head.

  50. Why don’t you make it a date day? Take her for a nice lunch, tell her you’d prefer to pick things out together, and make an event out of it.

  51. Possibly. He has threatened to end the lease before. I’m in grad school and not working so he has been paying for bills. So I’m limited on what I can do..

  52. You want to walk around in your underwear around a 14 year old?

    And you asked said 14 year old rather than accepting you are making HER MOTHER uncomfortable?

    This has to be rage bait. You can’t be this fucking stupid lol

    Don’t be a fucking creep. Put clothes on when you’re around the pubescent child you are now living with.

  53. I assume like many he wasn’t educated much in female anatomy. It’s a common thought even among women, and you’re both super young; your brains aren’t even fully developed yet! I’d cut him some slack.

  54. I think you’re doing everything you can. Let him talk about whatever feelings he has, and do your best not to offer your own feelings unless he asks. Sometimes when someone is processing their own emotions it becomes a lot harder to do when they have to deal with yours too.

  55. Men can also be clingy and possessive. It’s a negative trait that has no gender. But your question was why he refuses to put a label on it after she has asked him to more than once. And that makes her possessive because he gave her the same answer every time which was no. And they have only been dating a short time. If she wants to call someone her boyfriend, she needs to find another guy who is willing to move as fast as she does. Very simple solution.

  56. Sometimes women do sexual things they don’t like because of pressure and expectations and once they feel comfortable enough or know they’re not going to get a bad reaction for drawing a boundary then they’re able to communicate that.

    Not the best way to approach things but it happens, especially if they’ve had traumatic experiences in the past or faced anger from a partner for saying no.

    Now you need to decide if her boundary is something you can live! with or if you’re incompatible.

  57. So you treat her like garbage and instead of, you know, talking to her, you ask the internet to tell you what your girlfriend is thinking? You know who knows what your girlfriend is thinking? Your girlfriend. Honestly, your problem is that you don't see her as a person. If you did, you would be kind to her. You would get off the internet and go apologize to your girlfriend.

  58. She wants abstinence with you and she is letting you do FWB. What will she do during this year of a sudden religious epiphany? This is ridiculous in my opinion. No marriage and no cohabitation. You shouldn’t have bought this house with her and now you are stuck at least with the house.

    I would move on. I wouldn’t stay here she is giving you blank check to do whatever while she is doing the same but not with you. If you asked me do you think she is cheating? My answer is a resounding yes.

  59. So, he was free to choose to continue looking at „fitness girls?“ your post doesn’t make it sound like he was.

    And if he wasn’t, you essentially made a demand. Which you are free to do, but it was a stupid and immature demand and now that the shoe is on the other foot and he’s stupid and immature, you are suddenly outraged.

    When it’s you making demands, it’s a“reasonable boundary“ and „you don’t care what anyone else thinks,“ but suddenly when it’s your bf making outlandish demands you are looking for validation from strangers.

    You are pathetic.

  60. Either she wants a normal birthday party or you should talk to her friends about having one of those Tupperware type parties where they sell sex toys instead of overpriced totes. Come to think of it, they both have something to put your junk in…

  61. I see, but I feel like my break doesn't affect me anymore. It sure did when first started seeing her but now a lot of time has gone by I think

  62. IVF is expensive and horrific on the female body- physically and emotionally. All he does is wank into a jar and you have to go through injecting yourself daily, invasive procedures and hormones. It also has a very low success rate.

    His desire for a baby because he is infertile does not trump your bodily autonomy.

    The fact you can’t communicate with him and he thinks his needs trump yours shows your relationship is not a healthy one. Do not bring a child into this mess.

    Go find someone who loves and respects you. One who cares about you. Not a man who sees you as nothing more than a vessel he can abuse.

  63. This woman has no moral compass and your bf is her next ap if she has her way.

    Considering he works with her and can't go no contact, I think you better cut your losses. As a parting girt, consider messaging her husband.

  64. If you are going to be this immature, you should probably be single so you don’t inflict this kind of BS on your GF.

  65. I mean, based solely off your post and replies you don't seem like you are communicating well either.

    Does your wife feel like she has voiced her mind in the past and you've chosen not to hear it?

    You should really be asking her why she feels like she can't communicate openly with you. But my man, you need to be prepared for the answer to be you.

  66. Whether it's her autism making her this way or not doesn't really matter. Understanding her way of thinking and that she (probably) doesn't intend to hurt/insult/demean you doesn't negate the fact that she has. Just because I didn't mean to spill hard coffee on someone doesn't mean it didn't still happen, or that I shouldn't take action/responsibility for it.

    The way she puts it, you are not the unbeatable love of her life. You aren't even a friend. Then what are you? Just a “lover”… A nicer way of saying you're a booty call. Is that what you want to be? If so, why does her approval/opinion of you matter if you're just getting together for sex? Your expectations and wants (that is, yours and hers) for this relationship don't seem to be aligned.

    You've put her on such a high pedestal that it's made you desperate for her approval and appreciation, the lack of which has made you feel less of an equal in this relationship. Perhaps you have tried to demonstrate by example how to treat others the way you'd like to be treated, but at this point, I'd say to treat her as she treats you. Reflect that effort and energy (or lack thereof) back at her. Ultimately, my opinion would be to go your separate ways, because she inevitably chips at your self esteem just by being herself.

    It's not your fault. It's not necessarily her fault, either. You just don't seem compatible.

    Maybe there are lessons you can bring to her attention by having an honest conversation about how she makes you feel, but these are lessons she needs to want to learn. If she doesn't see fault with the way she treats other people, and is truly happy with her life, there is little you can do to change things. All you can control is how you respond to a situation.

  67. Did you tell him you overheard this conversation?

    I don't think venting to a friend is a big deal, personally, but it hurt your feelings and he needs to know.

  68. He will be over his sadness in a few short weeks while you'll be dealing with pregnancy, delivery, childcare and motherhood for the rest of your life. These two things are not equal. You aren't ready. Keep your plan and try when timing is better for you.

  69. Serious answer: You ignore it. You don't have to act on every urge. In a long term monogamous relationship you are bound to sometimes be attracted to another person. You don't go to that person, tell them you'd like to fuck them, then bring them to a meeting with your partner to say “hey we both want to fuck, what do you think?”. If you can't ignore an occasional attraction to someone else then maybe you need to end the main relationship.

  70. I would be very curious to see her internet history. People generally don't devolve like this in a vacuum, and there are some truly sick pro-ED sites out there that filled with people who are encouraging and reinforcing each other's delusions and disorders. I would be willing to bet any amount of money that if you go digging on her computer you'll find some of them in the bookmarks or the history unless she's computer savvy enough to thoroughly clean her tracks.

  71. If he asked you to murder your child and you said absolutely not, and he said ok I respect that and never brought it up again, do you think you could forget it and just move on? He killed your marriage, theres most likely no going back.

  72. If a friend came to you and told you this was happening to them, how would you react? How would you feel on their behalf? What would you advise them to do? That's your advice, right there. Care as much for yourself as you would for a friend, and act on your behalf.

    Please, make a plan to get out safely. Do not tell him. Pack your ID, passport, any essential things you need to go forward, and hide them in a bag somewhere. Find a friend, relative, anyone! who can give you a safe place to stay until you can figure out your next steps. You deserve a life free of assault.

  73. So why are you with him? You are just a nice body to him. What if you get ill? I unfortunately has some illnesses and need to take several medications. One of them let me gain 15 fucking kilo in 7 months. And because i have Hashimoto, i even don't lose weight with just 1k calories daily. Sometimes you can't control what happens with your body. And a little bit more weight can still looks great. But he tells you that he wants a doll.

    and telling you multiple times, this is awful. I bet soon he will tell you that you need a surgery to look better. And tell you how great xx look. And if you ever get scars or your breast starts to hang, he will cheat on you and it is your fault rolleyes

    Would you ever treat your partner like this? Making demands about his body? So why do you accept this? You know it is wrong.

  74. Have there been any ground rules established around fursonas? Are you allowed to use other fursonas with other people?

    Strictly based on what you wrote here, I am going to say that it doesn’t matter what fursona you use, ‘you’ are on the inside of it and if ‘you’ do physical stuff with someone else outside of your relationship, you cheated.

    You purposefully did not disclose what happened with someone else on your trip. At the very best, you lied by omission, at the worst you cheated.

  75. Your deffinitly right.. I just thought because I started the conversation he might be somewhat reassuring and try to fix it but he's either afraid to talk about it or cba to fix it .

    We didn't fight earlier and I don't think we would fight as it is sad. I'm also afraid of what/how to say about it.. womp

  76. So wait a day or two and if he doesn’t initiate anything, I should just send a final break up message?

  77. I'm glad to hear you have someone who can help you navigate.

    It could be possible there isn't someone else, but all cheaters reassure their partners there isn't anyone else.

    It actually doesn't matter he has moved on in his mind and heart and you don't need anyone like that in your life.

  78. Yes, just stop. And tell him what you told us. If it doesn't sink in, or once again he participates but it lasts for only a few weeks, tell him you would like to separate for a while. It's unfair and unfortunate that he's taking advantage of you, and you don't need to continue on that same path. He will either get with the program…or not. Then it's up to you.

  79. Damn. Dude is in his 30s. That’s a trope that belongs in the movies. Even if I won the lottery, I wouldn’t do that at my old bad job just because of how paranoid I am about it blowing up in my face.

  80. You have plenty serious stuff to deal with without her.

    Tell her you are overwhelmed and need to care for and respect yourself and your time and money.

  81. Wait what? Trying to get my head around how you could possibly be in any way at fault here“

    Your family are acting like trash. You’re well rid of this kind of toxicity.

  82. You can’t “deny” someone something they were never entitled to or promised in the first place, and which they didn’t even bother to ask for. Your boyfriend is a turd.

  83. Trying to force yourself to be poly when you are strict monogamous is a foolish idea. For what? So you can desperately try to hold onto a relationship that is now making you sick, disgusted, angry and jealous all the time thinking about all those men putting themselves inside your girlfriend, putting their mouths all over her breasts and body, etc?

    Now why on earth would you do that to yourself, when you can save your self respect and dignity by getting rid of her so she can be free to go have all the dick she wants, and you can be available for a like minded monogamous lady who only wants you?

  84. This is definitely a legitimate reason to break things off. Even if you were already married, you are not obligated to stay with somebody who has radically changed if those changes affect the dynamics of the relationship in ways that you don't agree with.

  85. Loud snoring is the worst. I wake up to my SO snoring from time to time. But his is weird. I'll wake up to him snoring I'll lay there trying to go back to sleep and it never works. But every single time I give up and get out of bed the moment my feet hit the floor he stops snoring. It drives me bonkers

  86. It seems that this guy wants to use your body to have fun and without condom will give him better sensation so he does not care about your feeling and can go to any extent to do this like he already lied to you. This is time to end things with hm and find a new guy who is more mature and makes sure that he does not violet your privacy. Never let him have sex with you without condom and stop talking to him as that seems better option than to give him another chance. You deserve a better person to be with who respects you and your body as you are more than just a vagina.

  87. It feels as though you’ve leaned into this (fairly new) friendship a little harder than she has, and been a bit needy? She’s given you some pretty clear signals that she’d like less (or now, no) contact. It’s also just possible that her life got busier with other things, other friends, perhaps lovers too? Probably best at this point that you back off and let her know you’ve accepted her need for more space. That may start a conversation, or she may wander back to you after a time. Or not. Sounds like you enjoy every-day contact, but it might be better for you to concentrate on making more friends (and different groups of friends) and spreading that load around a bit more? Not everyone can sustain the level of intensity that you’ve tried to set up.

  88. I always like to encourage communication. Me and my GF had a period where we were having both some communication issues and some sexual issues. She were very tense and had a hard time relaxing, and often sex ended up being a bit like a chore. This kinda ruined the expirience for me and i started not instigating.

    But we worked on our communication, and opened up, also about our sex life and now the issues are completely gone and we have never been more happy and our sex life is amazing.

    Its very easy to just say people arent sexually compatible and move on but communication should be tried before moving to that step.

  89. You need to break up. Being drunk is no excuse for this shitty behaviour. He didn't even see the light when he was sober. A bf must have your back. But instead he choosed his awful friends. Friends who makes fun, no bully you because you do a natural thing. Oh how dare you flew home. They had so many jokes prepared for the next days. If you were laughingwith them, okay, but you were crying, seeking for the help of the one who should support you and he did nothing. If he can'tevenhave your back in such a situation. When his friends and a stupid trip is more important, you should break up.

    To think that he behaved like this with 28. I thought the were just out of teenager age, but he is nearly 30 and is so immature.

  90. You need to break up. Being drunk is no excuse for this shitty behaviour. He didn't even see the light when he was sober. A bf must have your back. But instead he choosed his awful friends. Friends who makes fun, no bully you because you do a natural thing. Oh how dare you flew home. They had so many jokes prepared for the next days. If you were laughingwith them, okay, but you were crying, seeking for the help of the one who should support you and he did nothing. If he can'tevenhave your back in such a situation. When his friends and a stupid trip is more important, you should break up.

    To think that he behaved like this with 28. I thought the were just out of teenager age, but he is nearly 30 and is so immature.

  91. Take a video, show her what she is like, let her see the other side of it. If she isn’t appalled by it and doesn’t seek help, then that’s your cue to leave. You can’t help someone who refuses to help themselves.

  92. I do love this woman I just can’t deal with drink

    From what you told us, this isn’t just ‘drinking’. She’s going to the hospital and shit because she doesn’t know when to stop drinking, so you need to keep in mind that you’re very likely dealing with an addict here.

    What ‘addict’ means is this isn’t something simple enough that you can just talk her out of. She has to realize it, wants to deal with it, and works hard towards it as quitting fucking sucks on both physical and mental levels. Many alcoholics only quit after they’ve lost everything, and the people who left them definitely loved them
they just couldn’t deal with it anymore.

    I got no advice, but just think it’s something to consider.

  93. You need to figure this out without any other opinions.

    Set up your phone to record your consumption of a large meal privately. Drinks included. Friends are not who you should be asking. Don't stare at your phone. Just eat your meal.

    Then, watch some videos about eating etiquette. Using utensils and eating. Do you start to lose focus on etiquette part way through the meal? Do you chew with your mouth open, use utensils inappropriately, or are you just fine?

    Mealtime etiquette can be a huge thing for many people and to cultures. Others, not so much (some cultures eat entire meals with their hands). You need to figure this out on your own without outside opinions.

  94. This is the messiest thing I have read on this subreddit. Not grammatically, just relationship wise. I really don't have an idea why you're even together at all.

  95. Start your own competition. Get all the boyfriends and gf’s together at a party and ask the bf’s jhow the competition is going, and then see how many fights are started. When your GF complains let her know you had a completion going. You won as you picked all the boyfriends would be upset. For bonus paints ask the girls to read all their dm’s with the guys they are collecting.

  96. I don't see how the child is going to benefit from this situation. OP isn't my concern, especially since his motivation seems to be more spite than actually worrying about the child's well being. He's just butt hurt that his ultimatum didn't work and he's getting the same bullshit thrown back at him.

    Both parties would make bad parents, whether they're together or not

  97. This is not how relationships work. You can't just demand that your partner feels / doesn't feel a certain way for a month. Also why would you need to encourage him to clean up after himself? He's a grown man. I think you're better off without him.

  98. Start putting out feelers for a new job and leave as soon as you can. If your boss won’t respect you the best thing you can do is get out of that situation.

  99. This is why I think OP should reason with her bf one more time. He seems to be insecure of her having her alone time. Especially when OP said her BF only plans things on the weekend she goes glamping.

  100. It’s going to sound like I’m being flippant, so I apologize ahead of time. Poly makes no sense to me and it colors my advice

    But what if the sneaking around is like consensual non consent. Like when my kid sneaks potato chips from the kitchen and I pretend I’m annoyed but really if he had asked I would have given him the chips.

  101. You do NOT have to be ok with it, and if he pushes you, you need to think really hard about whether you can ever feel sfe with him again. I couldn't.

  102. Yes, I think you're right, I feel upset because I'm already convinced it was him.

    I wouldn't say I have the tech expertise to rule out all other possibilities, but regardless I know I don't trust my brother, and I know that I can't tolerate him in my life.

  103. The only issue is, when we chatted on the phone, because she seems overly cautious, we agreed that I guess she will see where things go with my friend, and if it doesn’t work out and she still interested in me, then I just told her to reach out and I’ll plan a date for us. I just don’t want to rush this or come off too strong

  104. I don't need credentials. It's common sense. If you stay you're volunteering to stay. You are not a victim. This isn't a carjacking where you're minding your own business and had no choice to not get carjacked.

    Unless you're carrying a gun and want to risk your life over a car.

  105. Have you asked him what he truly wants? I'm asking because maybe his reluctance is in giving up his house that's almost paid off to buy another house when interest rates are sky high. I know he'll be renting out his house, but it's HIS house. It's something he bought and maybe even updated to be what he wanted.

    I'd talk about his reluctance a little more and try to see what his true feelings are. And maybe you two can live! in his house, which again is almost paid off, and have a better life because you won't have as expensive of a mortgage for nearly as long. To me, that seems like a better option financially vs taking a risk in renting (when we saw what happened during the pandemic with eviction freezes) and paying a super high interest on a new house just because you want to be part owner. It seems like a silly choice imo to buy now when he already has a house.

  106. I don’t wanna reveal details about me, but trust me I could handle that without throwing hands. But is this the wrong road to go down regardless?

  107. She has already cheated or had a specific guy in her sights. She wants you to stick around just in case he doesn’t want her.

  108. Drama, drama, drama. You all are way too old for this high school bullshit. I'd drop Claire because it sounds like she's jealous of Andrea and is in some weird competition with her. Or she's trying to get back at her for something. She has issues and needs to sort her shit out.

  109. No. I moved to SC with her. Most my family in NY. So I gotta play it cool until it's time. Just have to be patient.

    Tried to check her whatsapp account, but she deleted it. Then she brought it up to me. “I keep getting texts to confirm my whatsapp.” So I played it off. But she confirmed she used to have one and deleted it. Which why use whatsapp if you have nothing to hide

  110. Yeah, she's definitely obsessing over it. You can care for his opinion if you find value in it. One should always be one's own person, but there is room to find another person's comments valuable and useful and to enjoy their input.

  111. I agree. I would tell my parents what was going on. Having support from family & friends is important during difficult times. Some people don't have families to help them get through a crisis. My family has supported me & helped me cope when I have been devastated & could barely function.

  112. We’ve done exactly that. She loves it. Perhaps in a few months or even a years time we can do the same thing. It’s hard to describe, I grew up in the countryside and know the benefits, and roughly the local benefits I’m targeting. She grew up in a perhaps slightly dangerous area, certainly rough. There’s almost no concept of the benefits you get.

  113. I’m proud of her too. Your wedding is supposed to be one of the happiest days. OP was beyond miserable. It would have been a massive mistake to go ahead with it.

  114. If I were you, that relationship would be over. Your fiance sounds like he doesn't care about the loss of your child, and I don't understand this force of getting married to solve your problems. Your fiances family (including him) seems cold and callous. Their mindset of the wedding taking away all the grief over the very recent loss of your child is highly concerning. It's clear that this wedding was only about them, not you, your child.

    Can I ask, are you financially in a far better position than your fiance??

  115. Lavishing expensive gifts on someone four weeks into a relationship is unusual behavior. People who are actually wealthy generally do not do this, so in conjunction with being unable to verify his employment, it's something to pay attention to.


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