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8 thoughts on “?????? ??? ??? the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. So people that says things like “stop being so serious” are invalidating you, your feelings, your rights to be comfortable or uncomfortable with something. Literally your right to your own bodily autonomy.

    It appears he has only lived with people who tolerate abusive gross behaviour and has normalised it.

    No one has to put up with anything other people do, that is human rights 101.

    You don't have to put up with it, sadly the thing you can do is leave, and I would do that like yesterday.

    He is literally taking bacteria laden bodily secretions and putting them forcefully into your body. As if you have to smell all of his parts and accept that as that is his choice.

    Let extrapolate that into other areas he wants to add bodily fluid from his body to yours. Would that make you run away? I know it would me.

    NO ONE has the right to your body, please remember this.

    Anything that he does against your permission, clear and active consent, is assault.

    It isn't minor assault either, he is pinning you down and thrusting his fingers into your nose. That is some seriously shitty behaviour.

  2. Would you show me them if I asked to see them? I’m not asking you to give them to me.

    I’d also ask to see the contract she signed with the guy volunteer or not.

  3. If someone lies to me or can’t be honest with me, they’ve told me all I need to know.

    He had an opportunity to explain that friendship or acquaintanceship in a way that made sense and he brushed you off.

    If he can’t be honest, is there a future here worth stooping to violate someone’s private space and belongings.

    Looking in his closet won’t make you suddenly trust him, so that’s not the answer. It’ll only tell you what you already know, and tell him he can’t either.

  4. I'm kinda appalled here ngl. He needs to apologizing, regardless of what he intended to say or wanted it to be recieved by you, what he said was fucked up and as a father now he needs to know better.

    If he doesn't know he can learn, there's no excuses. Parenting videos, books, classes; was/is he doing any research into pregnancy, post pregnancy, being a new parent, childcare, etc??? Because if he isn't he needs to be and if he is he needs to do more

    I'm sure he didn't mean any harm and it was just 'an observation' but imagine if you said smth like 'wow after pushing a whole baby out of my hooha I wonder if your peen will feel like a pinkie finger'

  5. What she told me is that she’s depressed and has been depressed for a while which we’ve talked about and that I don’t understand and I really don’t either because when I ask her why she just says she doesn’t know and that she had a dream about him and that he was always good to her and that it was her way of telling him that she thinks about how good he was to her, if that makes sense. I don’t buy it though.


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