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  1. Just my experience being with someone who used a pastor as a meditator and counselor for himself and our failing marriage, and rapidly became “passionate” about religion – it got bad fast.

    It became him and the pastor vs me. Even if I talked to the pastor on my own. I was the only one who needed to concede, I was cause of issues, I needed to rethink things… And for me, your mentioned concern of “the wife obeys her husband” was a reality, along with reading to my babies when he was mad at me that disobedient wives should be stoned.

    I left, it was really ugly for us. He's gotten more fundamental and aggressive in his beliefs in the years since.

    If you want to work on this before you find an ending like mine, seriously push for a different pastor, postpone the wedding, and get an impartial and non-religious couple's therapist. It won't be fun, it won't be quick, but you may have caught this early enough to hash things out again. GL.

  2. You sound like a spoiled child. Trying to fuck up everyone else's life just because they've hurt your feelings. You're going to go nowhere in life with this mentally. Get some actual help. Trash.

  3. It should be up to you to decide what you wear, although I don't agree that the clothes you describe are inappropriate for someone your age. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in, and whatever makes you feel good about yourself, but don't let age (or your man) make that decision for you.

  4. Clearly you're not interested in her, so you should just let her go. It seems as if you only see her as a part-time booty call and nothing more.

    Do the right thing for her and yourself, let her go so she can find a real relationship.

  5. You explained it yourself. going out with friends, at nightclubs or bars, he's not on his phone. Makes sense, service interference, bad sound, groups of people, especially for only 3 to 5 hours. At home, answers his phone. 3 to 5 hours is nothing. You're fine. Maybe have something in your life besides a timer on this boyfriend. School, work, hobbies, friends, family, pets?

  6. It IS worth going to couple counseling BUT in your case consider it CO-Parent counseling, which will be vital for your children. You two will need to forge a new relationship. I went through this and I can tell you that my son never felt unloved through our breakup because of the help we received from a counselor. Also consider getting your own individual counselor to help you process your personal feelings. You will need it.

  7. A girlfriend is not a rehabilitation center for deeply depressed and suicidal men. Seriously dude, you’re 19 not only is it very normal to not have had a gf at this age, but also you literally speak as if you need a gf to be your emotional support pet. Thats not a girlfriends job, and i would be willing to bet money that this attitude is a big part of what’s keeping the girls away. Even reading your post through a screen i feel a bit creeped out, imagine what the ladies in your vicinity are going through? You need help. Serious professional mental help for your depression and any other issues you might be having. Only when you are able to emotionally support yourself and be a stable partner will you be able to attract a partner for yourself. Right now you sound like you want a trained suicide prevention specialist who you also get to have sex with. This is not what a girlfriend is. In this state, im sorry to say, you are unfit to be a boyfriend yourself

  8. You’re assuming she thinks you’re together. Which is very presumptuous of you.

    You can just let her know that you think she is very beautiful but you aren’t looking to seriously date right now. And you want to make sure you don’t give her the wrong idea or lead her on. Because you think she’s a great person and don’t want to mislead her.

    That’s it. You didn’t do anything wrong. She never said she thought you guys were together. So stop assuming. And just be clear next time

  9. Don’t stick around for this. You deserve better. It sounds like you want some commitment, stability and monogamy. He hasn’t figured out what he wants. It seems as if he wants the freedom to do as he pleases and remain unattached while having you around to support him emotionally and sexually. You can love someone and not want a relationship or monogamy with them. You can also vacillate between really being into one person and wanting freedom to explore. As his on again off again person, you are always waiting in the wings with unrequited feelings. Unfortunately this kind of stuff is messy and convoluted, especially when you are younger and trying to figure out what you want and who you are.

    But the bottom line here is you want more and he doesn’t. Actions always speak louder than words, especially drunken ones. You need to draw a clear line in the sand and set some boundaries to help maintain your own sanity and self esteem. These include defining what you want and need out of a relationship with him, and that you won’t be used or be the FB anymore. It’s clear that the unattached, casual nature that is needed in a FWB situation is no longer something you can do with this guy. You got the feels, and that’s ok. You just now need to make sure you are protecting and supporting your own emotional well being.

    If you and he can respect those boundaries then by all means be friends. If not you probably need to go no contact until you can figure out who you are and what you need and then set your sights on finding a person that wants something similar. Otherwise you’re just going to remained enmeshed and anxious and insecure about what he’s doing.

    You want more and he really doesn’t. You both need to respect that about each other and move on. Who knows? Maybe when you’ve both done a little more livin and figuring things out you guys will circle back to each other but for now there’s other fish in the sea.

  10. CYA, (cover your ass) well you found out so now your implicit on theyre shitty actions, although it aint your problem, you're friendships aint the same anymore and will likely get worse. The sooner you tell them the better off your position amongst these freinds partners will be, the endgame is to protect their partners from anymore harm they wil eventually find out about on their own. Its awful for sure but if i had half a decent freind to tell me whats going then at the very least theyre not stuck in both of their cheating partners situations still or going foward without their knowledge of it

  11. Not a doctor or therapist, but it sounds like he may have ADHD and/or ASD. I have ADHD and he sounds like me. I've been known to go on about something ad nauseam, connect dots that make sense to me but no one else, and be sensitive to criticism. I don't WANT to be like that, and I can try my hardest to be “normal”, but I can't all the time. I've had to make conscious efforts to stay quiet and “mask” and it's exhausting. Writing down my thoughts help a lot. It's very cathartic. I can get out what I need to say without bothering others.

    I highly recommend gifting him a dream journal for Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate). Phrase it as “I noticed that you like talking about your dreams a lot, so I thought you might want to write them down. It'll help you remember them and maybe even see some patterns in your subconscious.” I would stay away from anything that makes it sound like he's being annoying or a burden because he probably already feels like that with most people. If you really want to have a conversation about it, ask him genuinely and non-judgmentally why he tells you his dreams. Whatever you choose to do, do it with kindness. You won't regret being kind, but you will feel like an asshole if you're mean and especially if you find out he's neurodivergent. Good luck!

  12. u/tinderstoryed, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  13. Did you make a new account to ask the same question? Everyone told you yesterday this was ?️?️ behavior.

    Y’all don’t feed the trolls. ?

  14. If he's in an abusive relationship, he clearly doesn't see it yet. Sometimes telling people they're being a doormat is a good wake up call. You just start giving advice on leaving, you're gonna get written off.

  15. GIRL this was more than a peck TO HIS SISTER. My brother is my world and I wouldn't dream of doing this.

    Have a serious talk with him. He may say it's not a big deal but it is and he knows it because they try to actively hide it from you. Ask him to explain what he does and demonstrate on you, ask if this wasn't a big deal why did he hide it. Explain your feelings. If you are not comfortable with this that is okay and valid. Try to reach a compromise is possible. But you have to decide if this is a deal-breaker for you and it's okay if it is. I know many people might say this isn't a very serious thing but it is your relationship. I, personally, wouldn't be comfortable with this.

    UpdateMe! Please

  16. Yeah I’m on this side. If I talk about all the women I’ve been with to an SO, that’s not oversharing, that’s being a psychotic dickwad.

    If someone even asks, I’m not sharing unless there’s a legitimate reason to know. It would be my fault to make that level of insecurity acceptable.

    Also, 20 people from 18-28 is 2 a year. THAT IS NOTHING. Im more impressed they could keep count. Do or die, I’m not sure I’d get my own right.

  17. That’s what I’m trying to figure out right now. If this is the first or if I’ve just been compliant throughout our relationship

  18. Hello /u/Rare-Vegetable8516,

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  19. I had the exact same problem with my previous girlfriend, and it won't get better unless she fixes her own addiction and confront her narcissistic ways.

    Unfortunately for you, this will most likely be a deal breaker, and If you do break up I strongly encourage you to tell her this is a large factor. It might help her, but from my experience, people obsessed with social media are pretty hot to convince otherwise.

  20. You are the one twisting it. She didnt “confess” her feelings. She told her coworker feelings were developing AND that they need to distance themselves because of it; then proceeded to transfer departments.

    Leaving out half of the conversation to fit your narrative doesnt work bro.

  21. If she likes board games do you think that maybe she would like to start playing video games with you as well? There are lots of games on steam that are like a board game, like Armello and tabletop simulator. She might even like some of the games that you currently play. My boyfriend and I are both gamers and to be honest I don’t think I could see myself dating someone who doesn’t share that hobby with me.

  22. As someone who’s body clock is altered like hers, it’s not “unhealthy” it’s just bloody inconvenient that the rest of the world operates at a different time. Yes, there are cultural biases towards morning people, and the amount of put downs night owls have to put up with is soul destroying.

    Tell your girlfriend to schedule her classes and work so that they fall later in the day if possible, and stop giving her a hot time. It feels like the whole world is telling you are wrong when your body is telling you what is right for you…not much different than being a lesbian, but people are more tolerant of different sexualities.

    I’ve seen a sleep specialist, and they said to figure out when your body clock naturally falls asleep (4am) add 7-8hrs for sleeping, and that is when you should get up no-matter what.

    To accommodate the rest of the world, slowly shift that pattern back by 20-30 mins, at two week intervals until you reach the time you need to function in the real world. There is other sleep hygiene stuff to help aid falling asleep…but basically a long term happy life revolves around shifting the real world stuff to suit your body.

    For me, I sleep at 2am, and rise at 10am, and head to work between 11am-9pm. The world needs shift workers so work the system!

  23. Its normal to bald in your early twenties. For women too, by the way. If you don’t like him then let him go and yeah this is really superficial of you.

  24. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Tl:dr I just started making good money, my GF wants me to start sending money ($1,000 or more) to her family every month. I refused and she’s irate with me, calling me selfish, etc. Seeking advice.

    Hey guys, need some advice here. My GF and I have been together for about 2 years now. We live together and share some finances, split everything 50/50, but I believe she’s trying to take things a bit too far by asking me to give money to her family.

    For more context, we live in the US, she is 2nd generation Mexican. (meaning, her parents are from Mexico but she was born in US)

    My GF is an outlier in her family whereas she is one of the only one of her relatives to get a college degree. She is making decent money now ($70K) and also moved across the country from her family after graduating. She leads a stable and drama free life, which is why I love her. She is frugal with her money and is generally low-maintenance.

    Her sister, on the other hand, is a mess. She is a single mother of 2, moved to Florida from Michigan on a whim with no money, skills or degree to follow her baby daddy, BD left her and the kids. She is now jobless and moved in with relatives who are also struggling. Blames everyone for her shit except herself. Her mother is not doing any better. After a nasty divorce where she was cheated on and abused throughout the marriage, she decided to represent herself in court despite all advice and lost just about everything to her name. She is also just notoriously bad with her money, she will spend the last $800 to her name on a fancy table she doesn’t need then freak out and ask for money to cover rent. This is just a glimpse into the mess of her family, not even including all the issues and drama caused by her extended family. (there are many of them)

    Then, there’s me. I come from a pretty poor background and have worked myself silly to get into a good financial position. I finally started making a decent wage in the past 2 months ($150K) for the first time in my life, I have things I could only dream of like…good healthcare and a savings account.

    Recently, my girlfriend approached me and asked if I could start helping her send money to her family since I’m making good money now. I was a little taken back, and just asked what she thought. She’s asking me to contribute nearly $1,000 each month to send to her mom and sister. I said absolutely not, I think it’s absolutely ridiculous to just be sending monthly payments to relatives, much less relatives that aren’t even mine! She’s acting like I’m being outrageous by refusing, saying she couldn’t believe I’m so selfish.

    She will absolutely not let it go and her demeanor towards me has shifted since I shut her down. I feel like I’m going insane. If a relative was in a life or death situation and needed some funds, sure, I could spare some change. But not $1000 a month! Or any monthly payment for that matter.

    I tried to compromise and said I would buy some school supplies or some clothes for her sister’s kids. (Who I feel are an innocent party here and shouldn’t suffer from there’s mom’s stupid decisions) She refused, saying it’s not enough. Either way, I really don’t want my very hot earned money in the hands of her relatives who are notoriously bad with it.

    I understand that family is important in Latin American culture. Has anyone in a similar situation dealt with something like this? How can we move past this?

  25. So was mine. She was already toxic and kept his kids from him. When she found out I was pregnant, she lost her fucking mind. She went extra bat shit crazy. She tried to say that she was jealous because she couldn't have any more kids because she had her tubes tied. For some reason she was still trying to have a kid with her current boyfriend. I saw right through her bullshit.

    She was jealous that he has a kid with someone who isn't her. She was jealous that he had a kid with someone else now. Basically, she was not letting him move on with his life. She was using their kids as a pawn to make his life a living hell. She was allowed to see whoever she wanted but the minute she found out he was seeing me, she ramped up her bullshit.

    It got even worse when I was pregnant as I said. Some women are just that crazy. Now I don't think that OP's ex-wife is that way. She seems to be a well-adjusted woman. I'm just saying I agree with you that some women are just that crazy. So are some men though. It goes both ways. Whoever thinks that it's not a possibility for an ex to harm a new partner who is pregnant is naive. There are people who are just that crazy.

  26. Sometimes it’s as easy as spending time reconnecting as a couple and sometimes this takes a lot of work.

    If you need to hear a success story on how you can come back from this situation let me spill a novel of what worked in my relationship:

    My partner and I have been together 13 years with mismatched sex drives. We went through a phase where life was busy and we weren’t spending time together or connecting beyond being essentially roommates and friends. He would just touch me a certain way and I knew exactly what he was looking for because any other time he wasn’t doing any of that. It was irritating to me and a complete turnoff because it’s not like there was any effort outside of this. We had a long conversation about how he was feeling very similar to you here, but I was feeling like I was living with my best friend and i don’t normally want to have sex with my best friend.

    We decided to start taking a set amount of time each day to decompress together and talk about each others day, how we were feeling and what’s going on. He makes time to cook nice dinners so I don’t have to. We split house work a bit more evenly now. At the time we set a specific date night once a week that can’t be changed or interrupted for things like friends, work, etc. It wasn’t always fancy dinners and cheesy stuff, most of the time we did fun things we both enjoyed. We made a genuine effort to bring back intimacy outside of sex like cuddling, kissing, hand holding whenever we could without the expectation someone was getting some. When he hit lulls or rough patches, we talk about it now instead of letting it fester or assuming the other knows what’s going on in our heads. Honestly, things for us fell into place after that. I’m still more LL than he is, but because of the genuine effort from him and ways we’ve strengthened our relationship make it much easier for me to make more of my own efforts because to be clear, I wasn’t doing my part before this either.

    Situations like this can change and it can work out. Some people need more guidance and help and a counselor or therapist can help guide that conversation to help one another open up and be honest. There is a possibility to come back from this situation. It’s not so easy to come back from the betrayal of cheating. Communication and honesty is always key. Good luck.

  27. If he told you that you would NEVER be allowed to look at his diary, would you be freaking out over that as well? This is a weird thing to spiral over.

    Also, it's weird that he would tell you in advance that HE is planning on getting engaged, as if you had no say in the matter.

  28. It’s not unreasonable to be upset. His reaction to her very valid fears is basically to get over it and give him kids. He’s not responding with, let’s do a surrogate, or let’s look at other options. She’s terrified of IVF and he’s only thinking about how to use her body to make him babies.

  29. I think the fact she didn't disclose it before you were intimate is a breach of informed consent…. I really don't think relationships build on lies and deception are a great foundation

  30. This is a feeling that you need to dig in to with a therapist honey. You feel like you were doing the right thing, but you were completely wrong.

    How long have you been a “fixer”? How long have you been responsible for other people's emotions? How long have you been trying to take care of things for everyone else? This can be a trauma response.

  31. okay, so low contact. it's pretty synonymous with the end goal being: staying as far away from your parental abusers as possible. same levels of messed up

  32. If hanging out with your crush is making you spiral, you might want to consider going no contact until you get over your feelings.

  33. He is acting like you and he are a team. He is offering to do something nice to help the team move forward together. If your dynamic and respect continues on an even footing (and he isn't doing toxic relationship type things) I'd be saying that he looks like a keeper. He appears to be being respectful, generous and thoughtful to your needs and feelings.

  34. Yes I am one. And I had a friend who I was in love with in high school. We remained friends for 15 years. I never saw her as more then a friend once my high school crush phase was over. Men aren’t as evil as you’re acting. If anything this post proves that a lot of women are controlling of men and they take it because it’s so hot to find a woman

  35. I understand what you are going through, but I have to tell you, you will feel better when you are no longer being abused by your birth family. Why do you need that kind of disrespect? People certainly respect you at work, at home, your friends and in laws. Why do you allow people who are close to you, your birth family to disrespect you and abuse you like this?

    I can tell you why: because your birth family taught you from birth on to accept their abuse. They trained you to accept it and think they right. This is how they have abused you. And now you still believe that they are right to hurt you. But are they right to hurt your wife? Not at all.

    You ought to listen to your wife. She is also suffering from their disrespect and abuse. You need to finally stand up for yourself.

  36. the word “open relationship” contradicts itself .. and the situation you described is quite typical.

    As a woman, I dated a woman in an open relationship till she fell in love with me and then the guy wanted to close the relationship but then she left him. (That’s 2 years in 1 sentence lol)

    My reasons were I wanted to date instead of typical u-haul and it was unexpected I fell for her too but in retrospect I felt I deserved to be treated better because I felt sad initially for me but then compassion for her and probably won’t do that again. Too messy I guess.. but I was also super young at the time. I’m 44 now.

  37. Fist. Your niece sounds very entitled to something that never was and never meant to be hers. Don’t let Josie give up what is hers.

    Second. Back off. She clearly has other issues going on that probably has nothing to do with you if she blocked her own mother. Give her the space she clearly needs.

  38. Break up – it won't work long term.

    You don't have to have all the same beliefs as your spouse, but your BF is endorses right-wing conspiracy theories.

    Just rip the band-aid off

  39. You behave like a woman, in a bad sense of that word.

    Oh good, a heaping helping of good old fashioned misogyny on top of absolutely terrible advice.

  40. Hon, I will tell you that after this long and you marry him chances are it will end in a few years, two reasons, you want to be married for being marrieds sake and he will only get married because of the pressure and neither one of you will be happy.

  41. I mean he’s here criticizing his wife while leaving comments like

    If she told me directly that she did not want kids, not now not ever, obviously that would influence my feelings more than “maybe there's a small chance someday”

    He has literally never expressed his desires either but she is the bad guy? Mmhmmm

  42. Yeah 1) stop sleeping with him for a start ??‍♀️ 2) I'd 100% divorce him I'd also make it known what he has done in divorce proceedings.

    From now on leave the exchanges of children and talking about the children to your mother, cut him out completely, this is a manipulation and abuse and I'd never be able to come back from this.

    Speak to you mom, you choice whether you tell her what he was planning or just say he done someone unspeakable and I would like all communication of the child to go through you and you relay the messages to me and so the swapping of the children to be done by you as well from this day forward.

    Also relay the message to your ex.

    As of this moment I am blocking your number, all communication about the children will be done now through my mother as will pick up/drop offs. What you was doing is unforgivable and not something I can or am willing to work past.

    Speak to a lawyer ASAP/today and start divorce proceedings and child custody agreements.

  43. Honestly try to have a shared convo, all three. She can tell your wife anything to turn her against you. And she doesn't respect you, clearly. So she needs to be stopped, and to get that you're not her child and you deserve her respect. That's not Wife against MIL with you hidding in the back, that's you and Wife against MIL.

  44. It’s because he doesn’t want to be a parent. Probably never wanted to be a parent, but gave in to pressure from friends, family, you etc when he found out you were pregnant.

    So prepare yourself for solo parenting, do not expect him to contribute to anything (I wouldn’t be surprised if he tries to find a way to not pay child support)

    Get your support network together, let everyone know he’s persona non grata and continue to be an awesome Mom to your child.

  45. I've been in the support role before. I wasn't interested in a romantic or similar relationship with her in this instance, I am just inclined to want to help people.

    It isn't always easy but it can be nice sometimes to be a shoulder to cry on (incl. figuratively). To show care and compassion.

  46. Everything this man does or ever decides to do will ultimately be at the mercy of his (weak and learned) moral compass which can and will depend on his mood and perceived benefits out of the situation.

    Be careful, because as soon as you’re not beneficial to someone like that, you’re just baggage. And these types of people can be good at getting rid of any perceived baggage.

  47. Ask her who specifically were the guys, its her fault that she put the doubt on you.

    If its the past it will be just fine to just know who they were, since u can all be open and “HONEST” about this kinda topic, right?

    And I am here to comment on that “bullshit privacy” people keep forcing around, specially when most people to claim need for privacy are actually hiding shit. If you dont have anything to hide you WONT hide anything. Lets be reasonable.

    She said she was gonna erase and its a lie, cuz she didn't. She will only delete it now cuz u found it out. Save a copy of the vid for urself and try to check on her friends and acquaintances on social midia.

  48. If you’re that concerned about getting a woman pregnant, you shouldn’t be having sex. Doesn’t matter how child free a woman you’re getting intimate is, there’s every possibility she’ll change her mind and decide to keep the pregnancy. Also expecting your partner to take hormonal birth control is wild. Birth control made me want to die, i came off it 7 months ago and I still don’t feel 100%. Don’t be in a relationship if you’re going to be this selfish about sex

  49. You both need to talk about boundaries. If his habit of taking candid shots is upsetting to you, then he needs to stop that. However, equally, if he doesn't like taking endless scripted photos of you until you feel in a better mood about yourself, then you need to stop using him for this too.

    The photo's aren't the issue here, its the over-stepping of boundaries and failure to address the deeper issues at heart. Are you in any therapy about your self-image problems? Have you ever been diagnosed with anything like body dysmorphia?

  50. What exactly would you have him do?

    “I'm sorry, you're fired because my wife thinks you're too pretty”?

    No. This sounds like an entirely you problem and I suggest you find some help for your insecurities. Attractive people are everywhere and if your husband is going to cheat he's going to find some people to cheat with regardless of where he has to find them. Cheaters gonna cheat.

    Let your husband do his work and work on your trust issues.

  51. I don’t know if charges can be filed, but this woman is a BS artist, and OP’s boyfriend is cheating on her with his “therapist”. Who he used to sleep with. Who wants them to have an open relationship. I would already be out the door, pregnant or not. OP, please don’t put up with this. Both him and his fake ass therapist are manipulating you, and you are now hormonal and in a vulnerable state.

  52. I'm a recovering snoop. That said, I've only ever snooped when I already suspected something was going on, and I always found evidence of it.

    It doesn't sound like that's exactly the case here– to me, this sounds like he's projecting and it's likely HE is the one cheating.

    OP, this is enough to break up over, in my opinion. If you're looking for validation that it's enough, it's enough. You no longer feel comfortable and this action can't be undone. You'll always wonder if he's snooping at best and projecting and actually cheating himself at worst.

  53. i have been getting lip filler for some time now after being self conscious of my lips my whole life, my only regret is not getting it sooner lol

  54. Why didn’t you handle the problem when it stopped?

    What do you think caused the change?

    What does he think the problem is?

  55. Chances are she had a polite conversation with him at the wedding. The typical “what's up,” “what are you up to,” etc. and he mentioned where he works. If she was without work at that point, the conversation probably involved that. She likely didn't think much of it and wrapped it up as some random encounter. She probably didn't mention it to you because at that point, it was the same conversation she had with everyone else at the party and you seem to really hate the guy. I probably wouldn't have bothered bringing it up either.

    If she was struggling to find work then I get why she took him up on the offer in January. I understand that she should've told you about it, but by doing so she would've had to explain how he knew. And again, you fucking hate the guy, she probably wasn't keen on laying that on you.

    She fucked up by not telling you when it came up. But I can see how this might have come about. It doesn't have to be cheating or actively malicious. It could very well just be a bit dumb and poorly thought-out. You might be freaking out because this guy is a known homewrecker and you're projecting that on to your wife.

    Info: How do you generally react to difficult conversations? Do you argue or throw blame? Do you yell or cuss or give the silent treatment? If so, you might understand why she wasn't keen on telling you.

    Has she done stuff like this before? Is she hiding her phone? Staying late at work or going out more frequently? Did she recently change passwords or hide info on her socials? Has she recently started using Telegram or other chat apps?

    I mean anything could be happening. It's hot to tell without being in the middle of it. But just take a step back and stop yourself from spiralling. Have a calm conversation with her and voice your concerns and listen to what she has to say. Reddit is way too eager to tell you that the worst of the worst is happening without having any real insight. Good luck.

  56. First off, no he can’t and he knows it. He’s looking towards 50 and I doubt he’s aging like Clooney. Don’t waste your youth on this guy.

  57. I guess it depends if theres other men/people he might fly off the handle about.

    Its a common thing to happen, so it bears mentioning as an option

  58. You either need to accept that they are friends or let the paranoia eat away at you until you push her away. I think this is a huge overreaction, he knows you are jealous of their friendship and past hence the awkward upside down face. He’s one of her close friends and wasn’t at her wedding??? That’s a big yikes.

  59. How about any time before he had to ask?

    How about her subtly shutting down the potential hangout and then telling him why later?

    Is there anything she could do that would be wrong in your opinion?

  60. I just… what? As a woman I’ve masturbated in front of my hubs for years. He has too. As adult you have to realize that when you get that animal instinct to have sex, your partner might not be in the mood and sometimes your too horny to stop being horny.

    So you masturbarte until a time when both your libidos and time line up.

  61. Drugging the dog isn’t the answer. It’s an artificial and easy way out that isn’t good for the long term health of the dog. You need a trainer so get in there and properly do work so that your dog understands the dynamic and also you guys know how to communicate effectively with the dog.

  62. She's in love with him, and you're in the way of the only connection she thinks she can get from him. This isn't going to get better. Boyfriend needs to set boundaries and time limits with her asap.

  63. This is beyond the pale for a prank. This is making fun of someone's trauma. I would report it to HR. This coworker must learn their lesson that this is not acceptable.

  64. There's a lot things to consider when picking a life partner to build a family with. If you definitely want to have kids then sooner or later you will have to that discussion.


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