The Boyfriend says she did all of that. I’m wondering how much of that is true versus him trying to shift blame versus taking accountability. It’s a lot easier for the boyfriend if his partner is mad at his ex then if his partner is mad at him. Basically the ex might be a problem and that should be checked out. No argument there.
Thank you! I really appreciate this. My weekend is starting soon, so I think will be good if I just get out of town or something. I never can tell how determined she is, so maybe a few days of separation can work that out. I guess I thought I could just help her until she gets in a better emotional place, but you are right about it taking a toll. I'll start with little steps and go from there.
She did try to tell you you weren’t listening!
Darling Husband. Acronym from the mommy boards on AOL back in the day.
The Boyfriend says she did all of that. I’m wondering how much of that is true versus him trying to shift blame versus taking accountability. It’s a lot easier for the boyfriend if his partner is mad at his ex then if his partner is mad at him. Basically the ex might be a problem and that should be checked out. No argument there.
Thank you! I really appreciate this. My weekend is starting soon, so I think will be good if I just get out of town or something. I never can tell how determined she is, so maybe a few days of separation can work that out. I guess I thought I could just help her until she gets in a better emotional place, but you are right about it taking a toll. I'll start with little steps and go from there.
Dude already clarified, rather than telling me not to downplay it, how about not making it nuclear?
this isn't about glamping. It's about control.
She does suck. She’s extremely immature and I hate to tell you this but it just won’t work out