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103 thoughts on “❀❀❀Lily❀❀❀ the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Leave them. Tell them to get help for their issues and see a therapist. Let their parents know (if appropriate) what their child is doing so they can help. You don't need to deal with that manipulative shit,

  2. I WAS SAYING THE SAME DAMN THING. How can two people be engaged for that long, have kids, and a house together but STILL not be married?! I’m convinced he’s stringing her along. Pretending to give her the life she wants while having his cake and eating it too.

  3. You can only now what the change is. But if something is not working and you continue the same path and it’s stagnant …then you know what to do

  4. You need a stable custody arrangement, both for you and the kids. At some point, you need to stop trying to fix her. She needs to do this for herself. Or maybe this is the best she is going to be. In any event, stop waiting on her. Get a custody order so she is with the kids on a regular basis.

  5. You had a conversation. She had a chance to be upfront and honest. She wasn't. You don't owe her anything, and I doubt she will give you the closure of honesty now. Best to take pics/screenshots of everything to keep in case she tries to lie to others about the reason you break up with her and just end things now on your own terms rather than at the mercy of a liar and cheat.

  6. I’m currently 38 weeks with my third (husband’s first) child. Amazing husband comes with me to every appointment. Husband also has a terribly old iPhone that dies pretty quickly, further exacerbated by his game playing. He’ll mess around in my phone while waiting, but I don’t have data so he just goes through pictures, lol.

    Personally, I think if trust is so eroded, and the lies are so rampant, that going into spouse’s phone is the only way you’re getting the truth, the relationship isn’t worth saving anyways. I’m sure it’s comforting in a weird way to have fears validated and confirmed, but I’d just break up with the person anyways.

  7. Always choose your future girl. No man needs to get in the way of the way especially one that says he needs more when you can’t give it to him. Choose led school. I’m sorry.

  8. It could be multitude of reasons. I’m dating someone a lil more than 4yrs and he’s similar in some sense — not good with words and not very sensitive/empathetic (only really towards kids or animals). It could be that you just have different love languages — yours being words of affirmation and his being something else (check out the 5 love languages by dr. Chapman).

    You will have to tell him exactly what you need from him because people can’t read minds. And then reevaluate from there to see if he can show up in the way you may need a partner to show up. But also note that you partner can’t be your everything — that’s why it’s important to have a strong support group aside from you partner, it could be your family, friends, or therapist, etc.

  9. Maybe you’re sexually incompatible. I’ve never heard of a guy not wanting to be on top. I can understand a guy not wanting to go down on a woman (will never be with me though), but I’m confused about him not wanting to be in missionary.

  10. Your wife must be cheating on you, you're newly married and it's obvious the man she's sleeping with for an open marriage.

    this trap

    you should divorce her quickly

    explain the situation to the social circle and families,

  11. Zackly. If I told my girl that I'm heading to Arby's with my homeboy do you really need to know that we pivoted to McRibs and an Egg nog shake instead?

  12. If it’s only about sharing a bloodline, well it’s not exactly fair because the fetus also has half of you in its genetics. Was the plan that you’d have only one kid?

    There was one really good post down there listing your 3 options. I think you and your wife should talk with a neutral 3rd party to facilitate. Also idk what type of marital expectations you have, but this ultimatum mentality overrides your voice.

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  14. Hmmm, I guess it comes from somewhere else. When it comes to friends and family I don't feel this way but only with him. Looks like I'll have to figure things out and if I can't or it gets worse, I'll get some professional output. Thank you.

  15. As a woman I'd walk away from this. There isn't a time I can think of with people or without that I'd ever ignore my husband. I'm ALWAYS excited to see him and we have been together 12 years.

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  19. I would make it crystal clear to both yourself and him what your boundaries are around this kind of thing. That would sound like:

    “I cannot be with someone who X (cheats, lies by omission, etc). I expect my partner to respect me and our relationship. If you X, I will leave. I want to be very clear about my boundaries and what you can expect from me if they're crossed.

    I support you having friends and acquaintances, but my trust in your ability to exercise good judgement with regards to this person has been damaged. As a result, I request that you _____ (don't see her alone, cut contact, etc.)”

    Then, you have to be prepared to follow through and leave if he crosses the line. Otherwise you're letting him walk all over you and he'll never respect you again.

  20. Hello /u/Individual_Ad3273,

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  22. Kate is way overboard, her woke butt hurts for no good reason except selfish delusions. This is a good moment to show her own privilege needs to be checked

  23. Hopefully this doesn't get lost, but my BF took benadryl (like the normal amount, 1 or 2 pills) and he couldn't orgasm at all. So maybe that's something that could work?

  24. This is my first real relationship and it’s all been one big learning experience. I was worried that maybe my own insecurities have led me to being too pushy. Thank you. I think I really needed to hear this.

  25. Oh well let them think you are transphobic, you aren't so it don't matter. I support transgenders but I'm not trying to be hard around them. It's my body, my choice. Just like she had the choice to become Trans you have the choice to not want to be around her hard body.

  26. That’s a really tough situation. There’s no easy answer to this question. If she has a therapist, reaching out to that person is an option. That would be step 1. Step 2 would be reminding her of her goodness and what she deserves, and to give her a lot of love in hopes that she recognizes the stark difference between how she’s treated by the felon vs. her family. Absolutely stay away from threats or guilt as that will result in even more shame and force her further into the toxic relationship. Step 3 would be trying to figure out who his P.O. is and see if they can help.

    It sounds like she has attachment trauma from childhood. Google attachment theory and attachment styles. She was probably feeling neglected by her husband and that was likely really destabilizing and made her feel like the ground was shifting underneath her feet. Then the toxic ex pops into the scene and she paradoxically feels safer with him, probably because she doesn’t feel like she can be hurt by him

  27. Once stating your own boundary, are you not expected for it to be honored?

    You can hope it will, but you can only control yourself. You can't control others.

  28. Well now that’s he’s run an errand for you, I guess it’s all even stevens now. Totally makes up for lying and going through the disgusting charade of couples counselling with zero intent to save the relationship. You’re right to be pissed, OP. What he did was cowardly and pathetic.

  29. Good to know, that’s helpful especially knowing others go through a similar situation and can end up fine!

  30. I'd set some boundaries with your roommate.

    This is a shared living space, no one has the right to banish the other from shared rooms.

    Is there a library you can go to? Or a cafe? Anything but walking in the rain. Though you're in your full right to go home too.

  31. Maybe your situation differs from mine on an other level for example your bond was never that close, you have a network in the place you online now, grew up more independantly..

  32. This is just her not caring about how it makes you feel. Sex should be enjoyable for both parties! She obviously doesnt care about how it makes you feel. Lets be honest if you switch roles because in 1800 there were homes of prosti**es and you’d turn this on her how would she feel? Beeing treated like a thing?

    OP you said you tried talking about this her. Give it one last try, say that if she will disrespect your wish and make sex terrible for you again you’ll leave her

  33. She’s a young adult who values exploring all the experiences of being a young adult without a relationship tying her down. A free spirit if you will.

    You’re a young adult looking for deeper connections to enhance your experience of being a young adult.

    Your values in life don’t match, even though your social compatibility might be there. I don’t think you should wait for her because I don’t think there is anything to wait for in her eyes. She’s a free bird that doesn’t want to feel caged.

  34. It is definitely an insecurity thing. You are literally being jealous about guys looking at her.

    Your thinking is so weird and antiquated, that I think maybe you should consider if you two are right together. It doesn't sound like you lived in a conservative-ish house/country at all, but that you don't know what fundementalist conservative households look like. Those are the kinds of people who start having problems with what other people are doing with their own bodies.

  35. Surgery, even a day procedure when you are not admitted, typically is a big deal. If someone has to drive you home that means you need to be monitored.

    Feeling hurt that your boyfriend did not keep this in mind is natural. Talking about it in a manner that is not accusatory is important. Take a “so this happened. How do we be sure that we can be there for each other when important stuff like this happens in the future?” approach. Coordinate with a shared calendar?

    It is a bit of a karma thing that his teaching gig fell through. Don't rub it in.

  36. It is not ok to spend money when he is not contributing to living expenses. You are in effect paying for his plastic surgery.

  37. No, you don't need therapy for wanting a boundary. It should be discussed in an adult manner, see if they can compromise. What you definitely shouldn't do is hide it from your partner.

    Just because you're cool hanging out one on one with a certain gender, doesn't mean everyone else has to be cool with it. And you definitely don't need therapy. Overreacting much?

  38. I commend you to stand by your morals. Do NOT compromise.

    Imo, the relationship is over and you don't know it yet or want to accept it.

    Its over not only because she wants get a buffet of having other penis……but she doesn't respect what you want and what's important to you, then gaslights you for expressing what's important to you.

    Even before she started being swayed by morally loose women live, ask yourself this question…..

    “Did you feel like the goal in her desire to get married….or did you feel like a means for her to reach the goal of being married?”

  39. You should take her concerns about PCOS seriously. Talk to a doctor about it and get the stats and facts. Make informed decisions.

  40. My FIL died recently and he was not especially kind to me nor my family (and not even always kind to my husband, his own son!). You know what I did? Helped plan his advice and the reception/lunch after. Stayed by my husband’s side other than a few errands where we opted to divide and conquer. The day of the actual service I was pretty much glued to him, making sure he had water, ate something, and checked in on his siblings.

    That’s what a half way decent spouse does.

  41. No, DO NOT skip the interview. You will regret losing this opportunity a lot longer than you'd regret losing this relationship.

    You need a partner capable of supporting you and your dream. You also need a partner you really want to be with, not one you feel obligated to be with because of “stats” about relationships. At three years you'd have a better idea of what you want and whether this woman is right for you. There's a reason you have doubts.

    In the end, you are better off with your dream job and without a relationship that's weighing you down. Not the other way around.

  42. I'm not sure I would want my housemate's partner over for 3-4 days a week without paying rent or bills. Depending on the home- it could be really small with one bathroom.

    I agree about the spine comment – either he's allowing his roommate to dictate, or he can't be honest with op about needing more space.

  43. So the solution is kicking out your child instead of finding someone who can tolerate living with her?

  44. I think I may see how the weekend goes, maybe see if we can get one on one for a bit away from the group but probably gonna take it slow

  45. The dude is his barber. Not some super important relative you have to get their blessing from in order to get married.

    Let the guy have his space and you can have yours too when you get your hair done. It's healthy to do things independantly in a relationship. Not everything needs to be done as a tag team.

  46. Absolutely, when I was running around I'd last forever it felt. Now that I've been with my amazing partner it's more about the fore play and less about the sex. We just enjoy the moment together more than the act

  47. No:

    I rejected her and told her that I had a girlfriend and that we can still be friends.

    You should be putting space between you and this girl. Don't be friends.

    How do you think this would play out?

    Hey, so I went out. Had a good time. Shared an uber with a girl at the end of the night.

    Took an uber home with a girl and she told me she liked me.

    I shut it down, but we're still friends.

    That is insecurity inducing. Especially when you're LDR.

    Now what:

    Hey, so me and my friends are going out and that girl is going to be there.

    You don't have an issue with that, do you?

    And anytime you hang out with this 'friend'… your gf is going to have a mental battle every time.

    Yes, we can call her insecure or jealous… but really, don't you want to save your girl from that regardless?

    What I would do in this situation… Respectfully end the friendship, then sweep it under the rug.

    If it ever comes to light somehow, at least you have evidence that you ended it promptly.

    And the reason I take this route… is because if you end it in full and still tell her, she begins to think about what happens when you go out and now you're dealing with the same situation as above but on a smaller scale.

  48. She left four comments, none of which chastise him for not wanting to date a single parent? I don’t care about any of the other stuff they said – you said they were butthurt he didn’t want to date a single parent when that was literally not spoken of one singular time.

  49. If you loved your wife, you wouldn’t do her dirty like this. How can you live! with yourself?

    Not all cheaters are monsters, but you definitely are. Some cheaters feel remorse and guilt, can’t disrespect their partner like you do and put the partner before the affair partner – by stopping and coming clean.

  50. Do you have to see her while living in the same city? I don't believe so. Just cut contact completely and next time break up with people properly when show they are cheaters, don't give them ten chances.

  51. You can't change other people. You can only change your reaction to it. You have told her how you feel and she doesn't agree. She thinks men shouldn't cry. Now, you're trying to mitigate it by talking about how great she is in other areas. You can try to get her to go to couples counseling, you can suck it up every time she does this, or you can exit.

  52. Hold your head high sister and go online a beautiful life away from them. Family is a term we give to people, that really care, this is not yours. Yours are blood relatives only. You have a great life ahead, go live! it.

    I wish you well sister.

  53. I'm shocked that with all the born Jews in the comments, someone who grew up Christian is the only one I saw that knows you can still be Jewish and considered without a circumcision. You just will be doing wrong in the eyes of “Hashem” and the community if you don't have one, but you're still a Jew purely based on your maternal lineage.

    Hell, you seem to have a better idea of the whole situation than them as well. But like they always say; 2 Jews, 3 opinions.

  54. You won't know happiness until you finally end it and move on. You never should have tried again, once a cheater always a cheater, and while engaged. Run away

  55. I know you might not think you are lucky but you are. No kids, and you are still a young man barely hitting the prime of your life. You can put this all behind you with time and still have the best life. Itnjust won't be with this woman.

  56. The entire family dynamic is fucked up. A 22 yr old sleeping hard with her parent and step parent? If she has this amount of trouble sleeping, her first stop should be mental health support and a sleep study. Not getting into bed with your parents. Unfortunately it sounds as though she is emotionally stunted/no proper boundaries were ever established when she was much younger.

    This relationship isn't going to work out. I can't imagine many people would ever be comfortable with this set-up.

  57. What can you do? Three options. 1) just let it be and trust your gf. 2) break up with your gf. 3) tell her she can’t talk to him and be a controlling bf. Your pick, but option 3 doesn’t usually end well.

  58. I literally told her that the idea of us doing anything was weird for me. Why are you thinking that just because she didn't make a move, nothing happened between us? Mostly in general

    And i literally stopped it after i got into a relationship

  59. Thank you for your positive and productive response. You really should give people advice for a living.

  60. Decide you have better character than that. You’re not the kinda guy that sacrifices his moral character for some momentary pleasures.

  61. You were raped and your fiancé is screaming at you that you have no self respect? Please don’t marry this man.

  62. Yall wish yall had parents that would cry if you didn't spend time with them and become enraged at the idea of you making life decisions?

  63. There was an episode of a tv show, I think L&O Criminal Intent, with a set of twins who did this to women.

  64. You're a surgical resident.

    Everyone wants to date a doctor until its time to date a doctor. This is how it works. This is why they earn very very good money.

    Break up with him.

    Honestly I wouldn't date for awhile.

  65. Give yourself time. You'll get over it and forgive yourself. Dude has probably just done a number on your self esteem so you don't know what's what . You didn't do anything wrong

  66. He's lied to you. He's disrespected your relationship. If you break up with him then it is all on him.

  67. What if he always talks about our future together? He seems to be very proactive with including us together in future plans, but where he falls back is showing me present-tense romance and purposely avoiding doing certain things for me because of her. It’s not always prevalent every day, but I can tell because he’s never bought me flowers or taken me on a surprise date before. It’s not something I think about every day but it’s something that’s noticeable. Is he really a lost cause, or is there something I can say or do, even non-verbally to make him snap out of it and realize what he has I front of him? He always says that I’m an upgrade and that she taught him what love shouldn’t be, always saying that I’m perfect and giving me compliments and that I’m completely different from her, but I feel like even though I’m “better”, he still has a rotting piece of hatred for her in his heart regardless of how much better I am. She seemed to imprint on him but I don’t think it can stay that way forever, can it?

  68. He’s not unhappy about you not cooking, he’s unhappy that he no longer feels like he has control.

    Mark these words: he’s going to get worse. You need to decide NOW what your dealbreakers are, so when he crosses that line, you’re ready to leave. If you’re in denial, and just keep waiting for him to turn back into the guy you THOUGHT you married, you’re going to convince yourself that it’s worth tolerating the next time he treats you poorly, and the next time, and the next.

    One day, you’ll find yourself completely boxed in, miserable, alone, and years past having any of the friends you’ve made who cared.

  69. Do NOT loan her the money.

    You are not a bank. This isn't the first and likely won't be the last time she has issues with debt. $50k/year isn't a lot after taxes, and having ample cushion in case something goes haywire is the way to go at all times, particularly in a volatile economy. You have a living, breathing model of someone with good intentions who lent her money, and ended up bankrupt. Do not risk becoming your aunt. I imagine you are such a good saver because you have watched the consequences of your mother's behavior over the years. You learned from her mistakes. But that doesn't make you her teacher. Lending her money will only enable her continued bad behavior. LOCK DOWN YOUR CREDIT TODAY. It's free. DO IT TODAY, please!! DO NOT SHARE YOUR FINANCIAL SITUATION WITH YOUR MOTHER (or anyone else) ANYMORE. You are an adult, and that is none of her business.

    I know your heart is in the right place, but do NOT compromise your savings and future by opening the door to this.

  70. You can't stop him from going, but you definitely shouldn't stay with someone who'd want to go travelling alone with their ex for 5 weeks, whether they go or not.

  71. Just because you break down doesn’t mean you’re actually sorry. He’s not doing anything to find out what the actual problem is/how to fix it. He basically waited for her to get over it, then when she didn’t he starts getting annoyed and upset. Of course she’s not telling him is he has this attitude.

    She even asked him for one accommodation which he immediately shot down and implied she is controlling, but didn’t try to offer alternative solutions. He needs to be open to hearing her feelings which, at the moment, he’s not.

    I agree that they should have discussed this, but in a lot of monogamous relationships seeing your partner getting off to someone else is…not nice to say the least. Yet he’s completely dismissing the idea (that many commenters are trying to tell him) that porn is the problem.

    I also feel it’s concerning to completely break down from a week or so of less affection from your partner. Idk maybe that’s just me and everyone reacts differently.

  72. I bought her a new house

    I have a few issues to raise about your predicament and this one is the first. Isn't the house for both of you? You didn't buy the house for your wife, you online in it too. Is there some sense of righteousness, that you deserve to be angry because all that you've provided?

    In what ways is she gaslighting you? Asking you to not yell isn't gaslighting.

    I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I'm not convinced though that it's all your wife's fault. Go back to counseling and commit to going until you find a path forward.

    My opinion is that you hold things over your wife's head. “I've done this and that and I NEVER yell” I don't buy it. All that does is make people feel like shit. Give your wife space during fights. Don't even let it get to the point of raised voices. Once it does, ask for space to cool down, and come back to talk. Take responsibility for what's happening in your relationship.

  73. I'm ok with going because my psycho immediate family won't be there. They aren't invited, as they are nuts lol


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