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Yuna, 20 y.o.


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  1. u/Starla_scarlett, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. I mean 20 people by 28 isn't exactly hall of fame numbers.

    Sounds like he's insecure and is trying to spin it as you not being good enough so he doesn't have to face his issues.

  3. That’s why i’m so frustrated. It’s not a realistic expectation. I hope she finds what she wants i guess.

  4. Tell her if she prefers to sleep in she can start calling Uber. You aren't going to risk being caught in traffic for it.

  5. Cut your losses. Your bf's brother is going to be in your lives forever. If it's like this now… it will only get worse…

  6. I second this. No good will come from telling husband she had some moments of impure thoughts. Keep your mouth shut and take this as the jolt to put effort into the marriage. Time for a sit down conversation about how they need to start being husband and wife again and not just mom and dad. But anything else she needs to take to the dang grave.

  7. You met this 18 year old at work. You fast become friends, eh best friends.

    This is an emotional affair.

  8. They are young and i shock. Give them time. How come nobody was able to get in touch with you all these years and tell you about the boy. You didn’t visit your home town in 17 years?

  9. Yeah i see. That gets old, the walking on eggshells. This isn't how you want to spend your life

  10. You're both dummies. If I had a sharp pain in my back so horrible it made me “wail,” it would be time to head to an emergency room, not stand around arguing. Yeesh.

  11. So, most women ovulate 1-2 weeks before they get their period. You have to be ovulating in order to get pregnant. You can be a week late with your period three weeks after having sex, which if you’re regular would be very obvious—you would test positive with both a blood and urine sample, but technically you’d be “5 weeks pregnant” because of the dating conventions of pregnancy. In other words, someone with a regular cycle could absolutely know if they were pregnant 3 weeks after having sex.

  12. Whether your gut is right or not, my personal take is that it's a bit early to react. Especially if this is the first time of going out for lunch. It doesn't strike me as being abnormal, and seems like it was all above board. A half eaten pizza isn't a romantic gesture imho. He may just have a weird thing with leftovers. If I was in your shoes, I'd let your wife make the judgement call of whether he's crossing the line or getting attached. But, if going out to lunch with a male coworker/boss crosses the line for you, it crosses the line and communicate your boundary and go from there.

  13. Not quite an update yet as I still haven’t spoken to my boyfriend. Had a lot of comments and I appreciate all of them, mixed opinions but I can see both sides and value each perspective. I know deep in my bones that what happened to me was wrong and malicious and I did not choose it but I do need to accept some responsibility for my actions. I put myself in an unsafe situation in a foreign country and put too much trust in people I’d just met, I was trying to make friends as like I said I’m alone in a new country and was excited to meet new people. I still don’t know what happened but the consequences were severe and I’m not denying that I am partly responsible. Regarding my problematic drinking, I’m also not denying that this is a thing. I’ve had issues with alcohol in the past and it’s been a few years now that I’ve been able to enjoy alcohol in moderation and drink in a ‘normal’ way, but I know it’s naive to think that people who have had drinking problems are able to drink in a ‘normal’ way.

    I think I am going to give up alcohol for good and keep to myself for the year that I’m here. I feel like I need to stay because I’ll probably never have an experience like this again and I’ve planned it for so long and I will regret it for the rest of my life if I come back early. I needed to do this alone as I needed to get some headspace and experience some good things in life and travel is very important to me. My boyfriend is a bit older and he has a good job and a house and more of an attachment to home than I do. He would never have wanted to move abroad for a year and I figured it would be better for me to do this now when I’m young before we’ve settled down and moved in together instead of not doing it at all. People do long distance relationships all the time and they can work (although clearly it’s not working for us so far but I really couldn’t see that coming). Having said that I’ll stay, it depends on what my boyfriend says. If he decides to stay with me but can’t trust me long distance anymore then I will come home as he is more important to me than seeing the world. And to all those saying that there’s something missing from the story, I don’t know what to say. I’ve told you all I know about what happened and everything I’ve written is the truth. Yes I’ve had quite a sketchy past and made some bad decisions in life, which my partner knows about, but I don’t think that makes me a villain. The things I’ve done have been an unhealthy reaction to what happened to me in the past. It was years ago and I have since straightened up and regained control of my life. I’ve made mistakes and done things that were bad for me, but I would never knowingly hurt a soul let alone someone I love.

    I don’t have a lot of good things to say about myself but I’m a deeply caring and compassionate person and the mistakes I’ve made in the past have been detrimental only to myself, until now of course. I’ve never done anything like this before and again I did not choose this. All I can do now is take accountability for my actions and pray to god that my boyfriend can read the situation and find it in himself to forgive me, because if I lose him because of this I have no idea what I’ll do with myself. Thanks again for all the responses, even the harsh ones have been helpful. Will update when I’ve spoken to him.

    I am going to get tested and get plan b. I’ve decided not to contact the police as like I’ve said this is largely my responsibility.

  14. I’m trying. I know I can’t go back for my safety and for my dogs safety. I’m trying to do what’s best for me, but I can’t just stop my feelings like that.

  15. I’m trying. I know I can’t go back for my safety and for my dogs safety. I’m trying to do what’s best for me, but I can’t just stop my feelings like that.

  16. I’m glad you’re aware you’re an anxious person and that you have abandonment issues; unfortunately, knowing that isn’t enough. You need to actively work to overcome those things and based on this your current attempts to cope aren’t working.

  17. I mean I never said any of those regulated drugs were bad. If you HAVE to go to them, that’s different.

    Going and getting a bag in with the girls on the weekend. Not the same thing. At all. And it’s stupid to say it is.

    Girls in the city trying to make something of themselves? They’re out on weekends doing bag? I don’t think so. And if that’s really true, then yeah, I don’t want a gf.

  18. …so you started a conversation, he got defensive about his point of view, and then when he tried to concede the floor to you, you left with a parting shot that was aimed to make him angry.

    You deserved the fuck you you received.

    Why was it even a conversation that needed to be had? It’s your choice if you smoke them or not it has nothing to do with him at all – now if you were being an extra large helping of arsehole and trying to guilt him into stopping with you, then you probably deserve another fuck you.

    As for the yelling – both of you were wrong. Both for yelling, and for expecting the other person to come to you because the task you were doing was more important that what the other person was doing.

    As for his comments about you coming whenever he yells – massive red flags ?

    So should you get married or not….. ultimately it’s your choice, but I’d be going with no. Neither of you are healthy for the relationship, and it will end badly.

  19. Sound advice.

    I don’t really care about what he has to say tbh. I’m definitely cutting him off my life, but I guess it would be entertaining to see what he has to say for himself when he gets my message when I confront him.

    I plan to be impartial and non-emotional about everything, in which I truly am. I know I’ll be more at peace without him.

  20. Listen. Divorce now that you’re unemployed. And document how you’ve asked her to get a job and she’s refused. It’ll help your case. She doesn’t love you. She loves what she wants you to provide for her. Get out now

  21. The amount of red flags in your post is alarming and you don't see them for what they are you are young and have time no rush to get married break up and work on your grind establish a good career and savings and keep Jr in your pants if you do have sex always ware protection that you provide and dispose of and watch YT channels like strong successful male to learn the red flags in relationships

  22. Which actually may be the reason, WHY she so much tries to adapt to his interests.

    Mimikri in order to not provoke him.

  23. I don't have a ton of advice, but I know a bit of what you're going through and I'll tell you how I've dealt with my family. I was married for 10 years and we have 1 child. My family loves my ex husband and still invites him to all the family gatherings, which is ok because we are at a good place as friends and coparents.

    I, too, feel like my family chose him. Two years ago I was disinvited to my annual family camping trip. Parents, sister + fam, aunt etc all go together every year since I was 10. Two years ago my family invited my ex and his new gf and said it would be too awkward to have me there.

    That week they were gone was a lot but it kind of snapped something in me. I've been much more distant with family and have told them I feel no loyalty.

    In your case it sounds like you need to set a clear boundary with your family. “No, we will never be getting back together and you need to stop pushing it”. If they don't stop, lower contact until they do.

  24. You can get married without having a wedding.

    I'm very similar to you and lived with my partner for years before eventually getting married.

    I still don't like the idea of government being a part of people's romantic relationships, even though I understand the reasons that they are. But reality reared its ugly head, I developed health problems, and we needed to be sure that he has the legal rights to make health decisions for me, etc. I also lost the ability to work and needed health insurance (yay for tying medical care to employment–thanks, USA).

    Anyway, I find the idea of a wedding to be extremely stressful and undesirable. We haven't had one, but we are married.


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