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17 thoughts on “Tonrapt the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Well – sometimes people make mistakes.

    This is the classic – a policeman comes into a room and there are two men in the room. One dead with a knife sticking out of his chest and the other standing over him.

    What will the policeman think? Is the man a suspect or not?

    The point here (irrelevant if this posting is correct or not) is how should you react to a smoking gun.

    I think the important thing is to realise that in general unexpected situations can lead to a chain of thoughts that are not well thought out.

    In this case a unknown unlocked phone in a bathroom (strange place). It is logical to open it and check. Now there are a few options and this is where OP had a few logic mishaps.

    They are understandable – as OP is now in the same situation as the Policeman. He does not know the real story but automatically start assuming that he can deduct the whole thing. Phone in my house, owned by my wife, infidelity, life over.

    But he does not know – it is all a deduction based on a unnatural situation. Still why did that happen. If the phone would have been locked OP would have just asked his wife – what phone is it in the bathroom. The problem is that when you get information that has serious emotional impact – your emotions take over and you stop thinking logically. At this point you stop thinking and start feeling.

    The difference between OP and the Policeman is that even though the policeman not being emotionally involved, think the man that was alive might be the killer he is aware that there might be other explanations and he will check them. Until then the man is a suspect. OP on the other hand sees no other line then the worst possible scenario.

    Soo – is OP a bad guy and the wife an angel that should punish him. No – the wife falls into the same category and does the same mistakes as OP.

    OP’s wife rather then laugh at him and being sympathetic towards his illogical pain and suffering – nails down on on one issue. That he did not trust her – and does not look for any mitigating factors. She becomes emotional as well – and rather then use the chance to straighten their relationship she damage it.

    Punishment because of misunderstandings is damaging for the relationship in all cases. Indeed punishment (kicking out of a bedroom) for a “lack of trust” has only one consequence – a weakening of the marriage. Indeed it is similar style as abusers do – I love you – therefor I beat you.

    I think neither OP or his wife comes out of this smelling of roses. Both are immature and pone to rash conclusions and have questionable actions. I hope OP – if this story is true – you will sit down with your wife and suggest couples therapy. Both of you are clearly lacking in communication tools in a relationship. Neither of you could talk with your partner when faced with an emotional situation.

    This said – most people would probably react like you did. When faced with a very emotional situation with some horrible consequences- people freeze due to fear.

    Your wife’s actions is on the other hand a bit sad. Her reaction might in the future lead you to either suspect her more (why punish you when you have been punished) or a line that you will not be open with her in the future .

    So a few hours of couple therapy or talk with your pastor if you are church goers might be a good idea. Marriages are long term and you need to clarify both of your emotional responses to problems in the marriage.

  2. When someone his age dates someone that young, you KNOW they'd go lower if they could.

    Having been groomed when I was just 2 years younger than her, this would be an automatic deal breaker. I cannot with perverts.

  3. It is breaking the “rules”. It’s not a pet friendly apartment, what is so naked to understand about that? The owner said no. It’s his choice, not yours and not your bf’s.

  4. The legal side of things is my biggest concern. We’re also not so sure the pregnancy was accidental.

  5. Sounds like she is controlling and abusive. She is treating you like a child, not an equal partner. YShe is making you feel guilty for completely natural behaviour. Perhaps the age difference is making her insecure? All people admire beauty, doesn’t mean you are going to hunt it down and sleep with it. If she wants children she is probably looking for a commitment soon and you even thinking of other women is sending her over the edge.

  6. They aren’t ex’s . She dated his best friends and another friend of his that past away . He dated a few of her friends as well . They never dated each other’s both of them have told me they’ve never even kissed or anything sexual at any point of their friendship.

    The bf name thing honestly bugged me out and it sucks when the 4 of us hang out . Apparently she dated someone else with the same name before

  7. Wow… Is it okay that I've written and sold thousands of them?

    You're such an obnoxious, boring, and predictable Judgy McJudgenstein. I'm now done with you.

  8. Sorry about that, I felt like I need to provide background info just for people to really understand the situation. I separated the text a bit, but I feel like everything has some sort of importance to my dilemma.

  9. I mean this would be a dump and run moment for me. 1: you disrespect your ex girlfriend by keeping that video 2: you are disrespecting your current girlfriend. Your character is absolutely trash that girl definitely needs to run fast

  10. Finding this late, but I would have problems with this. It would be an emotional problem for me, it would be a red flag to me you were on your way out or not fully committed. Although I couldn’t be in a marriage where we didn’t have a single joint account we shared. The buying anew apartment with the income but only in your name would send me over the edge to divorce personally.

    I hope the two of you worked this out.

  11. The reason I unsubscribed from r-politicalcompassmemes. I didn't want to associate with people who associate with self-described fascists.

  12. Most sexual active women don’t track ovulation cycles? you cant tell if you’re ovulating unless you specifically test for it daily

  13. Your friends arent toxic, they are actually good people. Leave David alone, he isnt a person you can put on shelve whenever you feel like. There are people you can only screw over once. I would suggest finding a therapist to help you.

  14. Yeah, believe what nonsense you want, but the guardian is a left-wing, liberal, gun control rag I wouldn't use to pick up dog shit. Basic self-defense classes would be an expensive and useless gesture for a variety of reasons. The police aren't gonna do shit because he hasn't done anything yet. But, hey, you keep looking through those rose colored glasses while getting your teeth kicked down your throat…

  15. So every weekend involves you crying and him being miserable, you frequently don’t speak to each other because of these shitty weekends and general obvious incompatibility, and now you’ve also cheated? The relationship is dead, this is some Weekend At Bernie’s shit you’re doing with it’s corpse


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