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4Ktawanda1980, 42 y.o.
Location: Indiana, United States
Room subject: lets play
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tawanda1980, 42 y.o.
Location: Indiana, United States
Room subject: lets play
To Start live video press there
Just another voice of reason here saying throw the whole man out. Being alone is better than being with garbage.
I really hope you work on your self-esteem and find ways to love yourself. Then if a man ever DARES to shove his pathetic cock in the direction of your exquisite, radiant face, you’ll rightly feel appalled at the lack of respect and won’t even think twice about ghosting his loser ass.
Wtf so that's what you understood from the comments? Then probably you deserve to be a doormat. Just divorce her and take custody of child as you're the only one who can provide for your daughter.
It was the case for me at OPs age. It took me a LONG time to figure out that, actually, I was not doing anything wrong by touching myself. It's not a betrayal. It's healthy, both physically and psychologically (as long as you're not doing it dozens of times a day, of course).
OP, should you come across these comments, he is indeed insecure and controlling. At 33, that's unlikely to change unless he's willing to admit and address those habits. And perhaps not even then. Don't do what I did at your age and assume this is just how men are. It isn't this is just how RUBBISH men are.
There are plenty of attractive, well-adjusted men in the world who would LOVE to have you on their arm (and touching yourself in their bed). You don't need this particular individual and shouldn't settle for it. Let him be rubbish on his own.
Maybe he forgot.
I was shocked reading that line.. more kids ?
Why do they always lie? The absolute least he could do is be honest with you and tell you he never loved you. Please tell me you're not going to forgive him
And also: your nose is full of character! My niece had a nose job to iron out the bump in her nose. She's gone from having a face full of character, showing that she belonged to a family of women with plenty of character (I could write reams about the women in my partner's family, they are admirable, every one of them, blasting through glass ceilings at work and managing all sorts of stuff, producing artwork worthy of Picasso etc etc) she now has the blandest of ordinary faces and I barely recognise her any more.
He has an addiction. You know that already.
Here’s the thing: admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery. On top of that, addicts rarely get better for someone else – and if they do, it may be a short lived sobriety.
Obviously, a video game addiction isn’t as heart wrenching and life ruining as some addictions can be, and I do not mean to compare the two in any way besides the similarities in thought processes.
My point is, unless your boyfriend really realizes he has a problem (he probably won’t, if you stay with him) ON HIS OWN, he will not change. He might agree with you temporarily that it’s a problem, but on the inside, he’s just saying what he has to do he can placate you and get back to playing.
He’s not going to change for you, at least not while you’re still with him. Leave.
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This man is a pig, get tf away from him immediately.
Simple answer: No. Detailed answer: Respect yourself
and you don’t need to run your car every day. If your aren’t driving it once a week is enough. Even once every 2 weeks is ok.
I’m not confusing what I’ve read.
i agree
I see no value added in presenting his ex FWB to his wife on their honeymoon
That would be a nude pass.
OP I’m not sure why you think this is a good idea, but please reconsider
I'm wondering if I've made a huge mistake by breaking off my 4 year relationship. I feel like there's a possibility that we could have had a lifelong, supportive and incredible relationship.
You're “wondering” and think there is a “possibility” you “could have”…
This isn’t exactly a glowing appraisal of your previous relationship. I wouldn’t say trying to get back is impulsive. That's a heavy word. But self serving certainly fits the bill.
In the end, your previous relationship starting again depends on whether your ex would take you back, since you already want to go back. I say, you take a step back and mull everything in your mind in detail.
Why is your view of your ex still kinda bland even after you pulled this?
What was it about the other guy, your ex and you that you wanted to chase after someone in such a way?
I think you got the message that almost no one here would want to get back at you so let's keep it at that.
For moving on and shoving it in his ex wives face
I’d love to hear what she’s got to say about this because something tells me OP is an unreliable narrator
Why are you treating your wife like a child???? First you tell your son daddy needs quiet time to rest, then you turn and tell your wife the same thing??? Are you not equal partners in life?
Men can’t make women get drunk if the woman doesn’t want to get drunk. Or sleep with them. You shouldn’t feel guilty about sex. Sex is fun. Nothing wrong with hookups. But. It’s not completely up to the man. If you want something serious then you take it slow.
That’s very true. She’s broken so many promises her kind words practically mean nothing now. I believe her because I want to believe that she loves me. Maybe I’ve been deluding myself this whole time. I believe the best in others and like to give the benefit of the doubt. I even agreed to pay all the bills until she was able to work again or get disability. I gave myself to this girl 110%. It makes no sense.
Thank you. Your right, I think I will try and go to therapy for myself and take time.
Thank you. Your right, I think I will try and go to therapy for myself and take time.
Let her play this game alone. If not this will set a tone for your entire relationship.
Also please never sleep with her again. I wouldn’t care if she changed her mind, don’t touch her
I know but I don’t know how to approach him. He keeps to himself most of the time and barely talks to any other staff members
Let him leave, you can do better than a man who tries to control you and demeans you. Its nice when the trash takes itself out
I don't like pacifiers so I cannot equate and answer for this comment. My child hasn't used one since she came home from the NICU. It wasn't beneficial to feeding her nor her oral development.
Thank you so much for the congrats! I honestly didn’t want to miss my nephew’s birthday either, but my boyfriend convinced me to go with him by saying that next year I can attend my nephew’s next birthday party.
There is a very easy solution: Spend more time with your wife. If you are not there how do you expect to bond with your wife or son?
And yes, you should be concerned and have a talk with her regardless because it is not ok that your wife lets her friend take over your role – but that is also another symptom of the general problem: You not being there. Neither for her nor your son.
My house is the corner house leading into the cul-de-sac. I've found condoms in my yard on a few different occasions, and they aren't mine. I have no idea why people do it, but it's not uncommon for people to smash and dash and toss their used condoms wherever.
It’s more like telling the kid, “hey I know this is awful, but don’t you believe it. You are none of those things”.
It does seem very suspicious especially when there have been past issues regarding other men. I also felt like her punch was justice, what more do you want me to do you know? I feel for her but it’s not worth me throwing my life away after all it took for me to get here.
This is definitely a red flag situation. Now he’s got two kids? No way on earth I’m signing up to deal with two kids with different mothers!
My(28F) boyfriend(39M)
Leave. JFC, everyday. Leave.
I was on the receiving end where my boyfriend was over the relationship and I had no idea. We dated for 7 years starting in high school and into different colleges (130 miles apart). He finally just called me up one day and dumped me over the phone. He said he wanted to take a break and possibly get back together once we realized how much we took each other for granted. I agreed, I was obviously very crushed because this decision he made came out of the blue for me. I had no idea he was unhappy with the relationship. It took a long time for me to get over that one. I cried a lot. That type of break-up where he couldn’t even face me in person hurt more than the actual ending of the relationship. The guy I fell in love with would never have hurt me like that so there was a lot of soul searching that followed.
Okay so the framing on this is where it gets messy.
In your post you write 'not wanting her to go out' and given the context that is entirely reasonable. She clearly crossed a bunch of boundaries and honestly, at this point you really ought to be questioning the relationship at all.
But in your post title you said 'not letting her go out' and that is not the same thing. You can't control her, or try to control what she does. That is indeed a toxic thing to do, to demand she not go or whatever. You can express your concerns and if she doesn't acknowledge them in her actions you can end it, but you shouldn't try and police her actions.
Just be real about that distinction. If she is prone to this sort of thing it isn't about moulding her into who you want her to be through 'not letting' her do things. It is about expressing your boundaries and walking away if and when she doesn't respect them.
Your dad, if he's a sensible man, will understand why you felt you couldn't. You were a child who was manipulated by your mother. As nude as it would be, if I were you I'd tell your father directly, I wouldn't trust your mother to tell the whole truth and she may try to spin it to make you look worse. Tell him. Sending all the support I can.
The advice you need depends on what your goal is, so what is your goal?
What was the context of how he told you that?
What do you think about your weight gain?
Aha I'll try that, she says she doesn't correlate going out with spending money so she doesn't understand why I don't just take her out, even when I explain to her I don't usually have the money to pay for both of us to go out on top of everything else