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42 thoughts on “RiSweet online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Is that better than asking a mutual friend to introduce us? And like how do i even go up to her without her being totally weirded out??

  2. It's sucks to hear that you loved him so much and he breaks up with you over something like this, I agree with what people said before, you definitely dogged a bullet and I hope this is getting you closer to the person who deserves you.

  3. You literally just don’t fuck her. It’s actually, honestly that simple. And you’re probably going to reply “but I feel this about her”, “but I can’t control that when she’s around”, “but it’s not that simple”.

    Yes. It is that simple.

  4. lol what? why would she leave? why would you even say anything while on a date with someone else? you sound like a narcissist you did her a favor ?

  5. Hello /u/throwraballj,

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  6. Personally I wouldnt have a problem with if but I dont think that hot is sexually perse. I live! being naked. I go to some nudist beaches sometimes and thats not sexual at all.

    That being said I would ask her to bring me along sometime. You will see what the vibe is when you are there yourself

  7. I can understand that bothering you. Nudity has never really been something that bothered me as far as if it's something like that. I've had a few gfs that would skinny dip when there were other guys around and everyone was ok with the skinny dipping to begin with I didn't mind. If a girl is ok with being naked in front of other people and they are too it's not really for me to say that I don't want other guys to see her hot while swimming.

    That being said if I didn't like it I would atleast have a talk with her to express my feelings on the matter. At the very least she should understand where you're coming from. If she dismisses you completely then that's another discussion. Is it just that they see her naked that bothers you or is it because you think it could lead to something else?

    I was in the Marines with a guy who was dating a stripper and he didn't seem to mind that but he would get mad if someone he knew was there and watched her. He couldn't say why that bothered him aside from saying that it was weird for his friends to see his gf naked.

    Its something you should think on and decide what about it is the cause for your discomfort and then speak with her about it because I can guarantee going at her hostile isn't going to help and not being able to articulate what bothers you isn't going ro help either. It's just a comfort issue and I'm sure you 2 can find a solution. Good luck man

  8. What…. The fuck. Leave him, get rid of him, block information to him by every means in your power, and I would add a boot knife to that pepper spray.

  9. I really have to agree. If he REALLY loved her.. he wouldn’t be living the life she always wanted with him right in her face with someone else. I cannot imagine for one second that kind of pain.

  10. This has nothing to do with what I said. I agree she shouldn’t be engaged.

    UTI’s are not going to cause her to have her womb removed, be infertile, get kidney failure And die of a heart attack. Telling her it will Is unhelpful and wrong.

  11. Dude, don't ask people out that way. You made it awkward by making it a demand, not a request. I don't know if you intended that, but that's the result. A simple 'Would you like to get coffee some time?' would have been much better.

  12. Mugging is rarer for us to experience compared to women walking alone at night. Her brain also probably went to kidnapping and r*pe too, which is why she made it all inclusive.

    Mentally she may be thinking “what if i was thrown in a trunk” and the little crap stick is to bang on it harder than your hand would to make a noise bystanders may notice. The airtag holder for the same reason, itll by in her pocket or purse. She may have rabbit-holed her research and seen how bad this situation could have been and devised this for the other situations.

    Play dumb, let her mansplain it to you. Be her concerned loving brother and not your girlfriends protector.

  13. If you go to him directly, you give him the chance to lie. You should wait to confront him about any of this. You should hire a PI. If they find out he is cheating or in a sugar daddy situation, you can then reach out to the woman and see what she has to say or if she’ll talk to you. And then at that point you should discuss with your husband. Knowledge is power

  14. That is a likely scenario but I know her and she’s not the type of person that would succumb to something like that. She’s strong and she’s a pusher and would never let something like that happen. If anything’s happening it’s definitely by choice unfortunately

  15. Maybe she was lying about the std or maybe she wasn't. Same logic could be applied to the other stuff.

  16. I'm old school and don't beat around the bush. Cut the drama out of your life. I've cut off friends and family members. Life goes so much smoother when you can focus on what is important. I've been with my wife 40 years and 4 months. We don't play games with each other or acquaintances. If the person in question isn't a friend to your relationship, they are an enemy of it. . Think about that. Cut toxic people out of your life. Don't reward bad behavior. Reverse roles with your bf and a female coworker were saying these things about you??? What would you like him to do?

  17. What you are describing could be my exact relationship with my ex husband. It started out much the same, and progressed to much worse. The thing with untreated personality disorders is that they know how to manipulate and twist everything around. The self harm and threats of suicide are another form of manipulation. He knows you care, and knows these things will hurt you to your very soul, so he threatens and and puts the blame on your feet. He will never follow through with it because his ego won’t let him. However, if he does something dumb that results in his injury or demise that’s his own stupidity, not at all your fault.

    My best advice is to get everything you need together to leave him. Don’t let on so that he can try to stand in your way. Set everything up to get away then disappear from his life. Block him everywhere, tell friends and family to do the same, and leave no trace behind. Contact a domestic violence shelter for help if you need to, mine was immensely helpful and I know for a fact they saved my life. What he does after that is purely on his shoulders. You can’t fix him, you can’t save him, and you can’t reason with him. He. Doesn’t. Care. If you need help finding resources, or need more advice please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. If what I lived through can help one other person not subject themselves to this torture then it wasn’t for nothing.

  18. Telling you that is actually really unkind. It causes more anxiety, because you feel like you've gotten corroboration and justification. It's validating without even the slightest hint of cause.

    If you haven't already learned this, don't talk to your mother about everything.

  19. Even if what he's claiming were true, that wouldn't mean you have to stay in a relationship with him.

  20. OP,

    I just read the first couple of paragraphs, It sounds like he is emotionally breaking you down so that you don't leave him. Which is not good if you start believing in his crap.

    Yes, I would walk away from this mess. He sounds like a very controlling individual and you need someone who will like you for who you are and not what he wants you to be.

  21. I have seen a doctor and she gave me antibiotics which I’ll be able to take after my fast is done. But the issue is that he doesn’t even say anything but Yh sorry like do you need some kind of consequence to understand that stop being around my ears??

  22. I'm a man who can take no for an answer but I am not someone who will take needless hostility.

    you sure dont seem like someone who can take a no….or someone who understands what being let down easy is..You are left wondering since you cant take no for an answer. anyways, I am really starting to see why she said no.

  23. IMO you stayed in the “friendship” out of fear. Now that there’s no longer a real threat from him to stay around you decided to leave. He may think you two are real friends. But he was only able to keep you by his side because of his threats. That’s not how real friendships work.

    Him being jobless, addicted to drugs, and no real friends is his own doing. You’re not obligated to try and give him a chance or save him. His actions has consequences and if his toxic attitude and poor choices in life is driving everyone in his life away then that’s something he needs to live! with.

    You sound like a good person. And it’s understandable why you feel guilt ghosting him without telling him the reason. But keep in mind you don’t owe him anything.

  24. Well you can't control the guy. Either break up, don't go over there, or deal with it. Still says a lot about your bf for tolerating it. He's weak minded, a racist, or both.

  25. Gonna be honest with you, I think it’s over.

    I can’t see a future between you two in which you’re not constantly second guessing or feeling paranoid. In my experience, once that trust is broken, it takes tremendous work to get it back, and trying to do that with someone who lives so far away, who is clearly still very much immature, sounds impossible.

    I think you should cut your losses before you get yourself in a situation (like living together) that will make it even harder for you to walk away in the future.

  26. I don’t want to hurt him anymore, I honestly just want to know what the right thing to do is. And I want to set things right.

  27. He wouldve been a deal breaker for me. I tell dudes up front if they make me cum they win a gold medal cuz that shit is naked! I dont cum from masturbating either. Yay ssris. It doesnt bother me tho. They worry about it more than I do.


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