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43 thoughts on “Nana the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Okay, it's good you done that. I'm against going through someone's phone normally but was actually going to suggest you do it to get rid of any other pics – he doesn't deserve phone privacy under these circumstances.

    There's no valid reason, especially these days, for him to be secretly taking photos of you hot. The sheer fact it's done in secret shows they know its wrong.

    One of my exs was very abusive and so the next guy I dated seemed great. In comparison, he was, but he still didn't treat me well at all – I just couldn't see it at the time.

    There are men out there who aren't violent, who don't sneak around, who don't believe lying is an art form, who don't disrespect you etc.

    Just know that you deserve to be with someone good and make the right choices for yourself.

  2. I understand that he doesn’t want to repeat the same patterns but a 50€ ring is insulting. I’m all against very expensive 10k engament ring because I think it is too much. But 50? I would advice to talk with him about it but be prepared to be compared to his ex. He should let go of his past if he dents to go forwards with you. He shouldn’t fear that you are like his ex because he should know you by now. (And dam 21 with an 28? How old were you when you started dating? Barely 18 whilst he was 25?)

  3. If he wants to settle down, he would find a partner closer in age or maturity level. But he didn't.

    Never have a baby just because you miss your partner and you want him back. Recipe for DISASTER.

  4. You may think you are an adult but your brain isn't even fully developed yet. I guarantee this guy sought you out because your age makes you easier to control.

  5. I'm starting to wonder if you're a troll, because your responses are that of a stereotypical textbook abuse victim.

  6. You're pretty old so, you do need to lock in a family soon if that's what you plan to do.

    But I don't know if you want to torpedo your career out the gate for a less than one year relationship.

    If you think you are, or will be in love with her, stay with her.

    If it doesn't rip your heart to shreds to leave her then leave her, and use your career to secure a better life for your new girlfriend.

    Good luck either way.

  7. Yeah we need some more info here. It's a little fucked to wear your daughter's bfs left behind shirt that's a given.

    Do you have any shirts like this OP? If your wife has suddenly decided to wear a sleeping shirt that's fine. But like why if there was a shirt of yours at home that was basically the same (comfy Tshirt the same size) why would you ever pick daughters bf shirt over your husbands. Like your going to give it back and be like thanks for forgetting that at my house. Wore them to bed. Great time! No that's fucking weird haha.

  8. I can't speak to any law except the state I work in but here domestic violence isn't a crime in and of itself, it's a modifier that gets added to any violent or harassing crimes under the penal code when they are committed against a member of your family or household.

    For example, in my state assault has several degrees, some of which are misdemeanors and some of which are felonies. Even disorderly conduct, which is a violation (lower than a misdemeanor), can be a DV offense if the victim fits the bill.

  9. Get treatment for your anxiety. Why does what this strange woman matter? She doesn’t pay your bills, she’s not a loved one, why would you be so upset at a random woman’s reaction? That’s really unhealthy.

  10. She said she *thought* he was the love of her life. Past tense. Meaning she no longer thinks that.

    I think “what does she gain” is a totally fair question and is probably the reason she shouldn't do this. But I don't blame her for having complicated feelings or simple curiosity about what he'll say.

    I'm nearly 30 and have a partner of almost 5 years. This is one of the posts where I'll start to feel like I'm crazy/in the wrong because most of Reddit thinks I've naive about the fact that trusting relationships exist. But then when I explain it to my boyfriend he'll laugh at the mere idea of getting mad about this.

    I just think some people aren't all that susceptible to cheating, either because they have a strong moral aversion to it, or they know it would just make them anxious and miserable, or their sex drive/emotions aren't that easily swayed. If OP doesn't think she'll be at risk of cheating, she's probably right.

  11. In what world are YOU naive, little ding dong living in? This is reddit, where a 'happily married' woman is contemplating meeting up with her ex. If it wasn't an issue, she wouldn't be sharing her business with strangers. She would simply meet up with her ex at the coffee and call it a day. But the fact that she is posting about it and declaring her marital bliss makes things seem kinda fishy. Do you now get why people are assuming that there might be unresolved feelings there?

  12. You claim in not sorry? If I was genuinely sorry what would that look like to you?

    Why do you think your brother would want an invite to your wedding? Is this the first time you want to reach out?

    I’m just acknowledging I can’t undo what I have done but I’m not the same person I was in 2015

    Unfortunately, actions have consequences. Cheating can cause long-lasting trauma/trust issues….even more so if it's your own sibling who betrays you.

  13. I mean, they may have partners who are totally cool with this, or may not want partners? Not everyone wants an SO.

  14. It's a lot harder to kill you if you leave. And it might make him back down. It's not the 1940s. Police and the public are aware and no longer ignore abuse. He is likely going to be deterred by the lengthy jail time. But either way the dv shelter can help you and a restraining order gives police a tool to deal with him. After all if he violated the order they could toss him in a cell for the night and record the incident.

    Your best defense is distance and the public. If you stay he will be able to just kill you in the home and act like the grieving spouse who found you murdered. If you leave it's going to raise suspicion and he knows that.

    It's why his threats are aimed at your family to keep you in line. Once. You're trapped he will remove your life lines and make you dependent on him. That way it's harder to escape when he beats you to within an inch of death.

  15. Men are not tested for HPV because there is no test available for men. It just doesn't exist yet.

  16. Yeah, if you can't find a compromise now, it won't get better. I'm sorry for any pain you are feeling from the break up, but good call.

  17. Age difference is not the issue. Her irrational temper sounds like she has some sort of ptsd issues that were never dealt with and she should get to therapy.

    You need to make her understand that her behavior when she is angry is abusive and you need her to get this worked through with a professional.

  18. Definitely a communication thing! I know plenty of people who just love being tops. I don’t know the specifics of what they do in bed (if they orgasm at some other point, for example), but definitely talk about it!

  19. No, this is an update not an advice seeking post. OP already acted on the advices he received on his previous post

  20. You get proof. You lawyer up. You get yourself tested for std's. Paternity tests for all your kids. You can't trust anything she says at this point. Decide if you want to fight for full custody. Hope your divorce laws take infidelity into account.

    She's proven to you who she is twice now. Believe her. A cheater is a cheater and will cheat again.

    Sorry you're going through this.

  21. Sounds like an accident with no hurtful intentions.

    Unless you are omitting more to the story, you have two options. Tell him no more tickle fighting at least until you heal, or just be more careful.

  22. A proposal isn’t about a ring, it’s about a marriage.

    Wearing the ring / not wearing the ring is irrelevant so why is he focusing on it? Is it so he has a ‘reason’ not to propose? You’ve been together for 8 years, I feel like if he wanted to marry you he would have asked already.

    A promise ring is for teenagers, not people who could easily get married if they chose to.

  23. This is what I was thinking. I think the right way to do it might be to never try to be alone with him. If he tries to pull something like he did at the party, be like, hold on I think (girlfriend) should be part of this conversation, let me go get her. Straight up refuse to have the conversation.

  24. Soooo she is upset you kept in contact with your exes but she obviously was also. Now she talks about getting back together with you then sleeps with her ex? That almost sounds like she wanted to see if maybe he wanted to try again, he said no, and she came back to you. Now if this was before you talked about getting back together then no you have no real ground to stand on, but since you guys did and really made a date to really talk about it, it sounds really disrespectful to me.

  25. the only odd part is you've known him since he was a kid. at one point you were 18 while he was 13. if you reverse the genders a lot more people here would be calling foul probably

  26. It's 8am, and you asked like seven discrete questions.

    Heres the response to your first one:

    Barreling through is called putting your foot down.

    It's good to have a strong parent from time to time.


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