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MOLLY, 19 y.o.


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63 thoughts on “MOLLY the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Nope. Not till you’re legally married. A lot can happen in a year. If you were to break up, if he were to (heaven forbid) be in an accident and die, if he lost the house in foreclosure, had financial obligations requiring collateral that he couldn’t meet, or sold the house because he found one he likes better – you may never see that $30k again, nor the kitchen! Unless you’re looking to give a gift of $30k to your boyfriend, with no expectation of return, don’t do this.

  2. People have sex on meds all the time. Prescribed or not. If you want to say that anyone having sex high, drunk, or medicated is being raped I say that's heresy. People are under the influence all the time initiating and consenting to sex.

  3. If this is a girl you don’t know…then this is likely a scam. Here’s how it works. They (not actually the girl in the video) sent you child porn. If you share it, they will claim that they can report you for distributing child porn…and will try to blackmail you.

    If you “reciprocate” they will threaten to share your video and report you for sending child porn. And they will try to blackmail you.

    If this is a girl you know, delete the video and talk with her in person about how (though flattered by her trust in you) that kind of thing could ruin her life in the wrong hands.

  4. Make her a collage of photos of her 40th and Paris. You can get multi frames really cheap and it’s thoughtful as well as meaningful

  5. You don’t want the useful advice so mine is accept that you’ll always have a mediocre sex life if you stay with him.

    He’s sexually selfish and that’s unlikely to change.

  6. I agree with this response. Usually people don’t wish harm on past loved ones – especially when several years have passed. He wished you well. You likely wish no harm to them and wish them the best. Time to move on.

  7. My mom died last year. I'm a fully grown adult, but I also like going through her jewelry. Holding the various pieces brings back memories of times she wore it and brings up mental pictures of her. It won't bring her back, but it's still comforting to have it around. My heart breaks for your step daughter. That was an awful thing to have taken away from her.

  8. Maybe they never discussed boundaries is a good “Devil's advocate” to you… this has been the most inefficient use of my energy ever. That's a theory. Just… stop talking out your ass.

  9. it'll take time to get used to more English but it can happen, so in the meantime, just keep on steady with your relationship.

  10. He’s probably not coming back home for a few more months.. if at all..

    I just thought.. hey, put it out there and see what happens

    Okay, so say? Sorry, I overthink things

    And I joke about everything.. so I was trying to be funny but I’ve got nothing.

  11. You really have to keep in mind that you are not the first person he has cheated with. With that being said, he is a serial cheater and likely an incredible manipulator. I mean his WIFE has stayed with him through several affairs already. Don't meet up with him, don't hear him out. He'll say everything you want to hear because he is a manipulator and knows how to keep someone on the hook. He is telling you that you are his soul mate. How many other women has he said that to? You'll probably never actually know the answer to that because he is a liar. Don't throw your life away with this guy. You already gave him a year. At the very least, he owed it to you to say, “hey, I'm married but we are separated and living apart “. But he didn't because he wasn't ready to let go of his WIFE. I keep emphasizing WIFE, because I think you really need to hear that over and over to process that he is married.

    And another thing, she is pregnant so if you choose to stay with him, this woman will be in your life for a very long time. You will also be financially tied to her. The difference will be you will be the sad wife at home while he goes out and messes around behind your back. Don't meet with him. You don't need closure from him, you got that from his WIFE. He is unavailable to you. Do what you need to do to get over him. Keep him blocked. Switch up places you frequented together. Change your hairstyle, get new clothes. Feel good about your self. The saving grace here is you had no idea before that he was married. But you know now and if you continue with him, you'll be just as big of an AH as he is.

  12. I agree it can become disastrous living with another’s parent. I have stayed over quite often and get along well with his mother. I wouldn’t want to rent a place together as I own a house with 2 apartments. He refuses to move into my house because it is small.

  13. Sure, What if? BUT What if he hits you so hard in the head that he kills you? Then what happens to your child. You can defend him all you want. But if you wanna bury this and say it won't happen again, I'm here to say you're mistaken. It might be 2 or 3 years, but he's gonna hit you again.

  14. I don't see any reason to be upset unless she is being inappropriate with her coworkers. I have worked with lots of women who like to dress and look nice who are also in committed relationships. Everything is above board.

    As u/DplusLplusKplusM mentions, a person's appearance has a direct effect on their employer's perceptions which can impact pay raises, promotions, etc.

  15. You've done nothing wrong – just to be clear. You've set boundaries, you've told her she's “too much” but she's still returning to the same habits, expecting the same feedback each time on what she wants.

    Honestly this sounds absolutely exhausting and draining to go through and the largest episode would've really damaged my relationship with my Mother had she done that, as it's just extreme.

    I agree on the front that she's crossed a line – what happens if she did that to your workplace and hounded them to get you to call her as the next escalation?

    She does need an intervention, some therapy/counseling and someone to back you up that this behaviour just isn't OK.

    Does she have nothing else to occupy her time during the day? I've tried to read over your post again but see no mention of other family beyond your Sister – has she no friends? Hobbies? If she's all alone I can actually appreciate better how much it must mean to hear off you and your sister – it doesn't make it OK, but at least we have a grounding reason why she's so “on it” with you both.

    Put your concerns in words, write that email, but if she's got nothing else to do it may be more constructive to encourage or involve her with her own friends, activities or distractions so that while you're still an important part of her life – you aren't the only thing for her to be occupied with.

    Would it help at all if you perhaps also told her on the day when you'd talk with her? Setting a time each day may help to alleviate some of her anxiety so that this is a time she knows is going to be OK and if you'll be late/early perhaps communicate that to her so she's not feeling quite so bad if times don't match etc?

  16. Theres no way this woman wasn’t always like this. She definitely made comments like this about other people which makes me look at you funny. She’s wrong but how long have you been sitting back whole she judges people like this? You’re now having a baby with and gods bless the child if it’s a girl bc she will make her life hell and definitely be the reason for a eating disorder. You basically subjected your mom to her and soon a child and it makes me wonder if you’ve ever shared her sentiments.

  17. Not trying to be rude, but are you dumb? He had all that time to make a move and he didn’t. Wanna know why? Because he never liked you and I can see why. You seem very unpleasant and act like a petulant toddler when things don’t go your way.

  18. Move on put him behind you and let him be. There is a perfectly good pond in your back yard with plenty of fish you can choose from, you don't need to be focusing on someone in another area.

  19. I’m really sorry to hear that you went through something like that, but in all fairness I think this is a bit extreme in my situation. I don’t believe she would ever be the kind of person to behave that way even in the worst case scenario, and I’m definitely not ready to end a marriage that has been almost perfect for over 17 years over some issues that I believe we can work out.

  20. Almost everyone here is giving you horrid advice. Eijer they are young or have never had this happen to them, on the flip side. Youll want my perspective…

    Im now 37. Come from relative wealth and very giving family. They pay my rent — still, though they dont need to. I was once very youg and naive. I let 3 men, over the span of 11 years, online for free. They “loved me”, were my “soul mate”, yada yada. Long story short, my giving never ended.

    Dont say youd never push further, you dont know bc she isnt letting you. She set her boundary. Period. Its either respected or its not and thats either ok with you or its not.

    Heres the thing – u pay rent when you live somewhere, period. She had no obligation to tell you how her half is paid, but she did and since she did, oh well. Now you know but it makes no difference. They are not your parents, it is not your money. This could be coming out of a college fund they have saved for her – her money. Or a thousand other options. Either way, it doesnt matter. You are not entitled to half of her gifts/income/payments (whatever you want to call it).

    This (your girlfriend) is how you stop yourself from being a doormat who has freleoaders mooch off you and take advantage of your parents wealth and your own kindess. If you would be paying what you are currently to rent half of an identical unit plus household expenses, well then that is a fair market rate. If you are paying more, communicate with her that you dont think over half of all household expenses is fair, but ONLY if it is more than that half of the hypothetical identical unit. If you cant communicate, thats a way bigger problem. If it is that half, well then you are selfish. And if you cant stay paying your half and not feel resentment bc she has more wealth than you CURRENTLY, well then move on. Or move out to somewhere that you afford and stay in the relationship.

    Either way, you need to think real long and nude bc i am going to bet you are just jealous of her familial relationship and will never ever feel equal.

  21. At least you recognize that you have codependency issues but your still struggling with denial. I don't know if you guys will get back together but while the jury is still out on that, stay away from her and work on yourself. Seems like both of you need this break.

  22. OP, I’m so sorry all of these people have failed you. It sounds like you’re doing your best. I hope you find a place in the world to heal and thrive.

  23. We have discussed it at nauseam. And can’t get to an agreement. He doesn’t necessarily care about my feelings on the situation because he says that he understands then brings it up a week later.

  24. Obviously you do want her to sacrifice her comfort for you. However, if you compliment her profusely and let her know how much you appreciate it when she does dress up, it might make it worth it to her …

  25. he being an dick from what i heard. he is blackmailing you. if he didn’t like the decorations then he should go said something. you do not own him sex. it not withholding effort. you just feel creep out and if he don’t like that then he can deal with it

  26. Where do you online?

    I find it really disgusting that people who don't live in violent areas are the first ones here to enforce norms about how to avoid violence. Not only do they not have any experience in it, they are also so economically advantaged they don't have to deal with the thing they just normalized.

    It is not fucking normal for people to pull a gun on you because you talked back to them. This is not a common experience in the US.

    It's the OP's fault for taking someone inexperienced to a violent areas. A lack on ignoring people isn't enough to protect them.

    You can tell people to ignore all you want. If you grow up in a neighborhood where people aren't wearing a gun, you don't have the street sense to know who is strapped and who isn't.

    It is really disgusting me how many people are acting like this is a normal situation that they deal with, because it isn't.

  27. I mean priorities also change in that time, they may have been smaller things to her then than they are now

  28. Thank you, that’s my dilemma is that if I ask there’s no way of knowing the truth. I’ll probably bring it up casually and just see what she says. Don’t know if I should do it while she’s on vacation or in a week when she gets back

  29. I have an ex who abused alcohol and cocaine. People who are addicted are only interested in one thing: the next hit. That is the most important thing in the world to them. And you’re not anywhere close to being that important.

    Leaving was the best thing you could’ve done for your own mental health. If you’re not doing so now, get yourself a therapist and work through it with them.

    And believe me, don’t contact her. Writing a letter and burning it is fine; talking to her isn’t going to do anything except give you more pain.

  30. Cops are not lawyers and a lot of people do not get justice because of bad calls/advice made by uniformed officers. Don't be too surprised if you have a different outcome if you approach them better prepared.

  31. Yeah that’s the main thing that’s bothering me, I don’t mind waiting at all, just the thought of her seeing other people makes me want to throw up, not sure if I could get past that so not sure what to do

  32. He sure taught their son something today and it wasn’t that you should remember to tell your Mom you appreciate her. He taught him to yell and belittle a woman when you are frustrated.

  33. I think before you jump in head first you might talk about how you are Ace in a conversation as friends. Teenage guys are kinda hardwired for sex as you are probably aware of.

  34. You dated for a month though? I don't mean to pile on but he didn't want you before for more than sex and you expected him to look over massive manipulation after a month? How long do your relationships normally last? I mean, I'm 31 and if I dated someone for a month I wouldn't really consider them an ex.

  35. sounds like you got a good girlfriend.

    That’s awesome. You guys can be open and honest about your feelings and take each other’s feelings into account. If it’s not a big deal, and it’s more important to make you happy… She gets it.

    It’s actually rare to find someone like that. I hope you appreciate it.

  36. Are you still living together and serving her like this? If so you need to move out ASAP.

    I don’t think you need to cut contact completely, but definitely minimize your exposure to this toxic, abusive person. After all this, she does not deserve your support, financial or otherwise. Let your siblings deal with her for awhile.

    She may realize what she has done someday, but by then you will be in a much better place and you can decide if you want to reconcile and how.

  37. There’s one guy who slept with my ex gf years ago when I was still with her. That was a mutual friend we had that I cut off after that ordeal.

    I’m assuming I’ll be a groomsman but tbh he hasn’t asked me directly yet, like he’s asked other people. I know I’ll be invited to the wedding wants there date is finalized because we talked about that already.

  38. Yeah and I told her and she said okay and she wouldn’t but then texted him a lot and sent her pictures of herself laying in bed nothing hard just not good

  39. Pretty easy decision. There’s nothing to fix here. She’s broken beyond repair.

    You’re just a safety net for her. Back to the streets she goes

  40. Of course. You can’t put a timeline on healing from trauma. Just be straight with them about disengaging from the friendship.

    Best of luck with everything

  41. Of course. You can’t put a timeline on healing from trauma. Just be straight with them about disengaging from the friendship.

    Best of luck with everything

  42. Stop talking to him one on one. Stop trying to sort this out because the more you try, the more he will use it as ammunition and twist your words round to suit his own agenda (whatever that is).

    You owe him nothing. You’re not his parent, his mentor or his mental health carer.

    Look after your own studies and career.

  43. The tan is questionable but if your making a presentation or speaking in front of a group you may want to eighteen your teeth. If this is his co-worker she sees him everyday as he was prior to all of this

  44. That's not how boundaries work. He can tell you how it makes him feel, but in the end, it is up to you what you decide to wear, and it is up to him if he wants to stay with you after you've made your choice.

    Not something to fight over. Make your choice and he will make his. That's that.

  45. Leave! And please be careful. My next door neighbor growing up habitually lied like this and made up elaborate back stories that never happened. He ended up murdering his girlfriend in 2017 (choked her to death in her own apartment). I’m not saying that your BF is capable of doing that…but your post just triggered a memory for me of how my neighbor used to make up similar lies.

  46. you have your things out of order…it goes contact lawyer first, then confront wife, then tell parents..that seems like a better order of events.

  47. In what way? She has never lied to me about things like this, but you think it's a “fantasy?” What am I supposed to do with that?

  48. If it was my mom I would show her immediately. As hard as it is, I would rather not wait until she finds out a year or so later after he's established multiple connections, and maybe gifting your mom with an STD. The longer it goes on, the more devastating it will be for her. Silence is your step dad's best friend right now.

  49. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    UPDATE: I have decided that, even if I am invited, I will not be going. It’s not safe to travel under such circumstances and at the end of the day I’d be doing it for him anyway. He can go if he wants, but if he does it will be made clear that I will not be waiting for him at home upon return. We will be discussing this at length together tonight after work.

    My (25f) partner (30m) invited me to a weekend camping trip out of state that his best friends’ fraternity and the sister sorority hosts every year (he was never a part of this frat but is an honorary guest to some events as his two best friends were a part of it and their wife and gf were in the sister sorority). He said that it would be a great opportunity to introduce some friends he hasn’t seen in a while to his growing family. Since I am pregnant and this camping trip falls within my third trimester, I said that I would absolutely be willing and excited to go for a day but could not stay the night at the grounds, as I would need somewhere comfortable and climate controlled to sleep and tents in the middle of the woods unfortunately don’t offer that. He was at first more than okay with this compromise and agreed that it would be best but as the conversation progressed, things became rocky. I thought it over and asked about logistics, like how I would be extended the invite from the frat if he’s already a +1 and not a member. He said that he wasn’t sure but if I end up not being allowed to go, asking if he could go for the weekend anyway. I expressed that I wasn’t comfortable with that for a multitude of reasons, the biggest two being as follows:

    Since I’d be so late in my pregnancy, if something happened while he was away out of state, he wouldn’t be able to make it home in time to help or be there with me. Whereas if something happened during the trip, we could drive to a local hospital together. He apparently invited me before he was even sure if he could invite me, and insists on going anyway which is making me feel very left out, sad, and like an afterthought. That seems very rude and inconsiderate to me.

    Me expressing why I was uncomfortable with him going if I weren’t allowed to go with him was met with resistance and agitation, which isn’t making much sense to me since he asked me point blank if he could. If he wasn’t prepared for me to say no, I can’t wrap my head around why he asked the way he did anyway. He says he would really like to go regardless and he’s firm on that because he hasn’t gone in a few years and loves doing it, so again… why even ask permission if he’s just going to do what he wants either way and disregard my feelings? He now claims that even though my feelings are valid and make sense, it seems like I’m restricting him from seeing his friends, I don’t trust him, I’m using my pregnancy as a bargaining chip to get my way, high risk doesn’t mean guaranteed risk, etc… I was alarmed and very upset by these responses, admittedly became emotionally elevated, and asked if the camping trip was really worth the possibility of things going sideways while I’m alone, and if it’s worth hurting my feelings and making such accusations against me. All he could say was “And what if everything is fine while I’m gone?”.

    I feel very unheard and unimportant to him right now, and I feel like this camping trip means more than respecting and treating me fairly.

    How can I best get through to him and stand my ground?

    Open to answering any questions for context and clarity. I’m really upset while writing this so I may have forsaken some details.


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