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43 thoughts on “Mia the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I get some people don't see pets as a family or 'worth crying over' (I 100% do). But has he ever raised questions about anything else? Because if he doesn't even want to be with you when you grieve. I don't see why you stay.

  2. I get some people don't see pets as a family or 'worth crying over' (I 100% do). But has he ever raised questions about anything else? Because if he doesn't even want to be with you when you grieve. I don't see why you stay.

  3. I would approach this as he needs to change jobs to have time for himself. I would also point out that stress takes years off of your life expectancy. If he doesn't go for the checkup then you need to pull out the big guns of not being able to be the father of the children when they get married because work killed him.

    If the doctors visit doesn't come with a liver check then he needs one, likely he is prediabetic, early liver disease and who knows what. All that could get better with some life changes.

    and since I am petty I would put a big picture of how many small bottles make a big bottle and how many calories that he is consuming in alcohol every day on the garage wall add in a how long a walk one bottle is to work off those calories. I doubt it would help matters but it might get the message in.

  4. Really hardcore drugs and very intense sex. Sometimes at the same time. Escape every responsibility I have in life and fuck all the way off to parties for 3 days. Sometimes the parties start on a Tuesday. I can be in different cities, surrounded by the most unlikely of company. A few weeks ago I was in a flat in a city 3 hours from home surrounded in really really sexy Thai women and one other white guy (who I knew). No sex that day, unlucky, but it was surreal.

    Fuck life off completely sometimes and disappear, do what you love. Whatever that is. Find your happy and thrive ?

  5. I'm sorry but she can be friends with whomever she likes. Frankly it's none of your business who's she friends with, let her do her own thing.

  6. It’s still perfectly clear that she’s choosing you. I know what you’re saying, I’m saying I disagree with your analysis of the situation.

  7. She’s the one that would deal with the repercussions of pregnancy. You don’t even know “what you both are,” despite the two of you having sexual encounters.

    Why would she risk anything much less having vaginal sex with you and it being unsafe?

    You should break up with her. She handled this with maturity whereas you’re willing to gamble and place both of you into an adult situation. I hope she finds someone more her speed.

    From where you’re at OP, I expect that if you don’t wise up you’ll risk getting a poor girl pregnant.

  8. This will be an ongoing problem and will probably get worse the more secure your GF gets. Once married with kids I bet she will object to having the children spend time with your mom, and ice her out slowly. She just has to wear you down over time. This will be a continuing battle until you give up.

    A lot of older people have outdated ideas and beliefs. Rather than argue, I humor them. Some things aren't worth fighting about. Just agree to disagree. Even with their quirks older people are worth spending time with. My mom is gone now, and I miss her terribly. I wish I had spent more time with her. I have no audio or video images. Just photographs. I wish I had recorded some of the stories she used to tell about growing up. You only get one mom, many people have had more than one wife.

  9. I think he set up some weird test to see how she reacted, and feels up beat because she isn’t cheating, AND he squirmed out of the argument and taking any accountability. Sounds like a real winner /s

  10. I mean it makes sense to me. He doesn't want you to fuck his family but he wants his child to have a biological connection to him. Idk I really just don't think it's that weird

  11. I can’t imagine how someone can saw they’re not impressed with CA. The cities sure whatevs but I mean the land itself. 1,200 miles of coast, Channel Islands, Sierra Nevada, Cascades, the coastal forests, the deserts, the estuaries, I mean holy shit there’s something for anyone is some corner of this state! The Yosemite Valley?

  12. I don’t think the specific word used is the problem. I kind of love using that word (thanks Game of Thrones) and think it’s actually underused in America. But…

    If you in any way feel like he belittled you, regardless of the exact words used, that’s a serious problem. Your partner should lift you up and make you feel better about yourself, not lesser.

    Nobody here can tell you for certain if he’s misogynistic. Nobody here can tell you for certain if he’s acting in an abusive manner.

    But we can tell you that if you don’t demand happiness and take action to get it, you’re going to end up in an unhappy relationship.

  13. Yes, your husband is a pig

    Now you have to focus on the important things, leave this a*hole….

    Take care of your unborn baby (DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH THIS PIG) you have to make sure you don’t have any STDs….

    Take care of your toddler…

    And again, leave this pig, trust me… we all think the world is over, or that will be more difficult etc… but having this pieces of poop on our backs is not beneficial whatsoever, you will do a lot better far away from him.

  14. I don’t really understand the reference… just my personal preference so i don’t know what else to tell you really

  15. Well, there’s no way you’ll learn anything until you spend time talking. For all you know, outside of work he might be a super annoying guy, or have a relationship, or hate babies, or any number of thing. You’ve worked together a month, so it’s not very aggressive to see if he would like to get a little food after a workday and hang out for a couple hours. Don’t go into anything with an agenda/goal, or with some need to confess your feelings. Just go to spend time for the sake of having fun, and if the chemistry is there it’ll come naturally.

  16. He is an amazing and understanding, caring, loving boyfriend in all aspects of our relationship

    Your entire post contradicts this statement right here.

  17. All I have to say is he really thought he ate that. Now go out and have fun being single you’ve seriously deserve it and have dodged a massive bullet.

  18. If this post is any indication, it’s the kind of relationship where you don’t hide anything from her, at least.

  19. Narh, we are pretty good friends and have been our whole life, so it's like a best friend with benefits

  20. thank you. I will talk to her and see if we can get counseling. we have lost two babies at this time and you're correct it does take a toll..I think improving communication is a great idea! Thank you.

  21. Actually when men actually petition courts in earnest for custody they are awarded more favorable outcomes than women who apply the same level of effort. The primary reason men fail to gain meaningful custody is because they cannot demonstrate the ability to care for their children without assistance in the same way women do. The numbers don’t lie.

  22. First of all, all jobs are difficult in different ways. Teaching isn’t necessarily a 9-5 job. It can easily become a 6-10 job (but doesn’t pay like it). I think it’s all about priorities. Being a surgeon I’m thinking that you’re at a point in your life where you live! to work and maybe she’s more nearer to working to on-line.

  23. Yeah, also about being sure if you want kids or not in the future, what if you can't have kids etc. People shouldn't take relationships so lightly. The not talking about politics thing is also weird because most of it shows your stance on very important topics like human rights. I also refuse to believe that it's the first time OP's husband and his family's to show bigotry. She should definitely still talk with her husband about it but if he still thinks the same, it's time for her to rethink their marriage.

  24. Thanks for the context. Similar to what I said in the beginning, you're not going to come off well and likely get shit on, and again, that might still be appropriate.

    Regardless, I'm happy to continue this here, or you can feel free to PM me. Either way, if we're to assume you're being honest and that everything was truly awesome for four years and then went off a cliff after marriage (I genuinely find this very hot to believe but I'm sure it happens), then we're in a bit of a different situation.

    Now, that doesn't change reality. If your husband started crossing boundaries, then I'm truly sorry, you should never accept it, and you should be in contact with an attorney. Add in you saying that you've never been compatible and it at least explains the issues (which logically couldn't have been non-existent for the first four years), but that's really my point.

    You're incompatible with your husband. There's no healthy long term future with him. That's why the advice first and foremost is to get out of your marriage. We could all attack you all day for your behavior (which you deserve), but it doesn't change the fact that staying in the marriage sets you up for a lifetime of unhappiness.

    To come back to the friend, maybe everything is objectively perfect, and I truly hope that to be the case. But you still logically don't know that for sure because you haven't been with each other in the proper dynamic and actually gotten to know each other completely. That's fine. You don't need to confirm that now, nor can you given the fact that you're married. But you again can't base your decision on the unknown. You and the friend might fail. That means you stay married unhappy forever? That's shitty to both your partner and to yourself. To once again be clear, you're still a terrible person in this scenario and he doesn't deserve that.

    Finally, should you get therapy? Absolutely. But look at what you just said. You said “therapy before even considering another relationship.” You didn't say “therapy before considering ending my marriage and then considering another relationship.” If that doesn't tell you it's time to get a divorce, nothing's going to. If you being single is the appropriate consequence (which likely is the case), then that's ok! You're 21. You'll now have the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and pursue relationships in a healthy way.

  25. Yeesh, your gf has an awful friend yet she fails to see it. I don't think you did anything wrong. Wouldn't be surprised if the friend is trying to gaslight your gf into dumping you.

  26. He super controlling already and that's not gonna change because abusive behaviour only escalates over time.

    The only thing he wants to hear is your submissiveness.

  27. A phase? You said he had a depressive episode before you started dating. He clearly suffers from severe depression and has a weed addiction. You sure you want this?

  28. Living together after 2 months and trying for kids at 5 months is not something any sane person does. Everyone's trashing this guy for breaking up with you after the miscarriage because they're focused on the sadness of the miscarriage. This whole relationship was massively unhealthy and it's best for it to have ended before there was yet another child brought into this mess of a situation.

  29. Y’all will probably patch things up before the wedding, unfortunately. Mel sounds exhausting and hateful.

    I have sisters too and we butt heads from time to time, but this is nuts. I think you’re instinct to keep Mel blocked is correct.

    Poor Alexa, geeze.

  30. Thanks for the response. You are definitely correct and it has made me question who he is as a person. It will not be an easy road and I need to decide whether it is all worth it. I haven’t said it’s either me or the wedding as I know it is a complex situation but I have to stand true to myself in what I am comfortable with and what I am not.

  31. A partner with a slightly higher libido than the other does not mean incompatibility.

    I've already explained why I see OP's libido as much higher than his girlfriend's: she wanted to halt ALL sex she was so overburdened by his libido. At the start of their relationship, aka the honeymoon stage. OP saying “a bit” doesn't erase everything else she's said about the issue.

    Again, I didn't even tell him “dump her.” I gave him the OPTION and then you jumped down my throat like I slapped your grandma. OP deserves the option to decide for himself what satisfies him sexually. You don't get to do that for him.

  32. 4 months is a little too soon for 'very much in love', 'my partner' etc – your expectations of him are off. Why would he not 'let' you travel – what a strange thing to think. And you don't feel supported.

    You are not in a 'partnership' – you've been dating this guy for 16 weeks.

    you're moving waaayyyy too fast

  33. Go for a last min date and have fun. Gonna be a tough night for you if your EX is there but memories will be made one way or another. This should be a wake up call to start making more friends though. Everyone needs those and they are a renewable resource. You cant just rely on your partner to provide all the little things your get out of friendships.


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