Megan and Joe the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Megan and Joe, 21 y.o.


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32 thoughts on “Megan and Joe the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. She definitely wants to either have swing experiences or open relationship back… you need to decide if you want to risk her cheating on you down the line.. she will tell you what want to hear but she will evidently cheat on you at some point.. find you a loyal faithful girl that just wants you.. because it isn’t her..

  2. Would you feel the same way if she suggested a threesome? Technically it means having sex with someone else but many monogamous couples partake in threesomes.

  3. Look it hurts now but this may be for the best. I don’t get the whole guy thing about wanting to be the first. They all are doing it with someone but think their serious GF should be a virgin? I don’t know don’t get it. This whole we can be friends is a joke too but whatever. Feel the loss for a few days then pick yourself up and know it’s his loss not yours. There’s some good apples out there I had one for 30 years until he died of cancer. It’ll be ok and you’ve learned a lesson here. Good luck.

  4. Yeah, thats what my sister said too (but she is a lot more confrontational than me lol) they lost their job and the only job they got couldnt keep up with rent so they got evicted….i couldnt stand dating someone, having the space to help, yet know that they were gonna stay in a shelter while were together. I pay rent and bills, theyre looking for jobs actively and they help me out around the house….albeit poorly sometimes, but ive talked about it with them, so its just seeing if they actually care to improve. I realize what a doormat i am and i know i need to stand up for myself, its just hard:/ but youre right, i just need to rip this bandaid off, what happens happens, my comfort matters more than anything. I appreciate the feedback:)

  5. No. Absolutely not. It’s not your place and it could be dangerous. Mostly, it’s not your place. You had a short fling. You don’t need closure through her, you need therapy. You say you’ve never loved so deeply. You aren’t over him. You chose an abuser. We need to get help after leaving abusive relationships. You are obviously stuck. I promise that with a good therapist, you will find your self esteem and heal.

  6. Think it all you want, but your kid actually realizes something is wrong in your relationship. If you truly want to live! with this for the rest of your life and dive bomb your mental and physical health. You should start therapy like yesterday, both individuals and couples

  7. You know what he is doing, he like the attention she is giving him. He either stops seeing her or you leave. You are basically alone in this marriage already.

  8. I can understand doing it at the weekend, you have time to enjoy each other while during the week it might not be as enjoyable when you know you have to get up and go to work.

  9. Well stop acting like a toddler for one thing.

    I am all for dumping him. There is no way to trust this lad, but he needs to know why.

  10. When you move 4 hours away, who will provide childcare?

    If you don’t know, start your research & make your preparations now. If your plan still seems viable you should move if not, you need to find a way to make it viable. This could take a while so in the meantime make sure to keep your daughter & yourself away from the hostile atmosphere in your current home as much as possible.

  11. I’ll probably be able to get it out of her Monday. No, if I get it the the name, I gotta do it. I’ll probably wait for him to read it then let her know I let him know and call her a cheater. I’m honestly kinda worried she’d kill herself

  12. As someone who also experiences things like anxiety, but few panic attacks (so I can't relate entirely), I could never be with someone who doesn't take that seriously. I wouldn't recommend it to any of my friends either, and I don't think it would be good for you either.

  13. OK, this is super creepy, but in working out HOW creepy – how accessible are these pics of you? Has he grabbed them off social media? Are they on your FB/Insta whatever? Did any of them look like he took them from before you knew him?

  14. You wronged him, you are not right for him. There's a reason you broke up!

    If he kills himself, that's on him not on you. You are not responsible for keeping him alive. You must not sacrifice your own happiness to keep him alive. Worst case scenario: you

    Have the authorities do a wellness check on him if he threatens suicide.

    Threatening suicide is often just manipulation, the people doing the wellness check will be able to determine just how serious the threat is, and take him into hospital if it is very serious.

  15. When I saw the title, I thought “tell them they can date him if they love him so much” but then it turns out they are.

    It sounds like you need a break from them. Tell them how much they're hurting you and you're going to step back for a while.

  16. She’s been a to the doctors and stuff about it but they couldn’t find anything.

    That points to Endometriosis. It cannot be diagnosed without surgery. It cannot be diagnosed through ultrasound or MRI or ANYTHING.

    Symptoms also support exactly what is wrong with her.

    Seek out an ENDOMETRIOSIS specialist. Or even a PCOS specialist. Otherwise, it's still your fault for being an overly horny prepubescent.

  17. You DON’T know your cousin isn’t a Nazi. Because how the fuck do you live! with one, sleep with one, have a baby with one, and not agree with what they believe? You don’t, you believe the same thing. And you know what that makes you?

    A fuckin nazi, too.

  18. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but for the sake of your child it's time to go. Find a therapist, work through your issues, stay single for a bit and focus on you and your son. You both deserve better.

  19. Screenshot the messages and send them to her parents and block her (no long emotional goodby text just disengage).

  20. It won't work. I had a friend both her and her man were Mexican.

    They had the same problem.

    Her man didn't eat meat and it caused problems.

    They are no longer together.

  21. That's a terrible boyfriend trait and you are better off without him. Find someone who loves and respects you for your personality, not what you can potentially achieve.

  22. Hes a mooch, a creep, a weirdo, a bum. I KNOW this is NOT the focal point, but how the hell do guys like this get girls? I make 90K, am extremely chivalrous, would never dream of asking my SO to pay for rent if I am able to swing it myself, let alone not work, and ask her to pay more than 50% lol. What the actual fuck man. I wouldn’t even feel comfortable going on a date if my life was like his. Some people have no shame.


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