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22 thoughts on “lionmelory the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. You can come up with an excuse for anything that way.

    If a dude can't handle rejection like an adult that's his problem. Doesn't mean you should actively lie to people and encourage that behavior.

    Especially if he's a greatly appreciated friend, unless that's a lie too.

  2. u/throwra6546 Many times in life, you will not get closure. You have to accept that as a very hot truth of life. Stop wasting your time begging him to tell you the truth. He is a liar. Liar will lie. Accept that fact and do your best to move on to preserve your peace.

  3. He wants to destroy the life of an innocent creature, which brings you happiness, for his own insecurities? Doesn’t that tell you everything you need to know about the man? Get him out of your life and celebrate with your doggy, that you dodged a gigantic bullet.

  4. Buddy – sincerely – you're gonna see people very hot in your life. She's not the first person you've seen very hot. You're not the first person she's seen very hot.

    Your very hot body does not devalue upon viewing. No magic thing snaps in your cells to be like “50 people have seen that dongle, time to update my ho DNA.”

    It's all in our heads.

    People told you that just SEEING some girl naked was special, and those same people have probably been to strip clubs. There's no consistency to the logic or the rules buddy.

    Don't take those rules that make you uncomfortable and try to put them on her.

  5. Absolutely! I didn't mean to imply that her behavior was justified – on the contrary, it's bordering on self-sabotage.

  6. I don’t see how this is transphobia. She didn’t out her brother to be malicious. He was lying to someone he was about to marry FOR YEARS. He took Sadie’s choice away.

  7. It’s normal to hate an ex partner when you’re hurt, trust me I’ve been there, it doesn’t necessarily means that he still have feelings for her. If it bothers you tell him to really stop talking about her to you.

  8. There’s a lot of Hoohah about invading privacy at times on these posts. But as somebody who is married to men with really open devices an open phone, I’m going to tell you a man and a woman with no secrets has nothing to hide.

    You’re right he’s probably going to downplay it but know this nobody hides some thing in a folder unless they don’t want somebody else to see it. And why wouldn’t he want you to see it because he knows he’s doing the wrong thing. You have to decide if you want to date him. Dating is the process by which we choose a mate. This is not a good choice if he’s doing this already during what is the honeymoon period of your life.

    I would sit down, be kind and honest, and if he gets mad or defensive, say you can get defensive, but either we can have a relationship that’s open and honest and intimate or this will have to be the end of our relationship

  9. Girl come on. He threw every garbage excuse in the book at you. “She only has six years to live” is he planning on murdering her in six years? Tf does that even mean? He is playing you like a fiddle

  10. she sounds pretty toxic. I had a super shitty relationship years ago, now I can safely I missed the relationship, as in the things that when along with it and not necessarily the walking pile of garbage I was seeing

  11. Omg u have a crickets emoji! You’re totes invited to the after do of my wedding (not the meal tho, obviously)

  12. My wife of many years was like that in the beginning. It was a battle I chose not to fight.

    Gradually, every account needed was opened in her name/our. She does all the bills and tries to keep up with the paperwork. It's now overwhelming and she still refuses to share any financial help. I have tried to steer her to a professional for the business and taxes but she is too stubborn and we keep forging ahead.

    Good luck to you friend.

  13. Tell him the truth. Tell him everything you said right here. He is an adult. It Might Sting a little but it's better to get it out now than to let it drag on any further.

  14. Seriously! Saying what he said is NOT being sweet and protective, it’s called scapegoating and it is penned in a way that sets her up to be bad mouthed by these friends. If he cared about protecting her, he would have said something like “I will not be attending with that lady there because I felt she crossed some lines with me in the past that shouldn’t have been crossed, and she didn’t respect my relationship when she did that.” It seems more like he just doesn’t want to wind up in a fight with OP like last year when he lied to her, and does not care how his friends perceive her.

  15. You keep being dismissive of her feelings. You keep insisting it’s such a small thing she should get over. And you put the “pain” you felt and you “grovelling at her feet” above her feelings. Why are your feelings the ones that take precedence here? Because you decided it?

    It obviously matters to her. So deal with that. She probably does not like porn. It’s a normal boundary in many relationships. And she’s probably having a very hot time talking about it because you keep making this about you by crying, and because you obviously expect her to shut up and move on.

  16. You are catastrophizing. The actual risk is 60 seconds of awkwardness that turn into a fun dinner story to regale friends with. Nobody is going to spend years in a state of emotional tumult over a botched coffee date invitation.

    The risk of the worst-case scenario is tiny compared to the best-case rewards: your soulmate who fills the rest of your life with happiness and long, intense orgasms.

    And the truth is: rejection is the less likely outcome. If he doesn't have a girlfriend and isn't gay, there's a very high chance he'll say yes, because that's how humans work. If he does have a girlfriend or is gay, than there's nothing to feel embarrassed about anyway.

    You're at the perfect age to start transforming from someone who identifies as “shy” into a person who is willing to take some risks and not have a fear of embarrassment rule your life. Start practicing self confidence. It's a skill that will serve you well in love, work and adulting in general. And what better opportunity for taking your first, tiny risk?

  17. If he's finding himself in a position where he's able to maintain and likes friendships with women, just not dating/intimate relationships.

    He's only left with 1 logical conclusion – he's to blame.

    a) He either sucks at being a good partner in some magnitude. b) He sucks at picking prospective partners for himself.

  18. I've never dated an Asian lady, but the many I've worked with were brutally direct and not accepting of anybody's shit lol. Submissive is the exact opposite of what I'd call them. Maybe that's just how America makes them with all the creeps here, but yeah the submissive Asian woman stereotype is one I've never personally seen played out.

  19. i didnt know that it comes off as narcissism. sorry.

    i dont expect anything honestly, i was just thinking that birthdays are special for everyone.

    sorry if birthdays are too old for some people

  20. I'd do exactly this. Just tell her “hey, I just wanted to let you know that I saw you got rid of a carpet and I liked it and had it cleaned. I didn't think much about it, but now I'm feeling a bit awkward about not telling you sooner, since you'll obviously regonize it. So just a heads up before you visit me ? btw looking forward to the dods meeting each other” or something like that.


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