Kris the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Kris, 18 y.o.


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2 thoughts on “Kris the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I cannot stress this enough. Do what best for YOU and your future. Pick the college that has the most opportunities for you but also fits you. The relationship can survive distance if it’s a good relationship. Don’t make decisions based on other people. That said, if you’re going to do better at a smaller school and work your way up to a big college, that’s also fine. I started at a 40k student university and failed out my second year. I wish I’d started at a community college because I didn’t yet have the study or social skills necessary to be successful at a big school. I was your classic “gifted” kid who never studied and still aced everything so getting to college where there was not structure or support was a big challenge. Mix in that I was super introverted and slightly codependent due to undiagnosed anxiety so my boyfriend moved with me to my freshman year, when we broke up my sophomore year I had no idea how to survive socially, independently. I have no friends from my first 2 years at the large university. I have no friends from the next 4 years spent at a community college/technical school where I had to restart my entire education. I often think i would have done better if I didn’t have that boyfriend with me 24/7 when i wasn’t in class, I couldn’t fathom my life without him and he was my first love, the only other person who I got close to marrying due to our connection, but I never learned to be my own person.

  2. Your not teenagers and he's not the one that posted. He needs help but so do you. So pathetic…


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