Jett the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Jett, 19 y.o.


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26 thoughts on “Jett the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I don’t have advice for this. I don’t think many people do, if you can watch your partner struggle day in and day out for YEARS and do nothing….

    Look, you say it’s expensive to end this thing but is it more expensive than paying off this man’s whole debt and the cost of food? Over all your boys will be better men if they learn that men can’t act like that and have someone drag them through adulthood.

  2. So what was the chain of custody with the paternity test? Your husband did it, but give it to his siblings to mail in or something? And in tampering with it, the siblings could not have used their own saliva, because that might have still returned a positive test. They had to rope in a third party.

    Hmmm. What's the possibility this isn't your husband's child?

  3. It sounds like you're not sure that this is the right relationship for you. If the lust is wearing thin, it might be time to move on. She'll be sad, but the truth is that she needs someone closer to her own age and with similar life experiences.

    Good luck!

  4. After my ex I am definitely not looking for any serious relationship for a while. That why this was all going pretty good and I was able to kinda compartmentalize all my relationships but I really don’t want any baby mama drama.

  5. I meant to say they’re the same age and I’m younger. I’m rushing through comments because I didn’t check back in a while and now all of a sudden everyone’s saying my siblings are creepy.

  6. Don't assume the guys would even discuss you amongst themselves. Especially if it's serious between the two of you. They would tend to respect his choices, unless there were some very clear reason not to do so.

  7. Your wife can continue to talk to her. Maybe she should try to convince FSIL to undergo premarital counseling with your brother.

    Sometimes people just have to go through a shitty experience. She might be one of those people

  8. Agreed, let her know that you’ll be there to help her no matter how the relationship works out. That you care about her, and just because he’s your brother doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be there for her even if she wasn’t with him.

  9. I’d tell her. While it’s likely not to cause a medical issue, I’m sure there’s a chance it could. Plus as others said the potential of kids looking different.

    But basically if something happens years down the road (implants can always have issues) do you really want to have the conversation then?

  10. What changed? What streamers/male influencers have entered his algorithmic patterns of consumption?

    Seems like a lot of similar situations on this sub have the same answer & I'm willing to bet this is another case of social media driven misogyny teaching abuse as alpha relationship goals.

  11. Your husband and his brother raped you. You didnt consent to sex with his brother. He knowingly let him lie to you and fuck you…and didnt tell you till honestly his brother probably wants some again so they come up with this idea conveniently.

    Sorry not sorry but leave him, now. You cannot trust him. He let his brother rape you. And just thinks sorry can fix that.

  12. You should not help her out. That's not your job and all you're doing is showing him his behavior can keep happening

  13. My hobbies don't, and if I dated someone I wouldn't be a fan of their hobbies that required that either. But that's yet again just the thing. It's not up to me. What is is if I'll date someone who has a hobby like that, and if I choose to do so, I need to accept that hobby.

    If she'd started doing this recently, I could understand the boyfriends anger, but she didn't. She's been doing it since before she was dating him.


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