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44 thoughts on “Jade the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Wait, INFO:

    Did you lie in a way that could come back to haunt you in the future? Like claim to have experience in or qualification for a high paying or prestigious job that you’d have absolutely no way of getting in the future?

  2. You tell him that you no longer want to be in the relationship and that he has x amount of days to find a place and get his stuff out. If he resists, start the eviction proceeding. Change the locks and install security cameras incase he gets out of hand and tries to come back.

    He controls his life and he is responsible for it, not you. He sounds like a leeching loser, I feel sorry for the kid.

  3. Hey I’m sorry your going through this but this situation reminds me of a post I read on her where the wife had stop having sex with her husband because she cheated on him with an foreign exchange student and contracted HIV and she didn’t wanna tell him so she would try and gaslight him and say he was addicted to sex and there’s more to a relationship than sex.this could be a similar situation with you I would have said maybe he’s going through something mentally but if he’s watching porn frequently then it’s not a matter of he can’t preform so you may wanna see if he was or is cheating on you.

  4. Long story short She cheated on him with you? That’s how you’re gonna lose her buddy. You don’t think you’re special do you. Be single for a while.

  5. It’s not supposed to be! That was the first time he got out in the year and a half she’s had him! My GF didn’t believe me when I said he was looking out her back door ?

  6. I'd be super uncomfortable with that. It's not a coincidence.

    At best, he's hoping to win you over from this, at least to hookup. At worst he's making you view his nude body, and you can't say no really – it beimg for class and all. Pretty creepy either way if you ask me.

  7. He’s talking to them. Eventually he will do more than talk. How long have you been dating? Personally I prefer my men older. But I’m also at a stage in life where an age gap such as yours wouldn’t indicate a significant gap in life experience. But with you that’s not really the case. You are just making your way into the world and figuring out who you are as a person. He’s been out in the world for awhile and it feels a little predatory to me. He is gaslighting you. Honestly I would seriously take a look at this relationship.

  8. still going strong! had a long talk about my worries, etc and he responded exactly how i would want him to

    thank you for the kind comment ?

  9. You should get rid of it! By “it” I mean you boyfriend. Who is he to say what you can have or can’t have when he doesn’t online with you and it’s not his money. If your boyfriend is angry about this think about the future. Only crazy one is him!

  10. He does this shit a lot and I call him out on being manipulative and he then says that's in my head . I tell him that's exactly what I mean and he'll pretend it's a joke or me being silly. So tired of this .

  11. So get new friends. You don’t have to be around who your husband wants to be around. He wants to spend time with his family, his two grandchildren. Let him do that while you do your own thing.

  12. Haha there’s an irony. How’s that’s apple and mandarin chicken coming along lol. You couldn’t even fabricate a decent sounding dish ?

  13. You never actually loved or cared about your ex if seeing her happy makes you miserable. It sounds like you would prefer it if she was still with you but deeply unhappy. So she made the right decision moving on.

    You can’t make another person responsible for your happiness. It won’t work and it’s not fair to the other person. Your happiness is your responsibility. You don’t need a girlfriend. You need therapy, possibly an antidepressant, hobbies and activities that enable you to make new friends, and supportive friendships.

    Stop stalking your ex’s social media. Block her if you can’t help yourself. Comparison is the thief of joy. And she doesn’t have validation just for existing because she’s a woman. She’s getting validation from mutually supportive friendships that she puts effort into. I know it’s easier to think this isn’t something you have control over. But it is and that’s actually good news. It means that you can make your life better instead of wishing your ex’s life was worse.

  14. You will be when he will baby trap you. He will. Now he is testing the waters to find out how much he can get away with. Now he is “joking” wait few more months and there will be no “jokes”. If you don't understand what you are doing read about women who went through horror of having this kind of “partner”. You will be dependent and it will be your owner, not your parener. He is telling you from the start who he is, why you refuse to believe him? And why you refuse to believe people who understand what will happen or those who went through that hell? Don't be naive. It's not love, he doesn't love you. You are his tool to get his perfect life. He doesn't give a shit about you or your wants. Otherwise he would respect your dreams and support you but not like he does, treating it like something temporary you want to do not the way you want your life to go. He “supports” you getting a degree because he does not treat it seriously. That's not support. When you will start treating what he says seriously? When he will baby trap you and it will be nude to escape? He wants you obedient, pregnant and dependent. If you won't change anything that's your future. Leave and leave fast.

    Oh, and I can assure you if you will tell him that you are leaving because you don't want this kind of future for yourself, he will start lovebombing you and will promise anything for you to stay with him. He will stop talking about kids but he will do everything to make sure you will get pregnant. You are a means to an end, nothing more.

  15. Why can’t she move? Why does this have to be an all him problem? He’s been working towards this and she can’t seem to figure out how to make it work? I mean meet half way, see each other weekends, it’s their “shared future” on the line. People do long distance all the time and 3 hours isn’t much at all.

  16. You should have given up on him when he gave up on you, which was the time of his first incidences of cheating and abusing you.

    You should definitely be getting out now with your baby. Don’t subject a Little One to this kind of violent toxicity.

  17. No, it does not. OP is not a placeholder. It’s just that if you see someone literally do some shit that you’ve either asked them about or had conversations about and they said no no no it’s kind of insulting. It’s like if you dated a girl and over and over she said you’re fucking chopped your ugly whatever this and that and then she goes and date someone who looks the exact same as you you’re going to feel like what the fuck? What is actually factually wrong with me. it doesn’t mean that you want to date the person who was kind of toxic to you and called you ugly over and over again.

  18. You tell him now. And expect a negative reaction. Most people will have a negative reaction and this is normal.

    You are entitled to online your life any way that makes you happy, but do not expect others to be happy with this lifestyle. It is not the norm.

  19. Idk where you are. When my brother had to deal with his ex-gf (whom he broke up with) threatened him with 'unaliving herself,' he called the police to get a welfare check conducted.

    That's the only thing you can do, really.

  20. I don't think he's a “great husband” if you have to walk on eggshells with him. His comments and taunting sound very much like gaslighting, where he makes you question your own sanity, and provokes you to the point of reacting where he can then say, “see, I told you that you were unstable” or something.

  21. Tell him you can online near enough so he can visit daily if he wants to, but if he wants to live together it needs to be your own space.

  22. Oh, you mean like how in a bunch of countries, it is still legally allowed for people to marry a 12 year old girl as long as she is pregnant ? Including multiple states in America.

    I'm supposed to care about norms and ignore what's actually right ? Nah, I'm good, thanks tho ~

  23. Maybe but it depends on what the SIL did at the wedding. Small breach of etiquette? Got drunk and started a brawl?

    And OP's MIL didn't or doesn't seem apologetic about SIL's behavior.

    But it all depends on what SIL did.

  24. You leave obviously because this will never stop. Yes people will date you…I have 2 friends who not only dated and they not only dated but remarried and had children. You just always have to be very honest about your status regardless if it means you lose relationship.

  25. Screw the mortgage – get yourself on the DEED. I’m going high level here but would be happy to answer your DMs for more detail. Being on the mortgage will only create RISK for you if he were to default. (Small benefit of mortgage interest tax credit does not offset the risk of the headache of being responsible for the mortgage if he flakes out & you don’t want to ruin your credit.) Both names on mortgage = both hits on credit in the event of default. Even if you are paying him your share every month. Lenders absolutely only care about the payment being on time, not who paid who behind the scenes. If you are included on the deed, you share ownership regardless of what the mortgage says. The deed & the mortgage are separate & while being on the deed gives you ownership, being on the mortgage is not desirable unless you are also on the deed. You don’t want to be on the hook for paying if you don’t share the benefits of ownership.

  26. It sounds like you can't stick to your guns. Pre-edit you say you want your gf to agree to your rules. The edit says you'll never show them to your gf.

    Those rules mean you can't actually have friends of the opposite sex, you'd have friendly acquaintances.

    Some couples are fine with that.

  27. This. The Uncle did it on purpose. He will keep doing it and doing more and more until you stand up to him.

    ‘Don’t touch my ass, you’re old enough to be my father!’ Is pretty withering.

  28. When I was younger I never would want to date or drink or have sex

    You're 20. When you were younger you were a literal child.

    Don't marry him! What other advice can you possibly hoping to get here?

  29. You weren't exclusive so he did nothing wrong. You're just realizing in hindsight that you wanted to be, which is your own bullshit you need to handle.

    Snooping through his phone was shitty and shows that you need to work on your insecurities instead of blaming others for it.

  30. I'm sorry sweetie, I think you HAVE addressed his jealousy. He saw you upset to the point of tears and he apologized. But now you're distant and I'm sure he knows why.

    I don't think you'll ever get a sense of trust back. And issues like his tend to get worse and worse. I've been there. I wish someone had told this to me, and told me I should leave. It got very bad.

    I think you know you should probably leave. This stress and unhappiness is not good for you. Just explain to him that you no longer feel the same, that trust is everything in a relationship and you're not going to online your life being afraid to have male friends.

    Say goodbye, wish him well and suggest therapy.

  31. In any situation he panic, just quietly hug him do something he likes. But remember, over comforting will lead to same thing i.e reminding the loss. Go for a walk on the verge of evening time or at late night. These sort of relaxing moments will take his mind off of the loss and eventually, heal him.

    Take care

  32. We do all that, and he always makes those comments as jokes but they've gotten a bit too recurrent, like there's truth to them…


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