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4Kinstagram @iamsarahlondon, 99 y.o.
Location: Medellin ,Colombia
Room subject: April_rose19, ‘s room
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instagram @iamsarahlondon, 99 y.o.
Location: Medellin ,Colombia
Room subject: April_rose19, ‘s room
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As a woman I just want to say I find it really patronizing when people try to tell me how I feel. Like if I say something is fine/ok, it's fine. I just look angry because I'm stressed and anxious and I always look like that.
No doubt she’ll graduate suma cum laude now.
Yes. She’ll probably hate you at first, but she’ll redirect that anger in the right direction afterwards. She needs to know so she’s not stuck with a guy who pulls this shit
Better change him to “ Minute man of Sperm donor “ in his phone. Two can play that game don’t let it get to you . Get your stuff right and be petty back.
Your boyfriend is an odd duck!!!
Almost no sitution is exactly the same, but I get what the commenter was saying.
Some people have different boundries, and sometimes people in (young) relationships (like OP) don't discuss boundries as clear as they'd like.
That was before he was in a relationship.
Why do you want to be equally as horrible as them though? Sounds like you'll just lose even more this way..
“Why terminate the pregnancy”
Is the answer not obvious? Because having a baby with an abusive person tethers you to them for most of your life
Her choice one way or another, but saying something like “it’s not the baby’s fault” is so unhelpful
My assumptions are way more realistic than yours. Op has an opinion because of what she heard. She wasn’t there when they were fighting. I have a strong opinion about grooming because unfortunately there are people like you who would defend the groomer because that is what you are doing. OP can’t say shit because her brother would NEVER treat amy wrong in front of her. OP doesn’t event want to accept the fact that Amy was groomed so again her opinion means shit because amy is the villain in her eyes and her brother could do nothing wrong and the question she has is the last thing that is important here.
???? I love gay guys. I mean straight to the point!
Just leave him OP. You deserve better. Husband is not it. He should be ex husband. I hardly ever advocate for divorce but this situation calls for it. He pretty much told you that he doesn’t value your relationship. You deserve better than this asshole.
So glad other people are paying more attention to his lack of preventing a baby! Takes 2 ? you control your own bodily fluids!
After art, AIs now make RA posts.
You go swimming.
It’s rape. There’s no questioning it.
Lmao you’d be surprised. I had a guy friend tell me once “I’m straight but I like sucking d***.” Another “I just hook up with guys if I can’t a girl” I’d tell both they are probably bi sexual like me then but, nope, still claimed straight. Okay then I guess lol.
I wonder what OP DID to help his daughter fix her car. Did he offer suggestions like the bus until he gets back, did he offer that she pay for half of the repairs since he’s pulling back financial support, did take a look at the car to make sure she needed 1200 worth of repairs? (Is this the same new(er) car she got for her 18th bday). OP needs to do a better job balancing both families. Your daughter is 25 but she still need guidance and assistance; parents job never end but it will change.
thanks to all, You are all right, It hurt's a lot but in a relationship love has to be from both sides, and if It's just from one side, it can't go, If she is happy alone, I have to let her go
How does that help her? Where is the advice in that comment?
You are both the same age and according to some posters if your bf is a pedophile than you are too.
This was terrible. Wow it was even worse than I thought. If I were your boyfriend I would be rally insulted by this whole fiasco. But then again I have self respect and there would have been an incident with your step dad.
Is your actual father around? You didn’t mention him at all. Maybe you should introduce your boyfriend to him as well at least find a normal family member to introduce your boyfriend too.
Like any good reality TV or gladiators combat, a little of both.
Twenty six minutes ago, you wrote that she revealed this to you one week ago. Now you indicate that it happened at Christmas.
Did anything actually happen or is this pure fiction?
Wife place stop abc. Husband but you can’t grill a pancake on a tin roof! Literally this whole time anyone says it’s about YOUR WIFE’s FEELINGS and he’s just going off how he wouldn’t even get to cheat because the 25 year old is not interested. Face palm. What your wife wants is for you to not cheat because she is the only woman you want. Instead you keep telling her you’ll never have an opportunity.
It must be crime of some description
They’re trampling on your feelings.
Time for a conversation.
I never said I wanted to inflict her any damage, I'm not like that.
She is like that and that is where your added pain will come from. You're done. Serving her papers and following through with D is you best course of action and says that you did not stand for that treatment.
Confronting her is only giving her more opportunity to hurt you. It never helps. She will deny, deflect, blame you and others, maybe plead for forgiveness and another chance, then blame you for not giving her that chance and none of that will give you the closure or statement you are looking for.
Sounds like Jane has a dad problem. Also you are a nepo baby – just acknowledge the fact your entire financial life only exists because your dad decided to give it to you. You can cosplay as a normal person in college for a while – but the reality is that you were handed everything.
Girl holy fuck just get the abortion. You can have another baby when you're both ready. Don't sabotage yourself because he's feeling a little sad about it. He'll get over it.
Tell her cheating ass that she can find her sorry self in Divorce Court.
Well.. that’s how I feel.
What should I say then?
That’s the thing . This thought never crossed my mind . It was only when we met our murals friends from school , it was clear to me . And it’s been bugging me way more than it should (apparently I made a reddit post abt it ).
As I said , we are pretty much in groove in the relationship but now I keep examining her actions and seeing how she interacts with people . I sometimes get a glimpse of that schoolgirl and it doesn’t sit right with me . Something now seems off abt the relationship..
Raise your son in a happy home. If this means getting divorced, you will be glad in the long run. You are two very different people, and it isn't going to work out.
You broke up with him and went NC. He probably still has feelings for you but is trying to respect your boundaries. If you want to talk to him again, you will have to initiate.
Wow the audacity. I’m shocked you even considered it and didn’t immediately dump that guy. I wonder why that is. Why continue to date someone that was so rude that they said they didn’t like something about your physical appearance AND suggested surgery to change it for them. Even typing that out and repeating it I’m just like WTF and Wow.
You so did the right thing OP.
1000% you did the right thing.
I wouldn’t call that gaslighting but if that’s what you want to call it why would you want to marry somebody that gaslights you
Get him a pair of scrubby gloves, they are perfect for exfoliating and cleaning well all over!
uh. as the child of an alcoholic, he's setting the example whether you are “letting” him or not.