Helena the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Helena, 20 y.o.


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58 thoughts on “Helena the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. This relationship is weird. And your posting/commenting history is concerning. He’s a cheating porn addict? He sleeps… how many hours a day? Please explain what his positive traits are that make him worth this struggle. You should not feel energized as soon as he leaves, and he shouldn’t feel drained.

  2. A travesty of a search engine run by Microsoft that deserves to die. If you want a company that cares nothing about privacy, morals or ethics, then Bing is for you.

    Fuck everyone who works there and may they all one day suffer what their victims have suffered.

  3. Yeah he’s taking advantage of you it sounds like. First you shouldn’t be doing extra chores so he can improve the house only he has equity in. He needs to contribute equally and work on his house in his free time. Also rent when you are in a relationship usually should be equitable, not necessarily equal. Especially when he’s building equity and you’re not.

  4. I look a lot like my mom, and neither of us is beautiful. She always treated me as an accessory as a child and competition throughout my teen years. I can't separate my experience from the OP's post enough to not see what she could have done to get this response.

  5. I feel like the studies I did are quite in line with my inner self since I enjoy restoring stuff. Being easily under burn outs and art blocks I feel like the other career would have been heavier. But I def agree on the last part… hope it won't come for him tho (even if it would scroll him down the throne of I-know-betterness he built by himself)

  6. It’s on you pal, how clever you handle this situation determines the fate of your relationship, well young couples’s sulks have always been over these misunderstandings or miscommunications, and as a MAN, I suppose you should be the one who breaks the ice, try to be genuine, women know when you do, she told you not to give her any gifts, but you should think about it and present her anyway, better be something you think she’d appreciate ( something she knows that you put efforts on not something you go into a mall and buy in 10 minutes ). If the situation isnt that bad ( you know her, you are the only one who can tell ), you can try be more assertive by preparing her a dedicated birthday party also. But if you think it’d make her more upset, ( well it’s pretty naked now I think ), you can take things slow, go to her home, gift her something and do what she says, if she wants you to leave, do it, this doesnt necessary mean you have failed, it could be that she just needed some time to cool down, but you have to make sure she knows that you still care for her ( also don’t do something that may annoy her ). This is all based on my experience, hopefully it can help you. Thanks for reading ?

  7. His behavior is one thing, but his inability to communicate is another. The lack of communication on his part is not something that I’d want in my life.

  8. You really really have to communicate all of this with him. Let him know you don’t feel like a priority at all.

    What he does with that is everything.

  9. Uh… this is interesting

    I mean, if your kid wants to eat meat, can she cook it? it's not like just because she's a non-meat eater means that she cant cook meat

  10. It seems to me like she likes you, most girls don’t sent posts about you being pretty to friends. Regardless, I think you should tell her how you feel about her. It’s not going to go away, and this way you’ll know for sure. As for the other issues, those can be helped with therapy. I assume if you’re this close, she probably knows about all that, and she can decide for herself if she’s able to be a supportive partner for you given that info.

  11. If this is real I’ll be shook. There was a v similar “dead wife” post on here recently. OP.. what if he killed his first wife?!

  12. Her behavior does seem flirty, but on the other hand it could be just her personality and she just feels she can talk like that to someone who is really close to her. You have no other choice but to make a move – ask her on a date and let her know that you would be willing to try a romantic relationship with her.

  13. Yeah I think we’re both inexperienced, i don’t know about his past I just know he’s for sure not a virgin but doesn’t seem very experienced to me. Im certainly not experienced but I think I know more than him. Im happy to listen to his needs and don’t mind criticism. I hope he is too.

  14. I think it shows a lot about your character that you are so concerned about hurting your girlfriend. I don’t have any advice, but I just wanted to say I think you are a good caring person.

  15. Grow up and work on co parenting. Not being physically abusive is not some great achievement. It's the bare minimum and makes me think you had to mention it because you're emotionally abusive/treating her badly. Especially since you say you've been a bad person to her but don't way how.

    Having a child together doesn't mean you need to stay together and in your case it's probably for the best.

    Just be cordial and split. You either trust her, work on trusting her, or you don't.

  16. Well if it was any type of reminder that she set on her phone, she must be sharing that particular app with your bfs phone.

    Are they friends? Do they hang out outside if work doing health related stuff (running, gym, etc.)?

  17. Ideally the larger room with the bathroom should be more.

    You also need to consider what the rent is for the shared/common spaces. This space should be split evenly 4 ways since you'll all be using it just the same.

    If we take a 3BR at $2,000/month example, it might look like this:

    Small bedroom 1: $400

    Small bedroom 2 $400

    Large bedroom with bathroom: $600

    Common space (to be split 4 ways): $600

    You and your other roommate would be paying $550/month (bedroom + common space share)

    Your third roommate and his girlfriend would pay a total of $900/month (or $450 each) for the bedroom and common space share.

    You'd have to come up with a good weighting system for how much the common area is worth, but it's a fair and reasonable way to figure this out.

  18. You need to see a vet behaviourist before deciding on anything. A dog sub is probably a better place rather than relationship advice

  19. Now, I ain’t calling you a gold digger, but you’re definitely an attention hound. The man has one boundary and you had to push it. You seriously need to consider deleting your posts, because this is a great way to become an ex.

  20. I don’t think it’s wrong to tell him and it isn’t wrong to not be attracted to it, but hair changes. You can voice your preferences, but as his partner it’s important you respect his autonomy. If this is a dealbreaker for you it’s a dealbreaker.

    But if you do something like tell him “I won’t have sex with you until you get rid of it” that’s manipulative. If you’re not sexually attracted to him right now, a nicer way to say things may be “I’m glad you’re trying out different things with your hair. I’ll be honest, I don’t find the stache sexually attractive and for whatever reason it creeps me out, so I’ll need time to adjust to this look.” I think saying that continuously is better as it isn’t manipulative and respects both of you

  21. He is probably nervous about having children because your age difference is old enough to go drink at a bar he may be playing music at. Mental images of people mistaking dad for a grandpa at sporting events or school functions, etc might be bouncing around in his head and sending him into a funk.

  22. Don't forget that she would try to make you feel guilty about it too!!! Bro do what is best for your mental health!!!

  23. Call a domestic violence helpline, mention what's happening and ask them for advice on how to proceed.

  24. Some people unfortunately focus on trivial things in their 20’s they don’t focus on maturing, they simply don’t know any better and I don’t think they care. So when they hit like a road block in their 30’s, they act just like they did when they were teens.

  25. And here I am with a wife who says I sexualize her too much and all I want is sex…. Which isn’t true but shit she don’t ever initiate. Dudes lucky, I’m not one to say throw in the towel but throw that shit in.

  26. he probably blocked you to try to scare you and is waiting for you to come crawling back. stop talking to him bc you dont deserve that level of mistreatment

  27. This is some serial killer shit, oh my god. Please be safe & please don’t downplay further suspicious activity from him

  28. We know she raised a son with a documented history of violence against you. We know this woman is hurting, vulnerable and lashing out at you.

    It more risky to do nothing.

    My immediate inclination is to call the detective in charge of the case and let them know what is going on. There's a chance they may talk some sense into her on your behalf. And as well, seek the advice of a lawyer.

  29. and for the past year he has been a strict vegan

    That isn't a problem.

    but he is isolating himself and becoming controling.

    This is though.

    He also said that we cannot go for date nights anymore as people could be eating meat in the cinema or restaurant.

    Looks like you'll have to find someone else to date.

  30. Pfft. What a manchild. He's worried about mess?! What about the pain, the constant fears of leaking through clothing, and all the other glorious side effects of periods.

    Your body still needs to regulate from the pill, you'll be up and down like a yoyo until your body regulates itself into a sense of balance.

  31. To him you're his gf and you know it and that's the only thing that matters. He probably feels the labels and shit are for other people and not important to the relationship you two have and in that way of thinking he's probably not realizing that it also means something to you.

    I don't think that titles and labels are as high of a priority to men as they are to women so I doubt he even knows how much this is bothering you so you're just gonna have to suck it up and ask him again let him know you understand why he has reservations but also let him know how much it means to you.

  32. “He’s very conservative and would NOT take this well, I don’t know what would happen if he found out. “

    Well now you know it matters a lot to him so if you dont tell him you are living a lie. Usually things like that come to light eventually anyway so you are better off not being secretive here

  33. Wow, I think this is above my pay grade for sure. My father always told me to never work with friends or family, it destroys relationships.

    Unfortunately, your relationship does seem to be a casualty of this business.

    Is there any chance he'd attend therapy with you?

  34. Clearly you’re purposely blind and willfully ignorant. You may have yourself tricked but other people can see right through the bullshit. His and yours especially.

  35. Well, it is good you are starting to see some of the unhealthy ways you are attached. I know that one mindset can be that if it works out in the long run, that if he eventually settles down, you can convince yourself he didn't actually abandon you. I worry that you want it to work long term because you are unable to face that you really need to let go. That is also part of why you so insist on framing him as nice and kind and caring and loving despite that fact he has been an absolutely terrible partner and just person in general to you so far.

  36. Not just “this woman” but all women until he gets some therapy and help.

    I sincerely hope this is rage bait, because if true OP is dangerous and disgusting.

  37. You don't have to let her know he told you any thing. You can just say you heard from a reliable source who you will not name.

  38. (He didn’t tell me, I found out from a Reddit post about his ex that was on one of his Reddit accounts from like 4 years ago) yes I know reading personal information that he hasn’t shared with me is baddddd but that’s how I got the information.

  39. Yes you’re tripping . She’s not inviting the ex so who gf cares ? If you’re going to be with a group that your girlfriend feels somewhat excluded from why can’t she invite her friend?

    Stop trying to control the situation, you’re putting way to much thought into this and are just being plain mean to your gf. What exactly do you think her real intentions are ? Shes planning to invite said friend on a group outing and you will be there, maybe trust your gf a little more bc your attitude sucks.

  40. If you want it to mean something, let him come to you. If he did do a good job of keeping at least his friends in his life, you wouldn't need to dance around an event in his life just to speak with him. But, if you're just looking to be spiteful I'd say to just go on a date with someone, have fun, and on-line your best life. He'll find out about it on social media and he'll likely try to find you again.

    I do get that he caused you suffering, but you did shoot yourself in the foot here. “He did make me cry for months”. Maybe that's the kind of toxic crap questionable friends tell each other to make everyone else seem like the enemy. But that's why they are enjoying themselves while you are hung up over some guy. The truth is that reaching out just makes it seem like he still has control over you. It's possible that you are lonely enough to actually want that in your life, and in the grand scheme of things there's nothing really wrong with that, but then what's really the end game here? What's fun about intentionally messaging someone that hurt you? If you are going to waste your time, at least do something fun and happy.

  41. She needs self-care and treatment, and it might take a long time. Not everyone is cut out for supporting someone like that, and if you're not one of them you shouldn't feel bad about it. It might get better and it might get worse. Whether that outweighs the positives is entirely subjective and up to you.


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