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8KGirls Gone Nauti, y.o.
Location: Florida, United States
Room subject: ill wake up my girlfriend 500 wake her up with my tits 1000 🙂
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Girls Gone Nauti, y.o.
Location: Florida, United States
Room subject: ill wake up my girlfriend 500 wake her up with my tits 1000 🙂
To Start live video press there
Your family need to respect your private space and not leave their stuff there. Equally your partner needs to not throw other peoples things out.
I really can’t believe he did this to me…
The fact that you're here making these horrible assumptions means you can believe he did this to you.
My hubby deals with anxiety and depression on top of a hectic job and an extremely toxic family. Guess what? He’s in therapy and it helps, especially with anxiety. Therapy is helpful and can get you through hard times and learn to deal with those emotions that you claim to have under control.
Idk why you’re getting so hysterical about it. You don’t know these people and their lives, or where they live and how much money they make. It’s not the 1950s, kids are raised in single parents households by single moms. And sometimes even by single dads.
And the way op has explained it she has made a proportion, she’s not leaving tomorrow. And she has also proposed a way for him to see his kids. Op can contest that in court, which i believe he will. That doesn’t make her a bad person.
None of the things you’ve said here supports that she’s a bad person or is doing anything that’s harmful for her kids. If anything she’s probably trying to avoid op and his constant badgering about getting back together. She also probably trying to save herself some pain by not having to see op and his son.
And I am gonna come out and say it – op doesn’t have the best track record. He has a 13yo who already suffered a lot. He should be OP’s priority Instead he’s worried about his wife and kids who already have a willing and able parent. Good luck arguing that in front of a judge.