Florencia y Thiago the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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16 thoughts on “Florencia y Thiago the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. This is clearly just a creative writing exercise.

    1 you would know straight away if he was your car or not if you loved him so much

    2 the age gap with you and your bf is 21 years not impossible but weird

    3 if this where real you'd just take him to the vet to be sure because a good cat owner would have there cat chipped

  2. So, he thinks your a gold digger who is only in a relationship with him too eventually get his money. You either have to be ok with never getting married and knowing he thinks that of you or move on

  3. Sketchy as he'll. She's in an emotional affair. And he's in a poly lifestyle ? You know exactly where it's going

  4. Sketchy as he'll. She's in an emotional affair. And he's in a poly lifestyle ? You know exactly where it's going

  5. He’s informing you now that he will not be prioritizing you, and will be sleeping with other people. You can choose to accept that and wait for him, or not. I’d recommend not, but it’s your life

  6. It's a group of donor conceived people who are typically in the same area from one clinic that used a specific donor far far more than they should resulting in a high concentration of half siblings. Clinics can do whatever they want. They often overuse one donor's sperm or in some extreme cases the clinic's doctor used his own even though the patients chose a specific donor.

  7. I'm pretty sure that meant instead of him. You should have taken it off instead of him.

    This doesn't really seem like anything to lose trust over. You're overreacting.

  8. He sounds like a massive creep.

    50 y.o man telling a 21 y.o employee that they “look more grown and that he likes it”

    what the fuck

  9. Basically yeah. I'm having to try to reply in the comments because reddit isn't showing me all the comments for some reason but I'm getting the notifs. She doesn't see sex as anything other than physical so she doesn't understand why it's fucked me up when she told me she couldn't feel me and that I should just watch her use her toy. I'm climbing a mental ED barrier atm because of that. I get hot randomly but sexually when I try I feel that shame and get depressed a little bit.

  10. Definitely. I 100% respect his desire to have kids and it would suck for him to not have that fulfilled. I’m just feeling a lot of complex emotions and that my body is “broken” and rather illogically, feeling like he loves me as a “baby machine” more than anything. I know that’s not how it is, and I’m sure he’s feeling a lot of complex emotions on the matter himself. I just wish he understood my side of things about more, as he is not the one who can get pregnant. He’s taken me to the emergency room from severe enough pain and been there for me for the weeks I can’t get out of bed other than to eat and use the restroom. He’s seen me at my absolute worst. Thankfully it seems those days are behind me, but I always fear in the back of my mind it can get that bad again… In which case I would likely have to quit my job. I don’t have the energy to raise kids, work full time, and manage my health (so another aspect of a discussion I’ll need to have with him).

    I told him if my health steadily improves (I’m only a month in of my improvement now), and if we have the finances/ can find a reputable agency, I would consider surrogacy. We on-line in the US, where surrogacy is extremely pricy. I think him and I need to do some research on surrogacy, as it’s not something that has crossed either of our minds until recently. We can only sacrifice so much money and I would hate to struggle to afford raising a child we spent $100,000 on to bring into the world… so yes, because of those factors I cannot give him a definitive answer. I will likely not have an answer until a few years from now (seeing where health and finances are). He will have to be ok with that uncertainty if he wants to stay with me. It probably won’t be the answer he wants to hear, but I can’t promise him a child at this point in my life. Had these health issues not happened to me, the narrative would have been very different.

  11. I mean…I never shit talk my partner to friends, but I still wouldn't want her reading my conversations with them. There's not really a difference between doing that and eavesdropping. I just think it's a big leap to take “I talk about our relationship issues with my friends and I don't want her to read that” and conclude that it can ONLY MEAN that he MUST be talking a bunch of shit to them, or even that he does this frequently.

    And same with the journals. There's nothing in here about the frequency of entries, and contemplating divorce is not the same thing as wanting to get divorced. You mean to tell me you've never had one of those moments where you've questioned the relationship you were in but decided not to end it? Never had to ask yourself if something is a dealbreaker and then determined that it isn't?

    Each individual person has different degrees of ability to regulate emotional responses. Some people are pretty even-keel regardless of what happens, others get extremely dysregulated when experiencing intense emotions and are more prone to act impulsively, make decisions they'll later regret, etc. For that latter group, things like journaling are a great outlet to move past that impulsive, dysregulated stage, get out of your feelings, and move on to productive problem-solving. It's completely understandable to not want somebody to read the things you think about them when you're in your worst, most dysregulated states. Without knowing either of these people it seems, again, like a big leap to assume “He writes down his intense feelings, that can ONLY MEAN that he MUST not communicate about conflicts with his wife.”

    Anyway completely unrelated but is your username a Less Than Jake reference? Great song.

  12. If he’s anything like me, then repetition is the root of his sexual confidence and the loss of repetition finds him without any.

    Do you do the things that you’ve talked about missing? Do you seduce him, shower him with affection and compliments? Sex is a two way street. Not saying that you’re putting the onus on him, per se, but a lot of women (in my experience) take a backseat on initiation and the other things involved in sex because they’re more comfortable with being the “prize” over an active participant.

    Sometimes for that confidence to come back (for me) I need my partner to take the lead for a while. To be brutally honest I’m just more comfortable with my partner being the driving force of intimacy in generally (as a man) because it feels much safer than acting on every impulse I have and creating a potential situation of pressure. But I’m just as happy to cuddle my partner as I am to rail them, so perhaps I’m a special case.

    Either way, step one of any sexual misclick in a relationship is to have a conversation with your partner, so I would recommend doing that.

  13. Just why are you with him? He lied to you since the beginning. He has no respect for you. He just uses you. And are you sure that this is really his sister?

    A relationship need trust and respect. There is nothing. He treats you like shit, as if you should be lucky when he spends time with you. You don't need this. You don't need a liar or a cheater. And no, such people don't change. And he also let his family treat you like shit. A man who loves and care for you would have your back and never let others treat you like this. He is all around awful.

  14. Doctors abide by their privacy rules or they lose their license. I am so sorry this happened to you. Learning about the victimization of a loved one is its own trauma that is reasonably addressed with a mental health provider.

    All of that to say, you can ask her not to share but it is unrealistic, unfair in these circumstances, and may lead to issues in the relationship.


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