Fernanda , ❤ the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Fernanda , ❤, 20 y.o.


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31 thoughts on “Fernanda , ❤ the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I would say that if you would like the possibility of getting back together to still exist, try reaching out. Pretty much the same if you just want to stay friends but you could probably push that a little longer. Clearly he still has strong feelings for you and I’m sure if you said to him you want to work it out and fix the issues he feels you two have, he’d likely agree unless he’s already told you and feels they can’t be fixed.

  2. She's not your person and yoyr patience is wasted on her. You won't get an equal relationship with her and you'll end up mentally drained from all the emotional support you provide her.

    I'd move on.

  3. There logically wasn’t a need to get to that extreme though (of no alcohol). It wasn’t unreasonable for her to have noticed that you drink daily recently, regardless of the amount.

    When given shit for it, you continued to do so but in hiding. Put in that context, is that not crazy?

    Listen, I get it as a father. I promise you. Hormones can be difficult, including the effect it has on the father. But logically a daily round wasn’t the answer. Then further, continuing in secret. Even if we understand why you’re throwing back a couple drinks, you became completely fucked and in the wrong for lying about it.

    This isn’t an issue of giving up freedom. You never did it. You started to. You then lied about it. Your defense is freedom. The issue is lying. You can have a drink every so often (or you should be able to). Push for that. Don’t just promise cold turkey as a lie.

  4. Yeah I’m pretty fucked up about it truly. And unfortunately; that song has been playing in my head on a loop. I’ve been trying to be positive and be proud of myself for having “boundaries”. Now I have a new question to ask all prospects

  5. We were friends for a while and yeah initially I wasn’t physically attracted to him. But then feelings grew and then he became super attractive to me. 20 years on and he’s still super attractive to me and I still wanna jump his bones. ??

  6. Truthfully i haven't been close to my parents. I'm also 30 been by myself aince like 13. My upbringing is different from someone who obviously grew up with a loving household. So if i was him i probably would have. If they aren't together it won't really matter anyway. Like i said he is 20 years old. You taking your grown mindset to a kid who is 2 years out of being a legal adult.

  7. Yeah I’m sure he would just gaslight me again if I showed him the video that’s why I’m wondering if it’s even worth it. I know he doesn’t like my mom, mainly because he has an issue with older women because of his mom, but he also doesn’t like her personality. He knows I wouldn’t be mad if he pranked my mom so idk why he would lie to me and continue to lie to me. It’s so frustrating.

  8. 3 months is a long fucking time to not tell someone such a fundamental part of your identity. I'd leave over this. Who knows what else he will conceal from you to get what he wants.

  9. Crazy thing is, you're both making more than the average Canadian and he's in debt. Get him to a financial counselor ASAP

  10. Whats the deal with you mom? Is it cowardice or has someone changed her opinion? Does she own the house and does your brother/wife on-line there too?

    You didn’t do anything wrong or weird. Don’t go to family events where your uncle is and stay away or go to your room if your brother and his psycho wife come by.

    Do you have access to community services? You should seek some help if you recognize depression. Counselors can also eventually work with you to help you find work within your capabilities. One step at a time though. If you are at a breaking point it’s ok to go to the hospital directly and get immediate help.

    I’m really rooting for you and I’m hoping you hang on and I’m really sorry you’re going through all this. It’s very hot to do it alone. You’re a good person surrounded by nasty people. Don’t give up.

  11. The thing is, I don't get how he'd even have time if they're seeing each other every day and sleeping over a lot?

  12. Some of them clearly feel secure enough in their existence to think they're empowered to take away informed consent for someone else. They need a wake up call because not only is that heinous, they're not anywhere near secure enough to try that shit.

  13. I feel that 20 years ago this wouldn't even be a question.

    Break it down. You're not married, not living together, don't have kids, AND are long distance. There are ZERO ties to this person other than what…. he's a bit ok when he's not fucking other people?

    Why would you stay? There is absolutely nothing keeping you with this person. There are many people, closer to you geographically, that you might like a relationship with and would probably not take their dick on walkabout after 3 days of being “unhappy.”


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