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21 thoughts on “Emily the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. That's 100% what's happening here. She thought you fucked up, so she ditched the sinking ship before it could drag her and your child down.

    However, you decided to be an Admiral that day and stopped the ship from sinking while at the same time converting it into a destroyer. Now she's stuck on land where she decided to go while you're off sailing the seven seas.

    Do not get back together with this woman. She may be a good mother, but she utterly failed you and the child as a partner. Just think of the kind of example that sets to your kid, that it's okay to abandon your spouse when the going gets tough.

    Give all your hot earned work to someone who actually appreciates you for *you*.

  2. You’re reaching for anything that allows you to keep a person who disrespected your relationship around you.


    Yes, you are the bad guy here if you keep this up. The friend crossed a huge line, and you refuse to accept that. If the roles were reversed, would you be okay with a guy hanging around who you know wants you out of the picture so he could have your gf? I highly doubt it.

    Your friend put you in a place of being forced to choose-so choose. You can have your gf who has done nothing wrong here, or the friend who just tried to destroy your relationship. Not both. Choose wisely.

  3. The child would still have a stable residence. They seem to share custody so when OP and her partner moved to the big house, the daughter would just keep her bedroom.

  4. Dude- she went through all that to destroy your marriage, and you don't think she's going to land the final blow? She's just giving it some time because she hopes if you do it, she has a chance with you. If you don't, she'll pick the most sabotaging moment she can and tell her. And then your wife is going to find out about the infidelity, and the lie, and that you tried to keep it from her.

    The best shot you have…and it's a long shot…is to tell your wife yourself, express true remorse, explain the situation but don't act like it was an excuse for what you did. You're probably still going to lose her, but at least this way you stand a chance.

  5. . It’s the way you’re addressing anyone who disagrees with you

    maybe youre just reading into things that arent there. seems to be a recurring problem with you. anyways. make sure you actually verify things before you randomly accuse someone of things that have nothing to do with them. apology not accepted. have a good day though!

  6. Nope. They don't stop. It comes from a deep sense of entitlement and possibly sociopathy. They don't care about your feelings, or having integrity, just their own “needs”.

  7. Every partner in a committed relationship has an obligation to ensure their partner feels safe from infidelity. Including avoiding one on one time under circumstances that are typically associated with sex.

    She's been hit on since she was 14yo. She's not some inexperienced teen that needs to be educated.

    She failed the life partner test.you can't change her(especially with alcohol and drugs) and ultimatums don't work long term.

    Btw: based on her behavior, she no longer can say “trust me”. She needs to prove she's been faithful.

  8. Let me summarize:

    you on-line with your abusive parents you are stuck mostly in your room, don't work and don't go out. For the last 6 years. you have been in therapy for 2 years, is it helping? your boyfriend? He comes to yours? Or you go to him? how do you meet his family more than yours? is his family aware of the situation with your parents?

    So… if he is the only link to the outside you have, ofc it's nude to break up. You would be left only with your abusive family. And from what you say, there is no way that would improve your situation.

    The first thing you need is a therapist (and possibly a psychiatrist) who is willing to help you out of there. Literally out of your parents house.

    6 years stuck in a room is not “run of the mill” depression. Got to your dr and ask to be referred to a psychiatrist. And explain the abusive situation with your parents (social services help adults too!!)

    For your boyfriend, For now tell him (and his family) you need to get your mental health under control as your priority. Buy yourself time, and do the things you need to get better. If he acrually loves you, he will understand that.

    Yes you need to break up eventually, but FIRST you need proper mental health help. Please please ask for it in any way you can.

  9. No person is obligated to pay for the housing cost of anyone except their own child. Since you don't seem to understand I will explain it to you. When child is at Dada house he covers 100% of the cost of child care. Then the other 50% of the time when child is with mother she pays 100% of costs. See how easy that is? No need for any man to be paying for any woman to have the privilege of never having to take care of herself. If your such a proud feminist then why aren't you claiming the mother is perfectly capable of taking care of the child and don't need no man?? Op should get 50/50 custody and tell his disloyal 304 to pound sand.

  10. Sorry to say that:

    this is the totally wrong field for you in the future after you move out.

    It makes you visible! Findable.

  11. You are currently, and always will be in third place in this girls life. You have a decision to make and you don’t need us to tell you what your choices are. She has shown you who she is, you need to believe her.

    This also has “I’m in love with my best friend but I hate myself for it so I’m going to make it my boyfriend’s problem” vibes.

  12. She said these things to you because she wanted to get close to him again. And now that he is, she is suggesting to re-open your relationship. Girlfriend! You are not naive. Trust your gut.

  13. Well, more or less look into things like trauma bonding and other dynamics that revolve around partners with insecurities that deflect communication. When you've seen enough of these sorts of posts you start to be able to spot the features. In your case you used the word 'love' a lot ergo I put emphasis on that, the rest was me just putting ideas on the table and seeing how you responded to those allowing us to slowly form a kind of picture and you to start having things click into place.

    Well, okay, then let's reframe it as he seems to have no emotional capacity to deal with anything challenging or stressful. When he does face it he uses a number of toxic/abusive coping strategies. The problem is that his inability to process things overlaps with a lot of features that are integral to healthy dynamics. Personally I feel someone that incapable of regulating is not capable of healthy love because in my eyes the definition of love should include the ability to communicate properly.

  14. If you really have zero intentions of coming between her and her boyfriend as you claim, and claim to to truly be her “friend”, then cut her out of your life for the sake of protecting her relationship and your own.


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