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30 thoughts on “Cylxr Rxgue the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I wouldn’t even consider her a family friend. Just because someone shares your blood and your adoption papers does not mean you need to allow them to abuse you. You need to find a way to get away from her, you need the breathing space and you need to be able to live your life without her constant negative impact. Maybe she really had an epiphany that she is awful, maybe she didn’t. If she truly did, she would understand that she needs to make it up by consistently and humbly doing better. Not just by saying she was a horrible sister. Maybe she feels bad about it, but she can’t make it up to you. It’s in you to forgive her. It’s on HER to now be a good sister. And while it’s going to go against ~24 years of habit and miserableness, and toxic sabotage and manipulation, she may slip up. But if she’s serious and feels contrite, then she will be acting as a better sister because it’s the right thing to do, not because she’s trying to get you to forgive her out loud and put some sense of guilt (or whatever) to rest.

    Stay away from her, mentally and emotionally and physically to the best of your ability. Remember that the traumas you have from her abuses are a product of her own horrible nastiness. Why should you listen to her opinion on your voice, for example, when you KNOW that she will say and do things to cause you to feel poorly about yourself? Don’t give credence to the things she says, only the things she shows you by doing. Don’t accept a short stretch of “doing better” as “being all better now”. She needs to understand (and it’s not your responsibility to coddle her upset feelings at realizing she’s been a monster) that you can’t and shouldn’t trust her. That trust has been broken. She can only fix it but changing her ways completely and you naturally overcoming the trauma and building a new relationship with this new person- if in fact she is sincere.

    You are both victims, and she chose to become an abuser instead of helping you overcome your victim hood. Instead, she victimized you further.

    Fuck your sister, she’s not golden, and your mom has been doing a terrible job of protecting you. Start finding ways to take care of yourself, extricate yourself from this so called family or tormentors, and leave their toxicity behind.

  2. Hello /u/mamakaila,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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    [34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post

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  3. That's my cue for a Tokyo sayonara – that's where you leave without saying goodbye to anyone except the cat (that's one of my favorite episodes)

  4. Info Please:

    What is it you actually don't have that you want? Is it just the words “we forgive you” or is it something different?

  5. That’s aggressive for no reason. It’s not that I’m grossed out, I just don’t want to share my towel. We have hand towels for a reason.

  6. She did a work placement, this man was her supervisor. She has one semester left.

    He physical left his wife and is now renting a place that my daughter will move into.

    He is still legally married.

  7. That’s because this isn’t real. Someone’s annoyed by this sub’s opinion on age gaps and is trying to make people rethink using this creative writing story lmao.

    90% of people will not say anything to a couple with a visible age gap in real life. Maybe close friends will say something in private, but there’s no way they’d be ostracized like OP is saying. People would sooner just assume she looks ping then think that she’s 25 and actually confront OP about it.

    So blatantly dumb and made up.

  8. Swooping in and trying to play hero, or constantly pointing out that she's being taken advantage of by people can easily backfire. She's not a child, and at some point it becomes disrespectful to imply that she cant handle everything on her plate.

    When your girlfriend vents, you let her vent and do your best not to offer unsolicited advice. Then you do whatever small things you can in order to make her life easier. Encourage her to rely on you, but dont force it down her throat. Too much one-sidedness in a relationship is never a good thing.

    You can gradually lean on each other more as time goes on. Weeks into being official isn't the time to start acting like a husband. Just my opinion of course.

  9. I think we disagree on that. Sure, you can be super pumped about your relationship and every one of us has gotten high off that new relationship energy; however, I think that also a lot of us recognize that it's just that: you're riding the endorphin wave and that, as OP wisely pointed out, it's still early and a lot can happen in a year or two.

    That's why you just enjoy the high and sublimate it into all that balls-to-the-wall early-relationship sex cavalcade.

  10. We have discussed it a lot and he's very understanding I just wanted to I guess make sure that I wasn't crazy for wanting to take more time to make things super official, I imagine it will hurt really badly no matter what, we're spending a weekend together in 2 weeks and I told him that would solidify things for me

  11. She doesn’t need to come out if she broke up with him. She could very easily still stay in the closet. At the very least, she shouldn’t have moved in with him and accepted the proposal. Those are big signs of commitment and don’t show at all that’s she’s trying to take steps to break it off with him

  12. For transparency: we were broken up, and i brought someone to my place from the bar. Ex barged in during the middle of the night and saw me with the guy. The next day while is was at work he broke in and destroyed my apartment and anything i considered important or valuable. We hurt each other.

  13. He's creating a world where your daughter was not his or just never existed, because he can't cope with the pain of having lost her. He needs serious help.

  14. Stealthing is illegal. That is a sex crime. He sexually assualted you sweetheart. You should get plan B and break up with him.

  15. The fact this guy started dating you at 22 seems like he wanted to control your life and make you be alone


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