Casey <3 the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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5 thoughts on “Casey <3 the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. As someone who did a lot of coke and other class a's its not something I'd recommend or encourage in others but it sounds like she took your ambivalence about it as acknowledgement

  2. Many times. He always just says he’s doing his best but I respect him enough to know his best could be better if that makes sense?

  3. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Long story short, (if you want to read the long version, look back through my comment history, I dont want to waste time typing it all again) for the last year and a half, my bf started breaking out in painful uncomfortable hives on his face, a few months after dating him. He was a guy that crossed almost all my “wants” in a partner off my list. We clicked, he was sexy, had his ducks in a row, good job, driven, nest egg, many side hustles to keep busy, was a family focused guy, hot accent, accepted me for me, loved to provide, awesome sex, texted me good morning and goodnight daily etc…my dream guy. Even when we had a little hiccup earlier in the relationship he gave me a second chance, and i wasnt going to blow it!

    That was around the time he developed the allergy. Over the last year, when he was convinced it was something coming from me that was causing him to break out (his hives would last for a few weeks) we broke up many many times because he “couldnt keep putting himself through this” anymore. So I would eliminate the thing that i thought it was, and we would start talking again, and we would give it another go….over and over again. I changed my laundry soap, changed my brand of cigarettes, eliminated all hair product and makeup completely (very very naked doing this because im a hairstylist and really did myself up nice everyday) stopped using any perfume, no candles, even went to using a nonfloride toothpaste! Each time he would break out, his feeling would totally turn from so caring( and sometimes too attentive), loving boyfriend- to blaming me for causing this to happen to him, wouldnt want to be around me, he even started to accuse me of cheating on him (i think this just made him feel less guilty for breaking up with me or the prednisone he had to get on to calm the reaction down).

    After countless allergy tests and thousand spent with specialists, we still have no answers to what is causing this. He hasnt been found to be allergic to ANYTHING…even with patch testing. I believe he also suffers from OCD, which has only made him more and more obsessed with his face and the appearance. I honestly think we have eliminated the allergen. because the last few “reactions” he has had didnt follow the same pattern and would only stay for a few days before calming down. I believe these reactions are actully due to his OCD and the stress he creates in himself just by being around me. That it is actually psychosomatic at this point, and keeps putting ointmnents on his face that impedes the healing.

    So day before yesterday, he starts telling me that he is feeling a tingling on his face, though no reddness was present. I try to calm him down and assure him that it didnt look like a reaction like he has had previously and just to stop looking in the mirror so much. Well yesterday, he texts me blaming me for another reaction and that he cant do it any more and he has reached the end of his rope. He treats me as if i did something intentionally to him, tells me to F off and then ghosts me. Blocks me on social media and doesnt respond to the few texts i have sent him (im not going all crazy gf on him with lots of texts either). I feel like our relationship was going so well lately, creating much needed closeness again…then he turns on me like this. I feel like i wasted so much time and so much love on someone who just is throwing a good relationship away. He is treating me like i did him so wrong, and i have only done the opposite. I have sacrificed so much to make sure his reaction didnt return….I still dont wear makeup or hair product! The other times we have broken up, he would ask me why didnt i just move on? how could i move on, when he has everything i want in a guy! Its so hot to be treated as if i did something to wrong him, which he throughly belives ive been doing this on purpose to him or that I am the allergen, and when he gets rid of me, he will finally be rid of his allergen.

    I feel this is different than the other times because of how he is ghosting me. I dont want to move on, or even know how to. I know this is emotional abuse, and know i didnt cause any of this, and yes, ive been in therapy for over a year now…but today, I dont know how to get through the day…..I have to go to work and put on a smile all day (no one likes coming to a depressed hairstylist)….just knowing i will be another day without hearing from him. I dont know what im asking for here….just had to get it all out and how the universe can be so cruel sometimes.

    TLDR: Boyfriend “mr. Perfect” of almost 2 years thinks he is allergic to me. Break up #77(exaggerated)and counting. At a loss on how to move on after he is ghosting me and blaming me for causing so much pain in his life.

    Edit: do you really think I have kept count at how many times we broke up? That number was just one I threw out there cuz it has been quite a few times. And anyone saying that’s it’s from me causing the stress In the relationship, have the time line all wrong. These hives started in September of 2021, the hiccup happened in December 2021…wasn’t figured out til Feb of 2022 that it had something to do with me or my place. Do you really think he would endure so many allergic reactions, for over a year now, if it had anything to do with stress from that? And that he was just wanting to leave me this whole time? The reason we got back together so many times is because we really wanted to be together and tried so naked to figure out what was causing this. He could have ghosted me early on if that was the case! Many of y’all are adding more drama into this situation than it really is. I do go to therapy, and know what unhealthy relationship traits I have, and am trying to keep it together right now…I know there is no “mr perfect” and definitely see the emotional abuse that took place with him and I. Even though I know all this, it doesn’t make this any easier today.

  4. Women's symptoms can be milder and less obvious than men's. While it sounds ridiculous, it's possible that she could have something and not know, especially if she doesn't get tested regularly.

    You'll have to be honest with her if something comes up. Whatever she wants to think about wouldn't trump the fact that there's a medical issue she needs to have treated.


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