We [25 M] am really confused by what I just went through with my GF [26 F] tonight. I feel like I was sexually assaulted, but I’m not sure if that is the proper term. I apologize if it isn’t. Provides anyone else been through this?

Just a mind up, I apologize for the TMI details in this, but it' s the only way to help myself explain it.

Long plus short we have been dating pertaining to 4 years. Living together for 2 years. Both of us are perfect fits for each other, and neither people want kids. This has been well known and discussed considering that day 1 of our romantic relationship.

We were having a excellent night tonight, out and about with some close friends, drinking involved. Just before we went out she pointed out having sex, but I said we didn' t have got time because we were already running late for our dinner reservation with said close friends. I told her we can allow it to be happen once we got home later. She understood.

We get home at the end of the night, have a few more drinks and finally hit the existe. We engage in aforementioned sexual intercourse and she is on top. Immediately she keeps repeating ' cum inside me. ' Literally 15-20 times. We keep telling her no, absolutely not (Keep in mind this wounderful woman has done this before whilst intoxicated, and the next morning she apologizes and thanks me for not doing so. Also in previous circumstances she would mention it once plus that' s it… as well as the only time she does alcohol is involved). For whatever reason after her saying it multiple times, I am getting nearer and closer (the man in me I guess? ). Once I am super near, I tell her. Usually once i tell her I am close the lady hops off and assists me finish with her hand, but tonight the lady locked her thighs towards my body and pushed down. I kept telling the girl to get off and she stated no . She said again ' cum inside me. ' I tried to push her off but she fought against it and held forcing herself on me personally. I ended up getting the girl off, forcefully but with no injury, before I emerged and she actually got pissed at me for doing so.

I am extremely confused right this moment as I am typing this. I don' t even know how to approach something like this particular tomorrow morning. She instantly passed out after this happened and here I sit inside my keyboard.

Thanks to anyone who has read this and has any advice. I' lmost all be here if anyone has any kind of questions about the situation.

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