I(33m) caught my wife (32f) of 7 years cheating on me at a park and ride
I(33m) caught my wife (32f) of 7 years cheating on me at a park and ride Ok so this happened on father's day and its been a shit ride since then. My wife did not…
I(33m) caught my wife (32f) of 7 years cheating on me at a park and ride Ok so this happened on father's day and its been a shit ride since then. My wife did not…
Should I still help her through Infertility testing after she cheated on me? Hi all, this is a follow up from https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/140vpas/my_fiancé_f_28_has_admitted_she_isnt_attracted/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button. Since then, myself and my ex-fiance have officially broken up after she admitted…
Hi again, I posted here a few days ago about how my girlfriend has a serious case of the wandering eye and how I tried to make her see how it feels by doing the…
My boyfriend has some gross habits My boyfriend is honestly so gross sometimes. He has a perpetually stuffy nose and I have found his boogers on walls, in the shower, on hand towels etc. whenever…
Original post is here We finally broke up. If I'm being completely honest I wanted out of that relationship a long time ago. I think the only reasons I really stuck around is because I…
My coworker and I started the job on the same day a few years ago, we were like partners in crime, always helping each other, always looking out for each other. I always admired him…
Me and my boyfriend have been struggling since I had our baby acouple days ago (June 16th). We've only been dating for about a year and just welcomed our new baby into the world. When…
My current boyfriend and I have been together since February and we've had a few arguments but generally things are good. What I can't wrap my head around our some of the text messages that…
I posted here before about the emotional abuse I was enduring from the man I've been with for a year (now deleted). Over 1000 of you told me it was going to escalate into physical…
Me and my husband have been together for the past 9 years, we have two kids, a 8 year old and a 6 year old. For mothers day all I wanted was a free day,…
Edit: thanks for all the comments. To clarify: my granddaughter was compromised. She had already a condition that rendered it impossible for her to get her shots. Which I'd why my daughter was so carefull…
My wife and I have been married for four years now. We have a 2 year old son who has a nanny that has overall been great (until recently obviously). My wife works from 2-3…
I don't want to come off as arrogant or cocky. I just have had such large growth financially and mentally. This girl and I dated for months, but bad a lifelong friendship & we were…
My wife has been gone for about a week now. She took our 2 kids to her parents house and plans to remain there until she feels like our home is safe to on-line in.…
I want to preface this by saying that my husband has autism, his best female friend has ADHD, and I suffer from childhood trauma and depression. My husband (29M) and I (28F) have been married…
What do you do when a partner triggers you on purpose to call you crazy? He's done it twice and I was caught so off guard that I spiraled and blew his phone up. Now…
My (25f) boyfriend (28M) says my boundary of not wanting to be with someone who goes to strip clubs is controlling. I’ve explained to him several times that my ex of 3 years had multiple…
Throaway account. Before, my BF (M35) and I (25F) used to go hiking every weekend and it was super fun. I am quite fit, but I am not the strongest one physically. I went to…
Throwaway Account I (32m) am one of five kids, the third boy and youngest child. My oldest brother is “Joe” (38m) and my second oldest brother “Jet” passed away a few years ago. Joe…
I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 6.5 years. My boyfriend has been going on these overnights to his best friends house for about 6 months now. He goes once or twice…