My wife (32f) cheated and now she is grieving her relationship with AP

I (30m) have been married to her (32f) for 3 years now and she cheated on me with a coworker for 3 months (both EA and PA). Apparently he was going through some issues and he confided in her and then they first crossed into EA and eventually into PA. To give my wife credit, she was the one who confessed. I was noticing she was being distant but I thought she was just stressed from her job. I was shocked but we talked a lot and she was very apologetic and we decided to try and see if our marriage can be salvaged. We also started MC as part of that.

And this is where my issue comes up. My wife said that she still misses the company and friendship of her AP and she cant just turn her feelings off. She is no contact with him and assured me that at no point she will reach out to him. Our therapist agreed with her, and said that even though the cheating should never have happened its a fact that real feelings were involved and it will take some time for her to get over it.

I feel like a complete chump guys, here I am watching my wife grieving a breakup with the guy she cheated on me with. I cant even begin to describe how am I feeling. She has been very apologetic, has been open with her feelings and has given me access to her phone and social media accounts. So I am not really sure on how to proceed here. Anyone been in this situation before? I would love some advice here. Thank you.

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