My vocation is to serve (part 2)

Slowly and looking around, Julia went to the door. Knocking.
The door was opened by a woman who looked like a maid.
– Are you going to see Evgeny Alexandrovich?
– Apparently, yes. – the girl said faintly.
– I’ll walk you out.
Yulia entered the house and followed the woman to the 2nd floor through a large beautiful hall furnished with natural wood furniture. Sexe Live Chats for YOU
– This is his office. Come on in. Julia came in. She was surrounded by a small office furnished in black and white, with a large floor-to-ceiling window.
A man was sitting at a large table.
– Well, hello.
– Good afternoon.
– I studied your profile. Is everything exactly as you write in it?
– Yes, I don’t need to lie. I want to be my Master’s thing.
– Take off your dress.
Yulia was stunned and did not expect such a rapid course of events. But she understood perfectly well that the man was just checking her readiness. Anna remained standing completely naked.
Evgeny Alexandrovich pressed the phone button: “Lyudochka, bring a medium-sized plug” Yulia was scared because her ass was completely virgin. She was still standing completely naked in front of Evgeny Alexandrovich. The man silently examined the girl from head to toe. The door opens and now the butt plug is already in the hands of a man.
– Julia, it is written in your ad that no manipulations were carried out with your booty.
– Yes, that’s right. “Are you ready for me to put it in you right now?”
– yes. “Turn around,” Alexander said in a stern voice. The man got up from the table and approached the girl.
– Get cancer. The girl obeyed at the same moment. From his pocket, the man took out a lubricant and lubricated the plug. With slow movements, he began to drive her in the ass. Julia’s moans could be heard how hard this cork was given to her, but she still stood motionless.
– Does it hurt? Evgeny Alexandrovich asked. To many other Live Sex Chats
– If you like it, then I like it. With difficulty, a medium-sized cork entered Julia’s virgin ass. The man walked away, and ordered the girl to straighten up.
– Julia, I’ll take you. From now on, you can address me as Master or Master. I’ll teach you the rest of the rules along the way. You will have your own room, which is forbidden to leave without my or Lyudmila’s permission. And from his drawer he took out a black leather collar.
– This is your permanent attribute. The gentleman pressed the phone button again and a woman came into the office.
– This is Luda. In the moments of my absence, you must obey her, follow her orders.
– Luda, now take this bitch, show her the room. Next, give her an enema, and insert the plug back in. By my arrival, whip her 20 times. I think that’s enough. I want my ass to be red and ready by my arrival. In every sense.


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