My [M29] girlfriend F29] got mad because I let her be mad

Me and my girlfriend had an argument before a scheduled dinner date. After the argument I tried to make it better by asking her if she still wanted to order some dinner and eat together, because it was still enough time to make it a good night and get over the argument. She barely responds and tells me she is not in the mood and that she is still very upset. She is clearly pissed and wants nothing to do with dinner anymore. So I tell her one final time “I can go get anything you want”. She says “you go get your food and ill go get mine after”. So I leave and go grab sushi. I text her “im at xxxx, are you sure you dont want anything?”. Its her favorite sushi place. No reply. So I go back and tell her “i tried texting you, but no reply”. She fucking loses it and calls me an idiot for not getting her anything. She tells me Im incredibly mean for not even trying to call. ”I didnt see your text, how can you not try to call me?”

How the fuck am I the bad person here? What can I do better in that situation?

Tldr: Girlfriend got mad that I didnt get her sushi from her favorite sushi place after an argument.

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