My (26 F) husband (29 M) cancelled Valentine’s day plans for his friend, then changed his mind, but I said no. Help?

Alright, Reddit, here's the situation,

So about a month ago, my (F 26) husband (m 29) made plans with his buddy. This friend of his lives in the next city over, little over an hour's drive away. He made plans for Monday, his day off. Then he got news that his schedule at work would change and he'd get Tuesday off, Valentine's. So he called up his buddy to reschedule to hang on Tuesday. Keep in mind, he goes over there, like, once a week ish.

Later on he asks what I want to do for valentine's day, since he has the day off. I was happy he wanted to do something special, so I asked if we could get a banana split at our local fast food place. He agreed, and I let him know I was excited.

Well, then this morning he tells me he had forgotten today was Valentine's day, said he had scheduled to go to his friend's place for the day, and that he wouldn't be able to grab a banana split with me. I think it's also important to note, with our work schedules we don't see each other very often.

Now, obviously this hurt me. He prioritized his friend over me, again. This isn't the first time that's happened, and I didn't really try to hide my disappointment, but I half expected him to bail on our plans, since he does, like, half the time anyway.

About an hour or so later he came back into the room and said he felt guilty and kind of bad and was considering cancelling his plans with his friend. I told him the damage was already done, and honestly, I didn't really want to go out anymore. He got really upset at that, and he kept asking me what he could do to make it up to me. In my mind, he already showed where his priorities are, and I'm only option 2 for him, so I couldn't really think of a way for him to make it up to me. We are on an extremely tight budget for at least another month, so there's basically no extra money to do anything.

Is there more I should have done? He still ended up cancelling his plans with his buddy because he's going out of town tomorrow for a few days and has to get up early. I don't know what I could have said. He was feeling guilty, but I don't know how to fix that without compromising my own feelings.

He asked how to make it up to me, and I asked him to prioritize a marriage course we'll be doing for a few weeks coming up. What more should be done here? Please help me sort out what I should do, or maybe what he should do.

TL;DR: Husband cancelled V day plans for his friend, then felt guilty and wants to reinstate V day plans with me, but I'm too hurt to go. What should I do?

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