I (22F) want to go to the bars for my friend’s bday but I know it goes against my bf’s (24M) boundaries

A few of my friends wanted to go out to the bars for one of our friend’s birthday and I want to go because I don’t go out too often and I have been feeling a little down mentally so I think it would be good for me to go out with my friends for a fun night. However, my boyfriend has a boundary with going out to bars without him, and I had told him that he could come out too but he says he has a big exam the next day he needs to study for. I’m not sure what to do because on the one hand, I want to respect his boundaries and not make him feel uncomfortable and I understand relationships take sacrifices but on the other hand, I know I will feel like I’m missing out on fun memories with my friends, especially since I haven’t been doing too well myself. His reasoning for this boundary he say isn’t because he doesn’t trust me, but because he doesn’t trust the other people there since he believes bars and clubs are for single people and people go to these places to get attention from others. I have a different viewpoint on that as I think many girls go to the bar together just to have a fun time with each other, which would be what I would want to do. He knows I have absolutely no interest in looking for someone at the bars and I am capable of handling myself (not getting too drunk/keeping my senses) so I feel like it isn’t bad if I go but I still feel guilty because I don’t want to disrespect his boundaries either so I’m not sure what to do/how to feel about it and would like some advice if anyone else has been in the same situation?

TLDR; boyfriend doesn’t want me to go to bars without him

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