I [18F] have discovered my brother [20M] has been stealing my bras and ejaculating on them

I'm feeling quite overwhelmed and a bit sick at the moment, so please forgive me if something doesn't come across clearly.

This all began around three months ago when I realized that a few of my bras were missing. I didn’t think much of this, thinking they might have ended up mixed with my sister's laundry or misplaced during the wash

But earlier today I noticed that my favorite and most comfortable bra was missing. I wanted to wear it so I searched throughout the house. I checked my sister's drawer but it wasn't there. I looked through my mom's drawer and I still couldn’t find it. I decided to search through my Dad's and my Brother's drawers just in the chance they had somehow ended up there. While there was nothing in my Dad's drawer, at the bottom of my Brother's drawer, I found my bra, but also all the other missing bras. To my utter horror, each of them was clearly stained with dried semen and I wanted to throw up.

The disgust I felt was overwhelming, and even now, I still gag thinking about it. It's just so disgusting especially since it's my own brother. I've attempted to confront my Brother through texting hand calling him but he’s ignoring me, because he has definitely seen my messages. He's spending the night at his girlfriend's place and will be back tomorrow. I tried to talk to my parents about this, but they don’t care, they said that I’m an adult, I should handle it with my brother on my own. So, it seems I'm left to deal with this situation by myself.

I'm overwhelmed with feelings of violation and disgust, and I'm at a loss for what to do. I can’t move out , I'm currently without a job and dependent on my parents for money. I’m at a loss I don’t know how my parents just don’t care and I’m honestly scared for when my brother comes home, the only person here for me is my sister who thinks my Brother is a disgusting creep. If anyone has any advice it would be appreciated because I don’t know what to, I don’t think I can bear to look at my brother I just feel so disgusted. How do I go about confronting my brother? is there any way for me to feel safe in my own house again?

TLDR I discovered my brother has been stealing my bras for 3 months now and ejaculating on them, parents are no help and I don’t know what to do


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