How should I(28M) reply to my friend(30M) who wants me to spend half my salary on a meal for him and his girlfriend?

I(28M) asked my friend(30M) if he would drop me off at the train station next week, because I'll have a heavy suitcase with me and would like to avoid the bus ride with it. it would be a 20 minute drive for him.

He said: sure, mate!

I tell him I'll gladly buy him a meal at a local fast food chain by the station, as a thanks before I depart. It was one of our favourite places to eat and hang out at before the pandemic hit.

He doesn't necessarily need any handouts, in fact he earns about double of my monthly salary, as I'm part-timing and interning at a new place right now.

He said: sounds great!

He asks if he can take his girlfriend with him, and if I could pay for her food as well. A bit weird to take her with us for a 20 minute ride but sure, no problem.

Today, two days before departure, he suddenly asks if instead we could go to one of the most expensive artisinal cuisine restaurants in the city, where a meal averages about 200$ per person. And pay for him and his girlfriend.

It's on the opposite side of town, an hour long drive from his place and 1,5h from the train station.

I'm just not sure what to reply here? I don't want to be rude to him and he's one of my best friends, but this is borderline ridiculous.

I'd like to nicely tell him that I just can't afford this, but I'd have to phrase it as gently as possible, because he gets really mad and fussy whenever he doesn't get his way, but I'd also like to somehow convey to him that this is a bit rude…

I might have to the bus after all.

Update: I replied with: “Hey i'm surprised you suggested this, it's out of my price range, could we stick to the original plan instead?”

he answered: “you thought i was serious? lmao i'm not gonna drive you anywhere if you dont have a fucking sense of humour”

i'm taking the bus.

I'm starting to suspect that I'm a bad judge of character when it comes to my friends?

Edit 2: it seems that I've not phrased it clearly: He said he will NOT be giving me a ride and that i'm on my own here.

No he isn't much of a jokester in general, and I'm pretty sure he was serious here, before I basically told him 'no'.

And it wouldn't be the first time he tried to use me for money either.

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