Girlfriend doesn’t want to pay for rent

This might sound stupid because everyone is different and we are coming from different cultures but how do I handle this?

My gf(24F) of 5 years, is still in school she has two more years at SF state university. I(29M) graduated a year ago and have a job for the last 11 month that pays me around 80k a year.

We online in Oakland, California, so 80k is not a lot. My rent is $1900, with parking and utilities it will come up to $2200 and we are planning to move in together in January.

So I asked my gf to chip in $500 since she is a student. But she says she won’t pay it, since she will do laundry, cooking and cleaning.(I didn’t ask for it) Now I’m a very clean person and like to keep things tidy myself that’s the reason I live! on my own and pay almost half of income my for rent to avoid messy roommates.

Her arguments are: “It’s so dumb, I hate men like this who can’t take care of their family”, “how am I going to trust you when I have a baby”, “you are such a weirdo”, “you have to be a man, you have a job”. What do I do? It’s just funny to see her saying all of these things.

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