#@@#@!![24F] [30M] how do I tell the boyfriend his breath odours bad without hurting your pet? UPDATE

Here’s and update on my earlier post.

So I took the straight-forward route that people were suggesting and it ultimately turned out well. I was really nervous regarding embarrassing him but I sat him down and told him that he knows I love him to death and that I wasn’t looking to hurt or embarrass him but I needed to tell him this.

I told him about my previous embarrassing experiences with my bad breath and how I was shamed for it and had a anxiety about having bad breath now because of that. I explained that I was reluctant to tell him because I didn’t wish to cause the same fear within him but it was something that was negatively affecting myself. I explained to him the truth that his breath is often away from putting and smells disturbing and it makes me not need to be as affectionate along with him and he took this fine. He said he understood and hugged me personally and said he was happy that I even brought it up. He said this individual appreciated my honesty and will start brushing in the mornings too and asked if it was ok for him to ask me regarding breath checks to let him know if his efforts work. If it doesn’t work he then said we will figure it out but was overall just happy that I had the particular courage to communicate that with him.

The fact that he was so sweet about it all made me feel bad and I started crying and moping telling him that I resented that I had to tell him that but I loved him and wanted to be open plus honest. He reassured myself that it was completely fine. He went and brushed their teeth, came back and allow me to smell check it(it smelled WAY better! ), then we watched some Rick and Morty together together some great sex! All in all I’d say it was a pretty good turn out!

Thanks for your input upon my last post: )

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