appleliu76 the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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47 thoughts on “appleliu76 the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. How do I leave? My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years and very much love each other. Do I tell his mom? Do we stop seeing his family altogether?

  2. Seconded. Had an ex like this. She wound up being the one who cheated. Just leave. Ain't worth sticking around. You'll feel less and less like it's okay to enjoy the things that you do. Run. This never ends well.

  3. She is not supporting you at all and it sounds like you are contributing your fair share. I would continue with your dreams and tell her this. She either supports you or she doesn’t. I wouldn’t back down. You’ve given up alot for her. She isn’t being fair at all.

  4. Take social media out of it, and look at the situation:

    He makes promises to you and repeatedly breaks them.

    He is not giving you the time and attention needed for the relationship to work.

    You're helping him financially.

    You are putting in far more effort than he is.

    This relationship is working great for him; why would he want to change?

  5. You're giving a lot of yourself to this family. Even your medication. Your support. What are they giving you?

  6. Yea okay. Act innocent. You very easily could have told him “dont worry its just nausea, theres no way to know if im pregnant yet” instead of whatever you told him to make him freak out about becoming a parent.

  7. Yea okay. Act innocent. You very easily could have told him “dont worry its just nausea, theres no way to know if im pregnant yet” instead of whatever you told him to make him freak out about becoming a parent.

  8. Is it wrong that I've always wanted a cock in a cage…. Screw other men and make him watch OP. Either that or accept he's definitely bi and you can't keep him locked up forever…

  9. Also not an option lol. My mom lives 3 hours away, and my dad well that's a little complicated. I have a friend that is also a coworker, said I could come stay there. Just trying to see if there's any options closer to work, our schedules are not always the same, no vehicle atm, its you know whos. Lots of obstacles to get through ?‍♀️

  10. Tell him if he comes over anymore you'll call the cops on him, to not contact you anymore and then block. Or even better tell him you have called already and change passwords on everything you have, call the cops and tell them that your ex threatens suicide I'll bet it will embarrass him and make him stop.

  11. Yeah. I don't know. I talked to him this morning and he basically said: I have never been in a relationship before and feels like a big, scary step to take, so I want to wait with the labels”. I am so fragile and messy in my brain that I can not make sense of what that means.

    Do I accept that and wait? Do I stick with my plan? Do I leave completely? I don't know. Do I rely on strangers on the internet for love and validation while crying over something this stupid while people are literally dying all over the world? Yes.

  12. I did the exact same thing and at 43 this is who this man is. And the age gap stood out to me too, he treats her like a child, and is manipulative. The op deserves better, hopefully she realizes that and does leave him.

  13. You have the right to not abort but you said you are in agreement with an abortion. It is a nearly painless process overall and it is good to get on with it early, so that you are not that attached to the fetus. If you do not abort, your choice is to be a single parent.

  14. You fucked up once, surely they can give you another chance! Otherwise just go back to their houses, or move share houses.

  15. Adoptive mothers sometimes do this using a feeding tube system designed for this purpose. Google Supplemental Nursing System.

    Whether this is a good idea in your particular case, I don’t know.

  16. She has a kid. She can't move three hours for a boyfriend who won't even move in with her. She didn't throw the grenade – he did.

  17. Don’t slag him off. That’s just not classy. But do help her find her worth. Encourage her to know her own boundaries and not let anyone take advantage of her, and not put her down. Then regarding your feelings, if it’s enough to be friends with her carry on. Then if she does become single you can consider asking her out then (at an appropriate time) if it’s not enough to be friends probably time to tell her you can’t carry on your friendship.

  18. I’m choosing to believe that he is remorseful, in his own way, and that was the right information and support he can be a good person going forward.

    OP, I recommend therapy and seeking out content for how to be a good male co-parent

  19. We talked about having one in the future but didn’t expect it. We got in a car accident in January 2022 and when she went to get a X-ray for a head injury they stopped and preceded to tell her she was pregnant from the blood work results

  20. Info: where do you live? Bc I’m thinking you should find out what your country’s laws are concerning marital debt if you think she may get a loan behind your back. To be safe, I think you should get a postnuptial agreement that separates debt and finances.

  21. I would just get a new gmail account at this point, yes it's some effort moving everything over and notifying all your friends/family, but it's better than always worrying about when you're going to get another email from him.

  22. My husband was in a frat in college. One of his frat brothers married a nice girl who had slept with 5 or 6 of the other frat brothers. He knew all this before he started seeing her. It has been over 15ish years and unfortunately it still comes up in weddings, gatherings, and such and basically everyone knows. I guess after he slept with her he didn’t see it going anywhere and they all compared “notes”(she knows about this bc he told her when they actually started dating). She has mentioned they have fought over his insecurities and he has outright asked why she had to sleep with so many of the brothers, but he knew it BEFORE they got together. One time at a wedding we were sitting across from them and she said “oh is that x?” And he responded with “why did you sleep with him too?”. Ouch…made for an awkward evening, one of the guys had to take him aside to tell him to cool it and she was dejected. Nobody actually gives him or has ever given him shit about it but he knows everyone knows.

    In a perfect world I would say go for it, it does not matter if you happy, but in reality my advice to you is if you want it to work you have to be very secure in your relationship and in yourself, especially if you plan to have your brothers in your life later. Probably be easier if they are not.

  23. Look, this guy took the videos then posted them WITHOUT SEEING IF THAT WAS OKAY WITH YOU FIRST.

    Makes me think he didn't care what you thought, after he got the videos he wanted he ran and dumped them on the internet. I could be wrong, but I'm sure you could probably sue his silly ass for this.

    I'd have a very stern talking to with him and make him find all the videos on the net and have them removed. Make him provide proof he did so as well.

  24. The first flag I have definitely seen. Recently we were at the supermarket and I temporarily walked away while we were waiting in line I left to go get another item. I told her before hand “Hey I’ll be right back I’m just grabbing something else”. She tends to space out quite a lot and this is what happened in this instance. After we left the store she claimed I “abandoned her”. More often than not it honestly feels like selective listening. She claims it’s because of her ADHD from previous neurological assessments she had done in the past. As for the second flag I so see a frequent amount of validation asking stuff like “do you hate me” or “are you breaking up with me” or “am I not good enough for you”. As for the third flag she gets along with most of her colleagues but I don’t work with her directly so I can’t fully assess that. However recently at her happy hour she most likely got drugged and collapsed at the bar. She only had a glass of wine. Her whole team came over to make sure she was okay but thankfully I was there to help with that. But yes to wrap up the third flag I’m most of the occurrences happen when we are alone together (which is the hardest part for me cuz I want to be intimate). For the fourth flag she does make me feel like she loves me but she her emotions and behaviour do change pretty often. So to answer your question Uptown yes I have seen occurrences of these red flags.

  25. Do you see how it’s nude to view this as either of you doing much to help the issue? You said you raised compromises and you haven’t really raised anything related to the primary issue at hand. If he won’t talk to you about it then there’s no point in being with him. Back full circle to the question of why are you with someone who won’t communicate with you?

  26. Well if it never ended, she’s clearly not remorseful so why does she want to go to counselling??

  27. Creep, absolutely and completely. You need to document what he’s doing so you can take it it HR or also possibly defend yourself when he gets mad you’re not responding the way he wants.

  28. But when it is common to experiment with them as kids, why is the Category incest so huge? Those are made mainly for grown ups (?). Considering this, experimenting leads to craving it later on? If so, i would be alerted

  29. If you don't trust her, leave her; simple as. Relationships are built off that. Without trust they're toxic and meaningless.

  30. Were you rude to the waitress by any chance? Whenever I tip a huge amount it's because my girlfriend was rude to the waitress.


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