Anneliese bach the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Anneliese bach, 25 y.o.


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17 thoughts on “Anneliese bach the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I wish you the best in motherhood and your new/possible relationship. If it doesn't work out, I hope you make coparenting work anyways.

  2. Also I literally stated he had plenty of other porn lots of straight porn of all types of kinks that i dont care about:) I don’t even particularly care about the sissy porn, if thats all it is porn. However from my knowledge of the sissy community it is a very much lifestyle thing. Thats why I included the bit about messages, because I can live with it however its already clearly more than just porn.

    Im looking for advice on if I should even bring it up to him:)

  3. At a guess, it could be that he was already a little lukewarm, and his parents' opinions were enough to sway the decision. And/or there could be money involved. If he was in line to inherit a bundle, his parents might have held that over his head to get their way.

    Unless you ask him, and he actually answers, you may never know. I'm sorry, this really sucks.

  4. Sucks dude. But a relationship takes two to tango. Let her know if she doesn't want you anymore, then she can go. But if she wants to work through it, then you're willing to do it. If she wants to break up, then accept it. But if she wants to work it through, make sure she is for real, and take some real steps to solidify your relationship. Like couples counseling. If shes not willing to put in the work, then I think you should let it go. Don't let her drag you along

  5. You might have to actually leave and start staying somewhere else before he wakes up to it. But, you can't just jump back immediately, and he has to show he's changed and prove it before you go back (if you go back). Ending things might make him wake up and want to work things out. If it doesn't, well, then you know that he won't change anytime soon, and if it does, you might get your husband back.

  6. If he thought it was so ridiculous, then why was he willing to wait the three years without ever making it an issue?

    I'm guessing because you're clearly rich.

    You seem to be someone who seems to know very little about having healthy relationships, or a healthy relationship with your own sexuality. The problem is that you seem to not understand how your “personal choices” are some thing that will effectively destroy most romantic relationships. Like, it's totally fine if you don't want to have sex. But it's fucked up and cruel to make someone wait years with the eventual promise of sex, when it sounds like you are not sexually attracted to him and do not have much of a sex drive to speak of. You and this man are not compatible. And the very fact you don't understand just *how* important sex is to a successful marriage demonstrates again, your lack of understanding of how others view sex and their sexuality, as well as your incompatibility with what's probably a typical man who wants to have sex. You can learn a lot about people through sex. Sex is, or should be, an extension of a non-verbal expression of love, passion, and raw emotion. There's so much you can learn about someone without words and just through the expression that it's ironically hot to put into words.

    I'm absolutely not saying it's your fault, because it's not. But I'm going to guess your ex husband cheated on you because you seem to have a borderline asexual view of sex and sexuality. This means that the next marriage probably won't work either. I think you should put it on hold and get some therapy

  7. So he went from being an abusive, ass hole drunk to being an abusive, ass hole recovering alcoholic. You’ve sacrificed enough of your life for this waste of skin. Drop a ton of weight easily by dumping him and moving on.

  8. He sounds massively insecure if he’s so upset you’re the one to have purchased the apartment. Do you want your whole relationship to be you catering to his fragile ego?

  9. Are you sure they’re his kids and not your best friend’s whose house who spent the night at??

  10. A lot of foreplay. Often times, so much that just a couple of minutes fingering her and she is done. She is fine before everything but during penetration I see her tensing up, regardless of the lube we use. I remember I was inside her and she didn't even realise it because she was so into it. When i said it out loud do you feel me? She started yelping in pain again.

    She was pretty vanilla. She is not sexually experienced. Technically lost her virginity to me. I have been the kinkier one and she is always up to try new things in the bedroom, and actually enjoys them too!

  11. That was a lot. I could not read it all. You actually lost me at only seeing each other on weekends… After 5 years? Something is not right here…

  12. You are right in not liking ultimatums. Your fiance doesn't like you to have male friends? Your fiance doesn't care what you think about your ex, he just wants him gone? Doesn't seem he respects you very much. If you can't sit down with your fiance and have serious talk, and another, and another, about how you and him want your lives to be, and if you can't make them compatible, then you shouldn't be marrying this man.

    Others may be right that your relationship with your ex may be a problem to a lot of men, but if he is truly that important to you, then you just need to find someone who is fine with it.

  13. OP, is your boyfriend usually painfully nice? Like to the point where he has a hot time establishing very hot boundries? If so than it is feasible that he's being completely honest. Otherwise why would he tell you this girl was in his room? He could have just lied about it, and most people with negative intentions would have flat out lied. And if something did happen, why would he be kind of standoffish afterwards towards you, be completely open, AND tell you this girl was touchy? If he crossed a line it makes little sense for him to divulge any of this.

    Do you usually boss him around? He might be starting to draw his own boundries (getting tired of being bossed around). It's worth asking him without passing judgement, like letting him voice his honest frustrations/concerns without repercussions.

    Granted if he isn't painfully nice like that and can easily establish boundries with you and everyone else than he at the least enjoys the attention. Though it still doesn't make sense for him to admit all he did if something happened… unless he is super, super dumb. It goes against how most normal people react when caught in a situation they feel shame about.

    Sounds like there's a lot more to this. I'm guessing he might feel bossed around and is starting to lose interest in you, at least a little bit. As in, you're pushing him away by being so jealous/controlling. Or if not that, something is putting a wedge between you. There's definitely more to this than what has been stated.


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