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Anita, 18 y.o.


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26 thoughts on “Anita the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I was on depo, i mentioned it when he asked me but i was very upfront i didn’t want kids. I found out about my son during a pre-op appointment because i was less then a week from getting my tubes tied.

  2. If he has a nude time staying motivated, failing to do it and then dealing with the consequences of that failure, will encourage change. Either he’ll be forced to solve his motivation issue to avoid those negative consequences happening again or he’ll realize the task wasn’t that important to him in the first place.

  3. Let's start with therapy hun. Your boyfriend sexually and physically abused you,don't downplay it.You have been hurt by too many people in your life that you think your problem,when in truth is their the problem they just take advantage of your vulnerability.

  4. So he's a liar and a cheater, and you have to ask if you should stay true to your word and leave?? Really?? Understand this: he is not going to stop with her. Stay if you want to live with that. Leave if you don't. Choose wisely.

  5. It's a communication problem, you can relate actual nice advice without hurting his feelings…. I guess you need someone to call you out and show you how they want to hear it. If you want to offer advice, maybe ask him if he would like to receive advice, if he didn't ask for it then don't bring it up. Do you compliment him when he does something good or nice to you and others?

  6. Ask your wife to get her hormones checked. She may have an imbalance that’s killing her drive.

    It’s becoming increasingly more common in middle aged Americans due to all the chemicals we consume. It’s common for women to have low testosterone which can cause fatigue, lack of sex drive, poor mood, etc. Birth control can also mess with the hormones. My wife goes insane when she’s on the pill.

    I advise you not to open your marriage with your friend. This is one of those things that can only end badly.

  7. The mental image of the OP getting progressively more flustered (understandably so) but the bf's smile just slowly getting wider and harder as he waits for comedic beats before replying is just so fucking funny here.

    Her family is such a shitshow. Everyone is embarrassed by their folks, but these are actually people who are embarrassing.

  8. If he’ll cheat with you, he will cheat on you.

    He’s a liar, and your whole relationship has been a lie. You don’t even know the real him. You only know the single guy he’s pretending to be with/for you.

    This relationship is not worth it for you. There is nothing good in your future with him.

  9. Never give anyone a second chance as harsh as that, I was torn up seeing my ex girlfriend just snogging another bloke, but to have sex and say to you we need to wait until marriage.


    Get out of the relationship you deserve better!

  10. I guarantee what it really means, in this case, is that the other guy didn't want anything more serious, and she was afraid of losing both of them, so she lied to OP after the other guy broke it off with her.

  11. So he says he has feelings for you but does his actions show he wants to pursue a relationship with you? If not then don't waste your time on it

  12. OP -She's not thinking, and she's allowing (she's not being manipulated) him into her life, she is ALLOWING this. And it's at your expense and the expense of the relationship you've built thus far. I'm sad for you because I know how this hurts.

    People always get stuck on WHY. Who gives a shit why, you can see clearly what she's doing, and she's no longer doing it with you. So dispense with needing to know why because at this point, it makes little difference.

    If you have any self-respect left, wait for her to leave your house or apartment, and get the locks changed. Get trash bags or boxes and start boxing up her stuff, and put them somewhere that she has access to.

    She is letting her actions speak volumes. Don't you think it's about time you did the same?

  13. There’s no rule saying you can’t break up with him.

    OP, you can’t trust him or a single word that comes out of his mouth. Not one. And if there is no trust, there is no relationship. If you stay with him, you’ll be suspicious of everything he does with his phone. If he goes out alone, you’ll wonder if he’s really doing what he told you he was going to do or if he’s sleeping with someone.

    Just leave him now, concentrate on improving yourself (mentally and physically), and, when you’re ready, find someone who will love you and be faithful.

  14. I have been in this exact situation, except I had married him.

    The person you think he is doesn’t exist. Never has. The real person is someone who is adept at lying, concealing, and manipulating. He’s someone who feels you don’t deserve the truth or to make your own informed decisions on who you live with or have children with. Someone who thinks you’re not an actual partner, just someone convenient who helps provide a life they enjoy enough to not want to leave.

    Even now he doesn’t love you enough to make this right. He won’t allow you to see everything he has done or have any sort of closure. He’s not even trying to build trust. And I say build trust because there’s nothing to actually rebuild it from. He’s been this way the whole time.

    It is not your job to fix it, or to “work on it”. He either cares that little about you staying or is that confident that you won’t walk that he doesn’t bother to put in an effort even now. If cheating isn’t a dealbreaker in itself then the rest of this should be. He’s not worth your time, your energy, or your tears. This man is the opposite of perfect, he was just good at pretending.

  15. 4 months is very fresh. That’s a new relationship. 6 months is maybe when you start to talk more about serious things. But seriously you don’t get a say in her job. If you don’t like her job you shouldn’t have started dating her. Stop being insecure and let her do her thing. Find someone you’re compatible with.

  16. hey OP i empathise, the job market in london right now is disgusting and you dont deserve the downvotes because people think you should just take ANY job when even retail/f&b aren’t really hiring atm.

  17. Woah now that is not what she said. Reread the post it’s not court ordered supervised visitation. The girl doesn’t on-line near him so he has to to travel to visit the child. Assuming someone you don’t know is ABUSIVE is insane. You sound like you have a lot of trauma you need to work through if you instantly go to “abuse” when somebody is in a situation you aren’t in yourself. I online 40+ hours away from my child’s father and because of that, I have full custody. We also didn’t go to court for our custody agreement. Not everyone’s situation is the same.

  18. In Japan the groom takes the bride’s name if she’s the last in the family to carry on the name. It’s not a huge deal


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