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56 thoughts on “Angel the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. This is why you don't stay with a cheater. Just divorce him, keep your integrity, and start dating others once you've separated.

  2. I online in the US but if I Google “head lice treatment near me” there are special clinics that treat it for you. If you have that option I would try it, then have her wear a cap on her head at work.

  3. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. You’re really in a difficult situation here, and only you can decide what the best course of action is. There are positives and negatives to staying and leaving. I think the hardest thing from my perspective would be that he seems unwilling to be open with you. So much of a strong marriage is the foundation of trust and vulnerability, and I’d be heartbroken if my partner wasn’t willing to work to maintain that, especially since you’ve been so generous in forgiving him and working with him on this.

  4. make sure you lash out more when you are projecting and trying to cover up what you have already done…

  5. Leave. He isn't being the kind of man you want. You can let him know hating on anyone and being mean is a total turn off

  6. Look, he’s just not into you. You thought you hit it off, but he didn’t find what he was looking for. He had some long convos with you, but that doesn’t mean you’re his figure girlfriend/wife. He enjoyed your date, but he either didn’t find what he’s looking for or has too much on his plate rn to date.

    Nobody is too busy to take day(s) to reply. Personally, when I can’t make it to some plans I let the person know when I’m free. He didn’t, he’s not interested.

  7. You got your answer when she said you’re “absurd” for caring about it. Me personally? I would also be uncomfortable for my SO to be very hot around any of their friends in almost any scenario.

    But like I said, it’s clear she wouldn’t stop even if you asked her. Your only options are to get over it (unlikely), or reconsider the relationship after making your feelings more clear to her.

  8. Your ex not wanting to talk about his relationship, or overall lack of communication, is its own separate issue. You could have and should have left if you wanted someone who is more open and he wasn’t willing to be. It doesn’t justify you digging around or pouting.

    He was clear that he wanted his ex to have the apartment. It’s his apartment, it’s his ex-wife, the mother of his daughter, and you crossed like ten different boundaries pursuing this when he was clear you needed to leave it alone. When he warned you to drop it after his ex contacted him he was again very clear – this is his line in the sand, his final boundary.

    You’re not “confused”. You know exactly what he said. You’re upset that you’re not getting your way. And instead of leaving it alone like he asked, or walking away with some self-respect, you posted here and then reached out to his friend’s wife to, again, discuss things behind his back.

    Hopefully one of you ends this relationship because it is an absolute mess. Your fiancé seems like he needs therapy to deal with his guilt, but it’s honestly nice to see him trying to take care of his ex after cheating on her. Seems like a nice move. I don’t know what your deal is, but you really come off as an entitled gold digger here.

  9. Fyi making someone retake a picture dozens of times for social media is really not normal relationship stuff. It's pretty gross that she's not happy with you just how you are

  10. She will contact you when she wants too. Yes you just have to wait you can't force someone to talk to you

  11. You shouldn’t be in a relationship where the other person is violating your boundaries. It’d be best for both of you to get counseling. His sex drive is not going to decrease until he’s much older. You two are sexually incompatible.

  12. Because in reality, people don't get paid by other people for their personal decisions and the consequences that come with them.

    I have my brother and his whole family living with me, imagine the bank I could make running a bed and breakfast. Oh, oh… Or the fact that I provide 24 hour care to my own disabled son. Sigh… if only someone would pay me for my own personal decisions and their consequences.

    Imagine finding out your family talks about you like you're shit job you got to get done.

  13. It sounds like she honestly didn’t want to go. I mean she took off Friday for the trip but didn’t leave till 3PM and it’s a 3-4 hour drive to get there. So she would arrive at 7PM. Why even take off Friday then.

  14. Not just death. Serious injury and sexual violence too, from the DSM-V. Directly or indirectly.

  15. yeh thats my thing, if I didn't get the sense, from what I've heard and seen, that this girl wasn't attracted to my girl and definitely hasn't thought of her in a sexual way i wouldn't even be bothered tbh. knowing she is bi, also raises my alarm and makes me see her as someone who is trying their luck under the guise of being a female friend

  16. I understand that it's difficult, but you shouldn't stay with someone because they've been good to you in the past when they're actively mistreating you in the present.

    It will take time, but you'll move past him eventually. One day you'll be able to look back at this and laugh at the idiot who cheated on a girl who's crazy about him with a program that just tells him what he wants to hear.

  17. Well yeah, having the status “exclusive” is a way smaller deal. That's just saying “I won't fuck other people”. Introducing you to and spending 5 DAYS(!!!!!!) with her child is a massive massive deal. It's completely inappropriate for the stage of your relationship. You shouldn't go on that trip at all, regardless of the status thing and you should tell her it's way too early to meet her kid.

  18. Thank you, you're right. What you said about it being sad that this kind of attraction isn't enough really made me think. Before I met him, the love we have would have been beyond my wildest dreams. I wouldn't have even thought it was possible and I would have sworn I would be happy if I had it- but now I have it and I'm more anxious about how I look than I've ever been before. It's a scary thought because I wonder if I can ever be happy- I have everything I ever wanted and still want to hide myself. But I'm sure I'll be much more on the right track to feeling happy if I start focusing on how I think and not how my boyfriend thinks. Thank you again

  19. What was his childhood like? Did he learned that things went better for him if he did not express opinions? Was he berated for not washing dishes properly??

  20. Tell your gf, this wasn't “accidental cheating”, it was SA. If it's too uncomfortable write the events down and have her read it, she can read this reddit post even. Although you definitely should tell her asap just in case her “friend” tries to tell her a different story first. Beyond that, something needs to change with your living situation as this “friend” clearly can't be trusted, hopefully gf will believe you and kick her “friend” out, anything other than that, then you know your gf's true colors.

  21. Pop a reminder on here, to read your post in 10 years time. See if you still have the same attitude. I very much doubt you will. You need to stand up & advocate for yourself coz no one else will. If you are not in the mood to blow him, tell him no. If he's pushy instead of respecting your answer, then you know he's simply using you for his own gratification & doesn't give a shit about your feelings, your needs & boundaries. I learned this the very hot way. Men like this feel entitled to your body when they demand it. It's manipulative & gross & will make you feel objectified in the long run.

  22. I also think I would perceive it differently if the secret had gotten around to the whole family. Sis was trusted to keep the secret, and she did.

  23. Tell him you have rectal prolapse from all the anal and can no longer do it.

    I'm so sorry, this is disgusting and brutal. Your butthole is not meant for non stop humping for yrs and yrs

  24. Try to think of the positive rather than the negative aspects or the similarities. Worrying he will cheat will not make it less likely that he will

  25. A child. I'd find myself repulsed by a partner who expected me to get rid of my own child and who could honestly be with me after i ended up doing that.

    Wtf does tht say about our moral code then? Values.. how we actually viewed people! It's so gross.

    I pray this little girl just gets loads of love. That's what she needs rn.

  26. Sorry mate — you're just at the wrong part of the story. It's not fair to ask S to wait for you, and it's good that R is out of the picture, and so for now you are a party of one.

    Advice: you don't have to rush into person #3, but don't wait for S, either. Just take life as it comes. If you meet someone new, let it happen; if S & D run their course, you'll be there.

    Time alone can be centering, gives you a chance to reflect on the past and work on yourself.

  27. First off.. punctuation is your friend. I know you kids do talk to text or whatever but proof read it and add punctuation so it doesn't hurt to read.

    Secondly, noones going to give you advice on how to stay with a man 20 years your elder.

    Focus on your kids and stay out of relationships with men old enough to be your father

  28. She swears I know everything now but the fact that she lied for so long really hurts.

    you see the problem with lying is that you can't ever fully trust the person…so do you know everything now? probably not. Really no way to know and of course they waited to fill you in, otherwise you wouldnt have been with this person..anyways, you aren't going to do anything about it, it is too late, you are in love. You will continue with the relationship and then when she cheats(seems like a long history of that) and gets caught you get to have that “I should have known better” moment.

    , but I’m scared that this will come up in the future and cause some insecurities and lack of trust on my end.

    oh yeah its gonna come up..and you 100% have a right to have a lack of trust, that is kinda what lying does..The only reason she told you anything is cuz you caught her in a lie.

  29. Yes. That's the constraint here. Though my ex cheated on me and is dating someone else rn. When he knew I surprised A on his bday, he called me and was pissed off why was I still in touch with his friends. But A and me have been friends for like 2-3 years now. And we have become better friends than A and my ex.

    H is cousin of A

  30. At this point, I feel like the phone calls are fake because she’s always on the phone. I’m not even joking, she walks in and out of the office on the phone and her voice is really loud so I’m pretty sure everyone in the building knows when she walks in too ?

  31. You didn’t consider the guy is agreeing that there’s multiple root causes? They literally said WHAT root causes they thought were applied here.

  32. There are more and more women who are engineers every day. This attitude might and I do say might have been excusable in the 1960s and 1970s. But that’s well over 50 years now.

    He is basically saying he doesn’t think men can compete with you. He’s not looking at your relationship as one that’s a partnership but one where he’s the stronger bigger person.

    Don’t stay with someone who tries to dim your light.

  33. People here know how a work works? I think that is not so crazy to say that this is not an easy option for a lot of people.

  34. There’s at least two things going on here. one is that he’s a miser. Which is not attractive.

    Two- the way you state things it sounds like you feel entitled to his income because he makes serious coin.

  35. You should put a note in the bag near the lingerie so when she goes to put it on she knows that you know everything.

  36. I'm really glad you didn't try and work this out or see if she would get her shit together, this chick is major bunny-boiler vibes.

    Stay safe!

  37. Stop worrying about their family dynamics. Just go to court, get a court order, and be a good father.

  38. At this point I would just go no contact with them. They know exactly what they are doing and they will never change. Best to just cut the bad parts of the tree away before it ruins the whole tree


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