You should move closer to your Dad. That way y'all can visit more regularly and not staying over night wouldn't be a big deal because he's nearby and seeing you pretty often.
From what you've said, I feel like this guy is a total creep. Personally, I get the vibe that he's studying you, as in learning your mannerisms, routines, and basic daily habits. For what purpose, that I have no idea! And, from my experience with men, when a man is attracted to you, he will come talk to you – especially after you've smiled and said hi… he's not just going to keep staring at you for days on end. Take care and please, always be aware of your surroundings, even if it's just a quick trip to the bathroom while at work.
All you can do is let her know that her drinking is affecting you negatively and that you enjoy spending time with her but that you will not go to bars or pubs or stay in any activity where she is drinking. She’s going to be mad, that’s her choice.
Offer activities that don’t have a drinking component, she sounds like she has a serious problem. You don’t have to be drunk24/7 to be an alcoholic.
Um…well he’s being toxic. First of all, I know you weren’t, but if you want to touch yourself, you should be able to. Second, the whole issue of you scratching your leg, shouldn’t even be a thing. He needs to just let it go, especially since you’re not doing it.
My recommendation would be talk to him. Just tell him that you were scratching your leg and crying. And if he won’t listen, I hate to say it, but your relationship might have a clock. You don’t have to deal with it now, but if he’s not willing to honestly keep an open mind and hear you out (especially when you did no wrong), things will almost certainly blow up eventually.
For sure she should have known, and did know, that this would upset him. However I really don't think she's given enough details for us to decided how abusive or not abusive the FIL is. We shouldn't keep quiet on the abuse of family members just because “it isn't happening to you”. She's speaking up about her SILs treatment, that's a good thing.
*one was physical: you have to be very naive to believe this only happened once.
The big issue is you have 3 kids at such a young age and have to consider their well-being in all this too.
My advice is to end the relationship but not necessarily jump straight into another one. You need to ensure you have a good post-breakup balance in place, especially for your kids.
She's abusing you op. Go to food banks and can't she get free eye test and dental on NHS because of her conditions? I know I did but I'm in benefits right now. And chili being similar to spa bol? Nah mate, totally different dishes with totally different ingredients from totally different ingredients.
Why? It's been 3 months and she's cheated on you multiple times already. She will continue to do so becuse you're a doormat and let's her get away with it because she comes up with a pathetic sob story. She isn't over this guy. It's not just because of the 17k. Cut your losses get soem self respect and move on. Bothign good will come outbof thsi relationship if she's already cheating on you. She should be 100% into you this early on IF she was really into you. Sounds like you're a rebound for her.
No such thing as right timing. Texting isn’t a game and you shouldn’t fall into that same trap she’s in where she thinks it’s a game. Send her the message, there’s no timeline of when you should text someone.
I think it also sounded off. She said she wasn’t on her phone during the walk hence why she didn’t answer. Also, she said she would have told me about the walk even if I didn’t bring it up but I don’t know if this is true
Dude run as far away as you can. What happens when you have a fight and she harms herself and calls the cops, and you can't prove you didn't harm her? You go straight to jail that's what. Get the fuck outta this “relationship”.
You signed a legally binding business contract with someone who immediately changed the terms of your relationship and there isn’t a damn thing you can do or say about it without looking like a controlling douchebag
That a real shitty situation. I'm so sorry about the lost pregnancy, OP. That sucks.
I'd suggest, worry about getting a new job. Make that priority #1. Even take a job working some customer service if it means you have a bit of cash flow in the short term. Your girlfriend will be OK. She's been through far worse. I don't mean to sound glib here, but I wouldn't take her outward attitude 100% seriously. Maybe 75% seriously. She knows how to survive, underneath. It's mainly her ego getting in the way of that.
Tell your S.O. nobody cares in college if one has to retake certain classes. She's paying to be there and therefore they have to work with her. They fail their classes when she stops paying them. Sure it's a bit expensive to retake a semester but other people spend thousands of dollars just to be crammed onto a goddamn cruise boat for two weeks, so it's just your money. So the reality is her school situation feels a lot more urgent and serious than it actually is. It's just disposable income and failing a few classes isn't permanent.
We have both had a terrible month but my SO is doing much worse. I mentioned nursing school earlier – and the truth of that matter is she failed out of it. One of her biggest goals since we've been together was nursing school but a combination of her test anxiety and untreated ADHD meant that no matter how much she studied she would tank her tests.
Would that have anything to do with the miscarriage, or is that more recent even than her failing a couple of her finals?
What she needs to do is talk to student services, and see if she can get certain accommodations on tests or quizzes, such as extra time. Typically you just need a doctor's note saying that you have ADHD, etc.(but of course she wouldn't dare do something so mature as that….) Adding a strict time limit to tests is kind of a capricious rule anyway and for a lot of people with mental or emotional struggles is just adding insult to injury.
What I need advice with is twofold: Firstly – my SO is consumed by being a failure. She constantly talks about how she is a failure at being a mom, a failure at nursing school, a failure at providing for us while I'm looking for work.
Tell her she wouldn't speak to you that way. She wouldn't in a million years speak to her parents that way, or her friends. Most of all she wouldn't dare say such things to your son. Then ask her, so when did it become somehow alright to speak about herself in that way? Tell her if anyone else spoke to her or to your son the same way she's talking about herself, you consider that a legitimate ass-kicking situation. You don't care if anyone disrespects you personally, that's their opinion, but they don't talk shit about your girlfriend. You're not going to stand for her doing it to herself either. So tell her with all due respect and kindness, now would be a good time for her to shut up about the self-loathing. Tell her you can't stop her from thinking that way privately but you don't need to tolerate listening to verbal abuse, yourself.
Then tell her you'd like an apology. Not just for speaking like a bully in front of you, but she needs to apologize to herself for that kind of talk. That's beneath her. She knows it.
No matter how much I try to uplift her and tell her how happy she makes me
See: Fawning Response. Might want to cut that crap out and check your instincts here.
This isn't a time for knee-jerk flattery, gushing, and fawning, just because you feel uncomfortable.
Really think long and very hot about this one.
Do you want to invest your valuable praise and gratitude in people who are doing things that manifest your own personal values?
Or are you really eager to invest your praise, reassurance, and concern in people trash talking and abusing themselves, just to ease your own momentary discomfort and shut them up momentarily.
Yeah, no. Set boundaries, tell her you want an apology, then disengage and stop investing in that behavior.
It's a time to get real about how odious this particular behavior is.
Secondly – my SO has a history of abusive boyfriends.
Tell her that doesn't excuse self-abuse. In fact it makes self-loathing and self-hatred more obnoxious now that she knows firsthand that language matters.
Her exes probably didn't know better on some levels. She does know better, she knows it's uncivilized and does it anyway just because she thinks it's easy.
She had two boyfriends she was with for years who had a similar MO. They were gaslight her, call her stupid constantly, boss her around, control her financially, and secretly cheat on her.
And even knowing those facts, she chose to stay for months or years, thinking she needed to rescue them, See: Savior Complex.
So she's not exactly some innocent victim of wrongdoing or some kind of tragic sad-sausage here. I'm not saying she asked to be abused or should have expected it. But after refusing to leave so many times, it begs the question at what point does one start silently condoning and welcoming that behavior? At what point does one jump off a sinking ship and swim clear of the undertow? At what one point does one stop running belowdecks trying senselessly to bail it out?
She has done a good job of rebounding from those horror shows
Maybe not so much.
but she's never officially dealt with the damage left over from those assholes.
This is a choice to remain in the role of a loathsome victim and martyr. Like her choice not to seek professional help for her mental illness, as well as her grab bag of hand-wringing self-sabotage behaviors around test-taking which she isn't exactly powerless against.
You have to ask, how much of that is the ADHD and how much of that behavior is serving her ego. Recognize when somone is benefitting perversely from ineptitude and benefiting emotionally from causing chaos, because it maintained tje status quo. Like typical glad-handed politicians benefit from legal chaos.
I've suggested therapy but that's met with defensiveness since she feels like I think she's crazy.
Isn't she a little bit though? Codependency is a hell of a sickness. That's all I know. The first step is to acknowledge that one has a set of behaviors and habits which aren't sober or sane.
but she just doesn't hear it without reliving the years of mental abuse she suffered under guys who would shame and blame her for everything.
This is about her shaming and blaming herself for everything, and assuming a wildly undue sense of power and responsibility over others. This isn't about any other people doing it.
This is the best relationship I've had in my nearly 40 years
Is it, really, though? You sure you want this kind of future for your son? That is, a mother figure who models refusing to get professional help even when she desperately needs some, and who models malignant self-pity? Just asking.
and I know we can get through this month
We? Does she want to? Is there a “we” here?
but I'm just running on empty with new things to try to get us together on the right track
This isn't pleasant to say, but there isn't a “we” here until she's doing her own walking and taking her own steps. It sounds like you see yourself as a one-man team while she's doing things reactively to avoid being a team player.
In this situation you have to prioritize what you yourself are responsible, and prioritize what you yourself have power to easily influence. Then act under the working assumption that your girlfriend isn't going to get better in the very near future and you don't have much power to change that fact other than setting boundaries.
while supporting her and uplifting her.
Hold her responsible for refusing to talk to a professional counselor. Failing all your classes because you bombed every single one of the finals would be a good indication you need professional emotional advice.
Hold her responsible for the toxic self-talk. She needs clear boundaries, she doesn't need you to just try to soldier on through and pretend you're playing both sides of the field.
They changed who they are. That can be hard or impossible to work through. Especially if you are losing attraction since you are straight. I worry you'll grow to resentful of them.
Split time with a kid is better than being in an unhappy relationship for the kid. Just saying. Speaking first hand experience here.
Why would it be a messy divorce? Because of them? They would get vindictive or? Do they live! a high conflict or drama lifestyle? It sounds like you want to walk on egg shells all day long.
You'll never get through it without openly communicating with your partner
I wouldn't be in this disrespectful toxicity. I would have a very honest conversation stating everything and how you feel. I would analyze body language and compare it to his words and actions during the conversation and based on data collected make a decision.
I wouldn't be in this disrespectful toxicity. I would have a very honest conversation stating everything and how you feel. I would analyze body language and compare it to his words and actions during the conversation and based on data collected make a decision.
You are solo traveling and taking rides from strangers in a country that you are not familiar with? Love, he's not the only one that is not taking your safety into consideration. Getting a ride from a random guy and disappearing for two hours is not a good look.
I can't say I've been through what you're going through but all I can say is… Be careful. Living alone is not always what you think it will be. Many people that live! alone do not do so by choice because it can be a very lonely life. I had to live! alone for a summer after high school and it was the worst time of my life.
Maybe things will be different for you but I'm just giving you a fair warning. If the ONLY reason you think things won' work out is because you want to try living alone, it may end up being a huge mistake.
On top of that when you watch that stuff what's the actual mechanical impact of having two girls? They basically just take turns, right? You could see how it comes across as 'I just want to have sex with another girl in front of you' given you can't even actually answer what she is meant to get out of it.
Just be real about that. If she asked you to go with a MMF would you get weird? Like, what, not cool watching another guy plow her while you cool off or something? Starting to see the problems? What if she came harder with him then she ever could with you? Heck, what if you get your silly MFF and the other girl makes her cum harder than you ever could?
Like don't get me wrong, I am painting a grim picture of threesomes, but do note they are extremely overrated and most people just aren't really ready for them. Unlike others who have pointed out she isn't even ready to go into one in the first place I am just pointing out a few of the inevitable things you will face even if you did.
Oh no, I know she didn’t do anything. But I feel like these feelings aren’t helping me on my self improvement journey. If anything, I’m constantly trying to do something anything for her to notice
Fair enough, though be aware that part of how you cope with your trauma is through helping/rescuing and you have to be careful with the situations that can put you in. Like if you get trapped with a narcissist who is basically like a black hole sucking up attention then your tendency will potentially lead to burnout.
And the discussion then becomes, well, is he that black hole. Perhaps not yet but he is definitely slipping down that slope and it is a worry. You will have to be real about that.
While your approach isn't wrong per se be aware unless he deals with that core insecurity you will find that nothing will ever change, you will only ever be treating the symptoms. And as I noted, given he is getting worse I think you are seeing the reality of that start to come to into play.
You shouldn’t feel bad going through his phone. You found out that you that this man has been keeping his true feelings from you. Work on your exit plan out of this relationship. Him and his friends believe it’s okay to be married and cheat. That’s the end game. I don’t think you should confront him because it would not accomplish anything. He phone shared more info with you than he will. But now it’s easier to catch him in a lie.
Oof, I admit I would likely be annoyed by your boyfriend, too, then… If I ask what someone likes to read, I'd expect an answer like “Oh, I like X and Y, my favourite author is Z and my favourite books are A, B and C. What about you?” Basically, the one-word answers make him seem hostile and disinterested in the topic in general, which means that your friend likely feels like he doesn't even want to really talk with her, despite asking questions in return. As in, the topic doesn't interest him enough to say more than a single word, so why should she bother? She might also find him rude and dismissive of her attempts of making conversation.
Of course, these are just assumptions. But I feel like you have a very one-sided point of view here, seeing your friend as the “issue”, when I personally see that both people here are the problem. Your friend definitely was extremely rude in snapping at your boyfriend and accusing him of deflecting, but she likely was feeling annoyed and/or like he was being rude and not interested in talking to her.
Getting to know each other needs effort from both people. Just like during a first date: If only one person talks and the other barely says a word, it's unlikely that the “silent” partner will come across as interested and interesting to talk to. Your friend likely feels like she put the effort in twice now and each time, it felt like talking to a brick wall. So if you now go and accuse her of being not nice to him, she might get upset in case she felt like he was the one being rude first. So be very careful how/if you want to tackle this issue.
Also the way you are saying it (“I'm worried about their interactions”) make them sound a bit like… I don't know, kids or animals you try to socialize with each other. But these are two adults who can – hopefully – settle their conflicts, misunderstandings and issues themselves, with communication. So I don't know if getting involved is really needed (it shouldn't be!) – it seems like involvement will have you pick a side and might impact your relationship with either your friend or boyfriend negatively, so I guess I'd personally rather stay out of it and let them talk it out like adults. And if one of the two can't act like an adult (either your boyfriend being unable to make proper conversation or your friend being an asshole), then that would tell me a lot about that person and make me consider how big of a role I'd want someone who can't be a mature adult playing in my life.
Ya don’t.
You should move closer to your Dad. That way y'all can visit more regularly and not staying over night wouldn't be a big deal because he's nearby and seeing you pretty often.
Should've asked how do i end this relationship, not how to save it, there's nothing to save here man you should see that.
From what you've said, I feel like this guy is a total creep. Personally, I get the vibe that he's studying you, as in learning your mannerisms, routines, and basic daily habits. For what purpose, that I have no idea! And, from my experience with men, when a man is attracted to you, he will come talk to you – especially after you've smiled and said hi… he's not just going to keep staring at you for days on end. Take care and please, always be aware of your surroundings, even if it's just a quick trip to the bathroom while at work.
All you can do is let her know that her drinking is affecting you negatively and that you enjoy spending time with her but that you will not go to bars or pubs or stay in any activity where she is drinking. She’s going to be mad, that’s her choice.
Offer activities that don’t have a drinking component, she sounds like she has a serious problem. You don’t have to be drunk24/7 to be an alcoholic.
Um…well he’s being toxic. First of all, I know you weren’t, but if you want to touch yourself, you should be able to. Second, the whole issue of you scratching your leg, shouldn’t even be a thing. He needs to just let it go, especially since you’re not doing it.
My recommendation would be talk to him. Just tell him that you were scratching your leg and crying. And if he won’t listen, I hate to say it, but your relationship might have a clock. You don’t have to deal with it now, but if he’s not willing to honestly keep an open mind and hear you out (especially when you did no wrong), things will almost certainly blow up eventually.
For sure she should have known, and did know, that this would upset him. However I really don't think she's given enough details for us to decided how abusive or not abusive the FIL is. We shouldn't keep quiet on the abuse of family members just because “it isn't happening to you”. She's speaking up about her SILs treatment, that's a good thing.
How do I break up when our families are going to have dinner together soon ?
*one was physical: you have to be very naive to believe this only happened once.
The big issue is you have 3 kids at such a young age and have to consider their well-being in all this too.
My advice is to end the relationship but not necessarily jump straight into another one. You need to ensure you have a good post-breakup balance in place, especially for your kids.
She's abusing you op. Go to food banks and can't she get free eye test and dental on NHS because of her conditions? I know I did but I'm in benefits right now. And chili being similar to spa bol? Nah mate, totally different dishes with totally different ingredients from totally different ingredients.
Yup. learned that the hard way. You live! and you learn
You're not wrong, I'd be weirded out by that too. Like is he taking it for his collection lol?
100% that. He would have been in a fight not her.
Why? It's been 3 months and she's cheated on you multiple times already. She will continue to do so becuse you're a doormat and let's her get away with it because she comes up with a pathetic sob story. She isn't over this guy. It's not just because of the 17k. Cut your losses get soem self respect and move on. Bothign good will come outbof thsi relationship if she's already cheating on you. She should be 100% into you this early on IF she was really into you. Sounds like you're a rebound for her.
No such thing as right timing. Texting isn’t a game and you shouldn’t fall into that same trap she’s in where she thinks it’s a game. Send her the message, there’s no timeline of when you should text someone.
Heck go for it, really nothing to lose. So what if it ends up a little awkward if things don’t work out?
It’s sucks but never open pandora box because you will never be able to close it
I think it also sounded off. She said she wasn’t on her phone during the walk hence why she didn’t answer. Also, she said she would have told me about the walk even if I didn’t bring it up but I don’t know if this is true
Dude run as far away as you can. What happens when you have a fight and she harms herself and calls the cops, and you can't prove you didn't harm her? You go straight to jail that's what. Get the fuck outta this “relationship”.
Can you think why she might feel you crossed a line in contacting her friend?
You signed a legally binding business contract with someone who immediately changed the terms of your relationship and there isn’t a damn thing you can do or say about it without looking like a controlling douchebag
She got you and you’re absolutely screwed
He’s got Alyssa in his sights
Sorry but if someone woke me up at 3AM for sex I would shove them off the bed
Don't fake it. Jesus that is terrible advice. All ladies, please don't ever fake it! That helps noone!
That a real shitty situation. I'm so sorry about the lost pregnancy, OP. That sucks.
I'd suggest, worry about getting a new job. Make that priority #1. Even take a job working some customer service if it means you have a bit of cash flow in the short term. Your girlfriend will be OK. She's been through far worse. I don't mean to sound glib here, but I wouldn't take her outward attitude 100% seriously. Maybe 75% seriously. She knows how to survive, underneath. It's mainly her ego getting in the way of that.
Tell your S.O. nobody cares in college if one has to retake certain classes. She's paying to be there and therefore they have to work with her. They fail their classes when she stops paying them. Sure it's a bit expensive to retake a semester but other people spend thousands of dollars just to be crammed onto a goddamn cruise boat for two weeks, so it's just your money. So the reality is her school situation feels a lot more urgent and serious than it actually is. It's just disposable income and failing a few classes isn't permanent.
We have both had a terrible month but my SO is doing much worse. I mentioned nursing school earlier – and the truth of that matter is she failed out of it. One of her biggest goals since we've been together was nursing school but a combination of her test anxiety and untreated ADHD meant that no matter how much she studied she would tank her tests.
Would that have anything to do with the miscarriage, or is that more recent even than her failing a couple of her finals?
What she needs to do is talk to student services, and see if she can get certain accommodations on tests or quizzes, such as extra time. Typically you just need a doctor's note saying that you have ADHD, etc.(but of course she wouldn't dare do something so mature as that….) Adding a strict time limit to tests is kind of a capricious rule anyway and for a lot of people with mental or emotional struggles is just adding insult to injury.
What I need advice with is twofold: Firstly – my SO is consumed by being a failure. She constantly talks about how she is a failure at being a mom, a failure at nursing school, a failure at providing for us while I'm looking for work.
Tell her she wouldn't speak to you that way. She wouldn't in a million years speak to her parents that way, or her friends. Most of all she wouldn't dare say such things to your son. Then ask her, so when did it become somehow alright to speak about herself in that way? Tell her if anyone else spoke to her or to your son the same way she's talking about herself, you consider that a legitimate ass-kicking situation. You don't care if anyone disrespects you personally, that's their opinion, but they don't talk shit about your girlfriend. You're not going to stand for her doing it to herself either. So tell her with all due respect and kindness, now would be a good time for her to shut up about the self-loathing. Tell her you can't stop her from thinking that way privately but you don't need to tolerate listening to verbal abuse, yourself.
Then tell her you'd like an apology. Not just for speaking like a bully in front of you, but she needs to apologize to herself for that kind of talk. That's beneath her. She knows it.
No matter how much I try to uplift her and tell her how happy she makes me
See: Fawning Response. Might want to cut that crap out and check your instincts here.
This isn't a time for knee-jerk flattery, gushing, and fawning, just because you feel uncomfortable.
Really think long and very hot about this one.
Do you want to invest your valuable praise and gratitude in people who are doing things that manifest your own personal values?
Or are you really eager to invest your praise, reassurance, and concern in people trash talking and abusing themselves, just to ease your own momentary discomfort and shut them up momentarily.
Yeah, no. Set boundaries, tell her you want an apology, then disengage and stop investing in that behavior.
It's a time to get real about how odious this particular behavior is.
Secondly – my SO has a history of abusive boyfriends.
Tell her that doesn't excuse self-abuse. In fact it makes self-loathing and self-hatred more obnoxious now that she knows firsthand that language matters.
Her exes probably didn't know better on some levels. She does know better, she knows it's uncivilized and does it anyway just because she thinks it's easy.
She had two boyfriends she was with for years who had a similar MO. They were gaslight her, call her stupid constantly, boss her around, control her financially, and secretly cheat on her.
And even knowing those facts, she chose to stay for months or years, thinking she needed to rescue them, See: Savior Complex.
So she's not exactly some innocent victim of wrongdoing or some kind of tragic sad-sausage here. I'm not saying she asked to be abused or should have expected it. But after refusing to leave so many times, it begs the question at what point does one start silently condoning and welcoming that behavior? At what point does one jump off a sinking ship and swim clear of the undertow? At what one point does one stop running belowdecks trying senselessly to bail it out?
She has done a good job of rebounding from those horror shows
Maybe not so much.
but she's never officially dealt with the damage left over from those assholes.
This is a choice to remain in the role of a loathsome victim and martyr. Like her choice not to seek professional help for her mental illness, as well as her grab bag of hand-wringing self-sabotage behaviors around test-taking which she isn't exactly powerless against.
You have to ask, how much of that is the ADHD and how much of that behavior is serving her ego. Recognize when somone is benefitting perversely from ineptitude and benefiting emotionally from causing chaos, because it maintained tje status quo. Like typical glad-handed politicians benefit from legal chaos.
I've suggested therapy but that's met with defensiveness since she feels like I think she's crazy.
Isn't she a little bit though? Codependency is a hell of a sickness. That's all I know. The first step is to acknowledge that one has a set of behaviors and habits which aren't sober or sane.
but she just doesn't hear it without reliving the years of mental abuse she suffered under guys who would shame and blame her for everything.
This is about her shaming and blaming herself for everything, and assuming a wildly undue sense of power and responsibility over others. This isn't about any other people doing it.
This is the best relationship I've had in my nearly 40 years
Is it, really, though? You sure you want this kind of future for your son? That is, a mother figure who models refusing to get professional help even when she desperately needs some, and who models malignant self-pity? Just asking.
and I know we can get through this month
We? Does she want to? Is there a “we” here?
but I'm just running on empty with new things to try to get us together on the right track
This isn't pleasant to say, but there isn't a “we” here until she's doing her own walking and taking her own steps. It sounds like you see yourself as a one-man team while she's doing things reactively to avoid being a team player.
In this situation you have to prioritize what you yourself are responsible, and prioritize what you yourself have power to easily influence. Then act under the working assumption that your girlfriend isn't going to get better in the very near future and you don't have much power to change that fact other than setting boundaries.
while supporting her and uplifting her.
Hold her responsible for refusing to talk to a professional counselor. Failing all your classes because you bombed every single one of the finals would be a good indication you need professional emotional advice.
Hold her responsible for the toxic self-talk. She needs clear boundaries, she doesn't need you to just try to soldier on through and pretend you're playing both sides of the field.
They changed who they are. That can be hard or impossible to work through. Especially if you are losing attraction since you are straight. I worry you'll grow to resentful of them.
Split time with a kid is better than being in an unhappy relationship for the kid. Just saying. Speaking first hand experience here.
Why would it be a messy divorce? Because of them? They would get vindictive or? Do they live! a high conflict or drama lifestyle? It sounds like you want to walk on egg shells all day long.
You'll never get through it without openly communicating with your partner
I wouldn't be in this disrespectful toxicity. I would have a very honest conversation stating everything and how you feel. I would analyze body language and compare it to his words and actions during the conversation and based on data collected make a decision.
Frankly op, I would end it.
I wouldn't be in this disrespectful toxicity. I would have a very honest conversation stating everything and how you feel. I would analyze body language and compare it to his words and actions during the conversation and based on data collected make a decision.
Frankly op, I would end it.
Is this beat poetry? Do I need my saxophone to read this and understand it?
You must understand that if OP was using them for reasonable things, or using them at all, this wouldn't be an issue. But she's not.
You are solo traveling and taking rides from strangers in a country that you are not familiar with? Love, he's not the only one that is not taking your safety into consideration. Getting a ride from a random guy and disappearing for two hours is not a good look.
I can't say I've been through what you're going through but all I can say is… Be careful. Living alone is not always what you think it will be. Many people that live! alone do not do so by choice because it can be a very lonely life. I had to live! alone for a summer after high school and it was the worst time of my life.
Maybe things will be different for you but I'm just giving you a fair warning. If the ONLY reason you think things won' work out is because you want to try living alone, it may end up being a huge mistake.
This is the answer. Everybody is entitled to their likes and wants. Personally, I can't stand septum piercings, but the eyebrow ones I think are cute.
His reaction to it is very unreasonable. He can not like it, but to come at you like that is ridiculous.
You tell him it's over and you block him. Tell your friends it's over too and not to pass any messages to you.
Is he the only guy you've been with? If not, has anyone else complained about your tightness?
Stop and back away from him entirely. Complaining to your supervisor because some third party said you liked him? Protect yourself. This is your job.
I would normally say tell her, but he's a cop and you have to put your own safely first. Don't do anything that could put you at risk.
Why do you think that your extremely violent boyfriend won’t get violent in this situation?
I wouldn't worry about the apology, I'd be worried about surviving.
I'm normally the biggest optimist who always tries to find a way through to understanding and forgiveness and kindness.
Not this time. I think you are in serious danger. This has murder-suicide written all over it.
I think for the first time ever on Reddit, I'm saying put yourself first and get out.
Plus, I assume it's a good experience, lol.
I mean, why?
Because porn told you? They are acting.
On top of that when you watch that stuff what's the actual mechanical impact of having two girls? They basically just take turns, right? You could see how it comes across as 'I just want to have sex with another girl in front of you' given you can't even actually answer what she is meant to get out of it.
Just be real about that. If she asked you to go with a MMF would you get weird? Like, what, not cool watching another guy plow her while you cool off or something? Starting to see the problems? What if she came harder with him then she ever could with you? Heck, what if you get your silly MFF and the other girl makes her cum harder than you ever could?
Like don't get me wrong, I am painting a grim picture of threesomes, but do note they are extremely overrated and most people just aren't really ready for them. Unlike others who have pointed out she isn't even ready to go into one in the first place I am just pointing out a few of the inevitable things you will face even if you did.
She don’t want to be friends dawg. Respect that and move on. You trying to force that friendship back is borderline creepy. No means no.
You’re creating a self fulfilling prophecy. Your insecurity about other guys is going to grow old and she’s going to start talking to other guys
Oh no, I know she didn’t do anything. But I feel like these feelings aren’t helping me on my self improvement journey. If anything, I’m constantly trying to do something anything for her to notice
Fair enough, though be aware that part of how you cope with your trauma is through helping/rescuing and you have to be careful with the situations that can put you in. Like if you get trapped with a narcissist who is basically like a black hole sucking up attention then your tendency will potentially lead to burnout.
And the discussion then becomes, well, is he that black hole. Perhaps not yet but he is definitely slipping down that slope and it is a worry. You will have to be real about that.
While your approach isn't wrong per se be aware unless he deals with that core insecurity you will find that nothing will ever change, you will only ever be treating the symptoms. And as I noted, given he is getting worse I think you are seeing the reality of that start to come to into play.
I’d also be afraid about having kids with her. Seems genetic
Sounds like your partner thinks she’s better than you. I’m not saying break up with her, however it really doesn’t sound like she respects you.
He‘s so not worth it. You deserve much much better than him.
That’s not normal at all. Are there drugs involved?
We will never agree about that. Have a nice life rockhead
Well since you will not due the obvious solution. Ffs there are two of you and you can't afford a studio?
Buy a 3 foot long double headed dildo, leave it out on the bed.
No way I would put someone on the deed for a mortgage that I’m solely responsible for.
You shouldn’t feel bad going through his phone. You found out that you that this man has been keeping his true feelings from you. Work on your exit plan out of this relationship. Him and his friends believe it’s okay to be married and cheat. That’s the end game. I don’t think you should confront him because it would not accomplish anything. He phone shared more info with you than he will. But now it’s easier to catch him in a lie.
Oof, I admit I would likely be annoyed by your boyfriend, too, then… If I ask what someone likes to read, I'd expect an answer like “Oh, I like X and Y, my favourite author is Z and my favourite books are A, B and C. What about you?” Basically, the one-word answers make him seem hostile and disinterested in the topic in general, which means that your friend likely feels like he doesn't even want to really talk with her, despite asking questions in return. As in, the topic doesn't interest him enough to say more than a single word, so why should she bother? She might also find him rude and dismissive of her attempts of making conversation.
Of course, these are just assumptions. But I feel like you have a very one-sided point of view here, seeing your friend as the “issue”, when I personally see that both people here are the problem. Your friend definitely was extremely rude in snapping at your boyfriend and accusing him of deflecting, but she likely was feeling annoyed and/or like he was being rude and not interested in talking to her.
Getting to know each other needs effort from both people. Just like during a first date: If only one person talks and the other barely says a word, it's unlikely that the “silent” partner will come across as interested and interesting to talk to. Your friend likely feels like she put the effort in twice now and each time, it felt like talking to a brick wall. So if you now go and accuse her of being not nice to him, she might get upset in case she felt like he was the one being rude first. So be very careful how/if you want to tackle this issue.
Also the way you are saying it (“I'm worried about their interactions”) make them sound a bit like… I don't know, kids or animals you try to socialize with each other. But these are two adults who can – hopefully – settle their conflicts, misunderstandings and issues themselves, with communication. So I don't know if getting involved is really needed (it shouldn't be!) – it seems like involvement will have you pick a side and might impact your relationship with either your friend or boyfriend negatively, so I guess I'd personally rather stay out of it and let them talk it out like adults. And if one of the two can't act like an adult (either your boyfriend being unable to make proper conversation or your friend being an asshole), then that would tell me a lot about that person and make me consider how big of a role I'd want someone who can't be a mature adult playing in my life.