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57 thoughts on “Agata the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. but she didn't leave me alone when she phoned me over 100 times in 1 day when I didn't want to talk to her lol she doesn't respect anyone

  2. Do you think more boyfriends and girlfriends stay together than married couples? Would you agree that more than half of dating relationships end in the death of one partner?

  3. Hello /u/ThrowRAtrythis,

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  5. This is such crap! Racism is racism. And, guess what? It's not how you feel about what you said, it's about how THEY feel about what you said.

  6. My point was that some people might prefer to be alone than having friends. But it has been pointed out to me that OP’s issues are more severe than just pressure on him to be her only social outlet. So therapy is probably the answer here.

  7. Hello /u/Asleep-Investment-29,

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  8. Why are you in this marriage anymore? She have clearly chosen him over you. Both you and her have fought in the past about their interaction, each she lied but reached out again. She still has feelings for her ex. Otherwise she wouldn't have inquired if he thinks about her and she seems to express these feelings more when I'm not around.

    It's obvious what's important to her. Her Ex over you. Divorce her and sent her packing to her ex.

  9. Why would you bother with this loser, especially when you’ve only been with him for a few months?!??!!

  10. I think asking her about the fact that she always stays over at yours and never the other way around is a good starting point and may reveal why the sleeping situation exists. Be prepared to have a sensitive conversation and be prepared that she may no be ready to have one.

    My guess is that one, or even worse, more than one of her previous relationships she had an issue between a dude and her son. Maybe the son walked in on them and she’s being extra safe? Maybe some dude crept down the hall and attempted or carried out predatory behavior with her son?

    Her behavior seems defensive of her son and there’s nothing inherently wrong with it so, your questions should be framed as “help me understand the situation, because I’m lost here” instead of accusation which can sound like shaming or overly critical.

    Discussion like this can help you connect on a deeper level and can lead to other deeper conversations that will help you strengthen your bond and maybe even open up some trust between the 3 of you.

    Best of luck.

  11. If a guy i barely started dating touches the topic about sex, and he doesn’t let me get a word in to talk about what I’d like, I will run away from him as fast as I can.

    Additionally, wth is an “experienced virgin”? How can a virgin have any experience without having sex lol i think this dude has watched too much porn and it has influenced him in a very negative way. If he won’t let you talk now, i can’t imagine how it would be having sex with him, probably pushing you to do things you’re not comfortable with, because “he told you he was rough”.

    I’m willing to bet this dude doesn’t have that much experience either. He sounds extremely immature.

  12. so fake damn the amount of people who just love drama no matter what on this sub is wild.

    read the post it's so rucking fake they had a gas inspection at school so she left early? yeah okay. Always why wasn't the boyfriend at school? If he also left early for the gas inspection wouldn't he have known she was on her way over to her dad's as well?

    seriously miss you need to delete this shit

  13. Absolutely. You not only cuddled but made a pact to keep it a secret- double the betrayal. Time to own up to it all, buddy.

  14. I can imagine your situation is difficult because your feelings could be growing for this person the more that you spend time with them.

    What I’ve found in past relationships when I had issues like this was the more I dated other people, my feelings lessened for the person I was initially interested in, but that took time. What also helped was distancing myself from the person for a while so I could focus on myself and my feelings and building relationships with other people, and after I moved past my feelings, I was able to still be friends with the person.

    It’s hot to overcome these feelings if you’re around this person often. The thing that always helped me the most was distancing myself and only talking to the person from time to time via text or social media.

    The best advice I can give to you would be to try to distance yourself for a while to protect your feelings and to try to work with yourself to lessen them this way. Therapy can also help to help you work through your feelings. Once the romantic feelings are gone, I think you could go back to pursuing a friendship with this person since you truly do care about them, so it doesn’t hurt to take a step back for a while so you don’t continue to feel awkward or hurt whenever you’re around them in the future.

  15. Living at my father's was not very ideal as well, my father and I have our own issues and its quite uncomfortable there as well. I had to choose between 2 hells, here or there.

  16. Why is every other relationship between a twenty something and a 40 something? These can’t all be real ?

  17. I mean no I’d hope not!! I have weird gross sex dreams sometimes that absolutely do not reflect my conscious desires. And unwanted intrusive thoughts are a thing too. It’s important people understand that these things do not necessarily reflect who they are and what they want as a person. In my opinion that’s probably how a lot of terrible fetishes are reinforced (“this is just who I am, I can’t do anything about it, this isn’t normal”). To be clear the dad here gives off horrible vibes but I don’t think this is accurate or helpful

  18. Yeah, this is a record I've heard already. There is a big difference between talking and acting. He is 99% playing you, he might believe it at times but he knows this isn't going to work.

    You risk losing years of your life hoping to become something more and never getting there. You will find yourself older and alone. You need to be the main focus of someone else's life, not the article in the bottom right corner of a newspaper.

  19. It sounds like the previous encounter of hers that you mentioned was traumatic for her, maybe an assault. I don't know, but it sounds like there's some serious unresolved issues with that encounter that she will need to address on her own time and in her own way.

    It also sounds like she's just not that into you, or maybe is asexual and hasn't fully discovered that about herself yet. It honestly sounds like she's sort of just accepting/going along with the relationship because even though it's a good and solid relationship, it's just not what either of you want deep down. Like, although you two may have the image of a good relationship on the outside, you two are actually deeply incompatible.

    I think you should just break up. She needs the chance to explore herself and figure out what it is she really wants and needs, and I think you need to find someone who is compatible with who you are and matches up with your own wants and needs.

  20. He's a groomer rapist and even if he has “good moments” if you call them like that, he's harming you and you deserve someone better, who is not over twice your age and abusing you. “good moments” are not worth of staying in this relationship. Leave before he does any more harm

  21. I think your anger is misplaced. He is not saying anything to her to make her stop calling him those names. She can do not do as much as he allows. He is liking the attention. This is a developing emotional affair.

  22. if she were interested in you you'd have known about it long before now.

    I should tattoo this on my forehead.

  23. You really need to commit to sorting yourself out in therapy. You have made your problems, that you should fix by yourself, into his problems.

  24. Wow you are very entitled. His family isn’t obligated to have your family over, where did you come up with that. I’ve been married a LONG time and my in-laws have been to my parents house once.

  25. Another follow up question, were you and your husband quite formal on your dates? I have been on two dates and there weren’t even a handshake. I'm not sure if I'm being the weirdo here thinking about all these. I'm just not sure how slow “taking things slow” is. ?

  26. I'm 46 yo and I would sleep in the same bed as my 43yo brother because it's all pure and just healthy siblings behaviour!???? I'm lucky to have this great relationship with my brother dammit! What the FUCK is wrong with your husband? This wouldn't sit well with me at all.

  27. Depending when this happened, go to the doctor now and get a urine test. Rohypnol can be detected up to 72 hours later, but time is your enemy. I am not sure of other chemicals.

  28. They go by they and he. So unless he specifically feels that they are a very they mood or very he mood, using bith is appropriate for him.

    I go by she and they. Both are comfortable and acceptable to me. If I'm feeling particularly they, I ask to be referred to as they. If in feeling particularly she, I ask to be referred to as she.

    Your boyfriend made their choice, laid out what is comfortable to them, and your friend T is telling him it's not good enough. No.

    Full stop.

    T does not get to dictate what your partner is allowed to go by.

  29. Who do you think fights in wars

    I'm sorry but you're simply not going to convince me that a 25 year old with a child older than mine isn't a full adult capable of making decisions about who they want to sleep with.

  30. You don't just randomly suggest a threesome with your SIL. It usually means he's had these thoughts (sex with you) for a while and he was using the premise of a threesome to make the move without consequences with his wife.

    That's pretty cringy and I wouldn't put it past him to make a move next time he's drunk.

  31. You two are not compatible. Find someone who values monogamy as much as you do. Not that difficult.

  32. You shouldn’t be defending the age gap. She shouldn’t be defending the age gap. That’s the problem.

  33. That was crossing the line, tbf. The whole kissing her forehead, holding her close and even rubbing her leg.

    My boyfriend isn’t an emotional person, and there’s been a time before I really needed him and he wasn’t there for me at all, but that’s beside the point.

    The less savory part of my mind had the assumption that your bf had a crush on your roommate and use that chance to basically be physically close to her (seeing that the reason is her cat died) and she can't say 'no' or think 'weirdly' on it.

    I would tell him that you are surprised at his gentleness and intimate gestures toward your roommate when she's in pain versus when you're in pain and how he was not there for you at all. Bring it up on that comparison, instead of thinking that you're insecure, etc. Everyone has some sort of insecurity, but I think if your partner can't support you and be gentle with you but more than happy to provide with another person…yeah, it is a red flag.

  34. Maybe not broken but redefining what love means to you. If your past relationships’ sparks were toxic flames, you may be looking past what sparks are there now.

    When you’re used to turmoil, everything else feels dull until you learn how to see things from a different vantage point.

    You didn’t describe much in the sparks department but you also said he’s your best friend and you seem to have a solid partnership dynamic and that alone is gold. Make sure both of you understand your own, and each other’s, needs and what your expectations are. If you’re in agreement, keep doing what you’re doing.

  35. This is what you call sweet, ready for commitment and basically overall husband material? Damn, all my life I did something wrong… /s

  36. Her “perfect picture” was destroyed. She doesn’t want the blended family/ex/step kid drama. Take her up on lawyer offer before she changes her mind. They will require a retainer which she can pay up front and can’t rescind. Regardless of how things turn out you’ll need the lawyer.

  37. I'm always supportive of her, I'm her only supporter, and those are her words. Ever since we were friends, I supported her and helped her and, in a sense, “guided” her. I'm just going to keep supporting her. Thank you for your reply

  38. Yes. If you go on there the writers go extremely detailed which is why it’s so popular. Lots use it daily and before they go to bed.

    Tumblr lowkey has some good erotica too

  39. Breakup now. She isn't ready to be in a relationship. Tell her to check back with you when she understands why getting high with an ex is a bad idea.

  40. It’s not most definite, it’s an assumption based on judgement of a person from a second hand source

    That’s a lot of assumptions made about how she will act when she’s married, you have no idea either

    Have some empathy and try to put yourself in the girlfriend, not your interpretation of the boyfriends interpretation of his girlfriend’s actions

  41. All I'm hearing is you married a guy who bodyshames you all the time.

    This was a mistake. He doesn't respect you. He can't be talked out of this.

  42. I have a lot of friends. I hang out w people regularly. Usually she’s included with what we’re doing, but also a lot of the time I go out and do things w my friends, as she does with hers separately from time to time. Most couples I know live together or see each other regularly, so I don’t want to pin it as much as I desperately need her by my side all the time. But for a relationship like ours where we don’t see each other every day, I generally carry the expectation that we’ll see each other most weekends, barring something that is going on that we need to attend, or will at least make the effort to. I’m giving her her space, it’s just difficult to come to terms w it when I already don’t see her a lot

  43. What I'd ask is does the fiance always dismiss ops feelings, talk as if her family is their only real family, tell him his dad doesn't care? She just sounds jealous that his parents are going to cost more to have there than hers. So what!

    . It sounds like whilst her parents will have a room, she doesn't like the idea of his parents having a suite.

    Op. Sit and tell her what's happening. You are paying for your parents because they could not afford it otherwise, if she needs to help out hher parents in the same way, she should do it. If you are paying for over half the wedding, you are putting in your fair share.

  44. It is obvious how hot you try to make her sound unresonable while leaving out what is the most crucial detail in this whole story:

    What happened early in the relationship that made/makes her distrust you? I would guess there was a situation where a boundary was broken while you lied about being at home/sleeping.

    The most reveiling is how you react to this fact:

    1) You try to hide it at the end of you post after you went on and on about how clingy and irrational she is

    2) You write that she should “get over it”.

    Be real: You broke her trust and you are now pissed that there are consequences for that. If you are just here to get some sympathy then I have bad news: You will not get any.

    If this is too much for you end the relationship. But quit playing the victim when you are obiously the one who perpetrator.

  45. however you are feeling is legitimate.

    but, at the same time… what he might be hearing is that you don't like his being so attracted to you.

    he needs to learn when and how to convey his attraction in a way that feels positive to you rather than just being excessively handsy.

    it sounds simple but its honestly harder than it sounds like it should be on the surface. some people really need and benefit from physical touch. others are averse to it. what would be totally reasonable and positive for one would be way too much for another. honestly it could be a developing incompatibility. you are both young enough that this sorta thing could plausibly be something new without it being an unforseen change in the big picture.


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